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WTF? Eric "Public Moron" Trump comes out as gay on 'Fox & Friends' this morning!

This morning on 'FOX & Friends', guest Eric Trump shocked viewers as he awkwardly came out as being gay.

In a discussion about an article in the NYT about a lesbian woman who is a staunch Trump supporter, surprised viewers when he responded:

“The LGBT community, they are incredible, and you should see how they come out in full force for my father every single day. I’m part of that community, and we love the man.”

I guess playing the Village People's songs 'YMCA' and 'Macho Man' at his daddy's rallies has really worked on him, but....maybe he should have told his wife Lara first, before publicly outing himself on national TV as being gay ?

That's going to be one hell of a family dinner he goes home to tonight.


I guess then he'll like Rikers cause that's where he's going. Hopefully they'll let him pick out a skirt and stilettos. He's gonna need 'em!


I think the dems are working to shut down rikers...


Wolfies bro is gay?
The public moron ?
Maybe a desperate attempt for LGBT votes?


Yup. Wolfie's bro is gay. Came out this morning on FOX & Friends. I wonder if Trump choked on his Egg McMuffin when he saw this ? Wonder if Lara called her divorce attorney ?


You seem to be inordinately interested in people's sexual preference there, Skippy.


No not so much, dingleberry. I - like millions of other Americans - were just shocked that he came out as gay this morning. Didn't see that one coming. There's someone else you can fantasize about, and stop following me around.


Sweetie, your plumbing doesn't interest me.


Glad to hear it . Now you have Eric's plumbing to lust after.


Wow! To be the side of inclusivity, you seem to want to shame him. Isn't it called a "pride parade" for a reason? And yet, here you are attempting to shame him for something you should be proud of. Such hypocrisy, dogdump.

They pay you well being a 50 cent komrade?


How do I seem to want to shame him ? By directly quoting him, or expressing my emotion of 'shock' like millions of other Americans ? Or my suggestion that he may want to have told his wife first before he came out on public television ? Which one do you consider 'shaming' him ?


Oh? So you don't want to shame him? Why don't you accept him then? Why don't you say how brave he is for standing with them? Instead you attribute the Village People. Don't you idiot dems say it's okay to be gay and they should be proud? Yet, do you do that? No. Clearly by your words, you look down on gay people.

Does the 50 cent army pay well, komrade?


Why does he need 'acceptance' from me ? Why in the world would I need to accept or reject him? The only one he needs acceptance from his his father - and he hasn't gotten it yet in his life. He gets shame and rejection from his father - and Aunt Maryanne.

What exactly do you mean by 'brave for standing with them' ? What is wrong with crediting the Village People for helping him come to terms with his sexuality ? When did I say he shouldn't be proud of being gay ? Why are you opposed to gay people ?

Take your time. You've dug a very deep grave for yourself.


Because you are supposed to be the party of the minority. If he stands with the alphabet people then why aren’t you praising him?

Because you don’t. You don’t care either way. You only want to further your false narrative.

50 cent army pay well?




His prison wife, Bubba, is waiting.


I'm sure Bubbathegut can't wait for him to arrive.


That would explain SO much if Bubbathehut was THE Bubba. SO much.


I think Bubbathegut is The Bubba. You have doubts ? LOL!


Rather than using homos as the butt of the joke again, it would be more pertinent to point out the bald-faced lie that the LGBT community have ever come out in support of Trump. It’s ludicrous that he would think anyone would believe such a steaming pile.

Gay people know a bully when they see one.


I think his lie was completely overshadowed by his coming out as gay on FOX & Friends. That is what everyone is discussing the past two days, no one paid attention to the lie.


There you go again.

Look, I know you think you are scoring points by intentionally misinterpreting what Eric Trump said, but the fact is by doing so you are actually engaging in the old trope of ridiculing someone you disagree with by suggesting they are gay. Making a joke of being gay. It might be funny to you but I find it just as offensive as Eric falsely claiming the support of a community that on the whole would want nothing more than to see Trump gone forever.

Eric isn't gay, he's a fucking liar just like dear old dad. Enough said.


Pay attention to what he says. If anyone else said what he said, they also would be understood as coming out as gay - many celebs and high profile people have indeed said something similar when they came out. Not sure where 'the joke' is .

Not sure why you're so upset about this, you may not like him but he should be comfortable with his sexuality.


Not sure? Oh so you're retarded then. I don't know how I could have been clearer.

Keep going then. ERIC COMES OUT AS GAY. What a jolly old laugh that is. Ha.


This seems like a very sensitive topic for you. Maybe you need to deal with this in private, and not on a public forum.


No, maybe YOU should think about who YOU are using as a tool of ridicule in your war against Trump.

And yeah, it's a sensitive topic. I have no problem discussing it in public though, so please don't suggest what I should do in public or private. Pull your fucking head in, ok?


It's really troubling you - so if you want to share, go ahead...


You are troubling me and I said why.

Congrats on losing one of the few people who didn't totally write you off as a demented troll here.

Good luck.


Thanks - try to get some help.


Yeah mate will do. Good on ya.


That’s why that guy got killed by the anti-fa guy in Portland, innit mate. He was gay and pro Trump.

Now just look sad and say d’oh.


This is the video of the interview where Eric told the world he's gay.


What does that have to do with my post?

Can you say “Free Tibet”? Yes or no?
