MovieChat Forums > dteam6 > Replies

dteam6's Replies

Admittedly, I haven't watched Biden on camera that much but I watched the debate footage and the guy...seemed fine. Boring. Old and boring but fine. I'm no fan of either candidate but I can say this much: Biden conducts himself closer to what you'd expect from a president than Donald does. I DO think Biden let Trump get under his skin too much and should have tried to let it roll of his back. He's a bully. A nasty bully who WANTED to rile Biden up. Biden shouldn't have taken the bait no matter HOW personal that abhorrent PIG made it. Aside from that, Biden was rather tough with Trump and stood his ground well enough despite teetering over the personal insults against his son. I'm no huge fan of Biden but he's at least a SANE individual. I'll take him. Our country doesn't need a loud, rude, abhorrent PIG running it. Donald is the absolute embodiment of every single American cliche other countries envision of all of us Americans: Fat, loud, rude, uncultured, uncouth, racist, power-hungry, thinks he owns everything, thinks he can do whatever he wants, etc. It's beyond tired and embarrassing at this point. Enough of this fucking clown show. After four years of this nonsense I know I'm speaking for a majority of Americans and most of the world when I say: I'm utterly EXHAUSTED. And none of his supporters give a shit either. They actually think he behavior last night was "strong" and "smart". I mean...Jesus tap dancing CHRIST... And, as predicted, his supporters are all hear, knee pads strapped on tight, volunteering to take turns kissing Donald's old, orange, wrinkly ass. Just look at them shamelessly defending schoolyard bully behavior. God help us--40% of our country thinks bullying behavior is good conduct for a leader. Disgusting. We can't wash our hands of this psycho fast enough, I tell you. The entire world is shaking its head at us and the monster we have in power. You are part of a small, vocal minority of lunatics who support this madman. "Sharp, aggressive and unrelenting" forgot "rude, unprofessional, immaturely interrupting his opponent and the moderator...". No wonder you like him--you admire uncouth SHIT behavior. And Biden looked perfectly fine to me. And I highly doubt he needs a golf cart to move more than ten feet in any given area either. Wait--so you're against Biden saying "Shut up, man" but not against Donald constantly interrupting Biden AND the moderator at every turn like a grade schooler? THAT is acceptable to you? Who says they don't? Racist dog whistling as usual. He's militarizing all the racist knuckle draggers of this country. He's counting on this half-apes to protect him when he loses the election. I wouldn't at all be surprised if several of these knuckle draggers show up to cause trouble on Biden's inauguration day. Donald knows where his bread is buttered. He wouldn't DARE put these guys down. Without them, he doesn't stand a snow ball's chance in hell at this election and he knows it. Sick bastard... Knuckle draggers... That would explain SO much if Bubbathehut was THE Bubba. SO much. His prison wife, Bubba, is waiting. He's going to give himself a "MAGA" heart attack one of these days with that fast food diet. On the path? That path has reached its destination. Do the Trumpers care? Nope. Not ONE...SINGLE...IOTA. Trumpers don't care. These Trumpers could have the companies they work for go bankrupt, discover that Trump was behind it and STILL wind up praising him. They'd call it "smart business" and find some way to retroactively place the blame on Obama. Sadly, this isn't even a stretch. Donald could fart in their faces and they'd happily inhale his orange fart gas while simultaneously begging for more. He could punch them in the faces and they'd brag to their friends: "I got punched by Trump! Whoop!!!". One thing is for certain--no matter HOW the debates turn out the cultists already have their responses ready to go: "Trump crushed him!" "Trump is smart and playing the long game!" "MAGA!" "Greatest debate of all time!" "Go get em, Trump!" Donald could fart and piss his pants on stage and his cultists would say it was "ingenious" and that Donald was somehow "playing 4D chess with Biden". Donald could stumble and fumble over his words and his base would just say "He's pretending to be dumb" or "fake liberal media manipulated the footage to make Trump look stupid!". One thing is for certain: reality will NOT play a role in the Trump cultist replies. FUCK Donald Trump I'm convinced that Donald's cult would do ANYTHING for him. Absolutely ANYTHING. That's not victory you smell--that's podunk butt juice from the trailer park dwellers waving those flags. They can't afford toilet paper and used their own Trump 2020 signs as ass rags. All I know is this: I don't think I can take another 4 years of that fucking orange, ugly, sweaty, flabby, fat-ass face of his all over the news. Time for this Trump fever-dream to FUCK OFF and END already.