MovieChat Forums > Politics > Say goodbye to your parents, your neighb...

Say goodbye to your parents, your neighbors, and your friends

Because the Trump Coivd-19 plan for herd immunity in which 7/10 Americans are infected will kill millions in the next four years. Perhaps you will die.

The truth is powerful:




I notice you can't defend Trump's actions.


I notice you have nothing positive to say about your candidate Joe Biden.


This thread isn't about Joe Biden - stop deflecting and try to stay on topic.


He had a major defection, but I didn't have a problem with pointing out the many positive things I like about a Biden presidency. Maybe it'll wake Bubba up from his stupor.


Nothing will wake up Bubba from his stupor. Nothing at all.


Joe Biden: “We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and ... correct the public health.”

Joe's best days are behind him, I feel bad for the guy because the liberal establishment forced him to run because they didn't want Bernie to win the nomination. He should just retire and enjoy his life.


Bubba, you need to stop getting your news from youtube because you're easily fooled by deep fakes. If you're not intelligent enough to recognize truth from nonsense, then you should only gleam credibile sources like reuters.

Biden sounds perfectly fine - presidential and intelligent - unlike Trump who killed 100,500 Americans. Same interview without fake deep:


hahaha its same video, but nice try. He is better off if he only talks for 5 minutes or less. I will have to try that deep fake line sometime soon.


Your video was misleading, out of context and exaggerated. He made plenty of sense and is more intelligent than your "disinfectants should be injected" Trump.

BTW, Trump killed 200,500+ Americans. Why are you supporting that?


It will probably hit 201,000 by tomorrow. What a sad country this is.


I have repeatedly wrote positive things about him on this board.

I wrote that he’s already working even though he's not president yet. While Trump plays golf and ignores coronavirus, Biden assembled a team last Spring and is consulting with them re: repairing the economy and beating covid. I’m impressed by that.

I like his experience and those of his team which means they will know what to do and how to do it from day one.

I also wrote about his policies and plans in depth and the reason why I was so excited about them. Biden's plans are pro-middle-class, pro-innovation and most importantly, practical and doable.

The main problem I've had with politicians is when they create plans which can’t be fulfilled because they are unrealistic from the beginning like Trump's unbuilt wall that Mexico didn't pay for or Yang's UBI.

Biden's plans are very realistic and detailed which will move America FORWARD and make us stronger and wealthier as a nation.

I also spoke about leadership and responsibility that is needed from a president which Biden accepts.

I also spoke about Biden's compassion which impressed me. And I believe my first post was about his patriotism when he announced his candidacy.

I've been on Biden's website where I read his detailed plans for creating middle-class jobs, innovative technology, expanding ACA, fixing the economy, restoring our leadership role in the world, supporting true democracy in our country, someone who will stand up to Putin and our foreign enemies.

You can go on his website which has his plans.

I searched for Trump’s, but he doesn’t have any plans. Even his MAGA slogan is stale since he ruined America with all the covid deaths, bad economy and bankruptcies, pollution, quality of life. There is nothing great about Trump's America: some of my coworkers are dead, stores around me are closing, etc.


Whassa matter, no stores to loot tonight?

The sky is falling tactics aren't working anymore.

Open your eyes
Open your ears
Open your mind
The truth is powerful if you'll only allow it in

Here's a new tid-bit.
Coronavirus cover-up in Nashville


"The sky is falling tactics aren't working anymore."

The majority of demonstrations are peaceful, therefore you're the one projecting by creating fear tactics suggesting otherwise.

You're also deflecting by failing to address the topic which is about your family, friends and neighbors dying.

Which of your family members or friends are you willing to allow die?


The virus is over-hyped and taking away our freedoms (did you know there are plenty of other ways people can die but we don't shut things down?). The riots are under reported but fake news acts like all is well even though there's more than one billion dollars in damages submitted to insurance companies. Nothing to see here!

My friends, family and neighbors are not dying from Covid. A neighbor recently died from CANCER. A man I know was in a horrific traffic accident and died from his injuries but a strange thing happened. His wife wasn't allowed to see his body for several days because they wanted to first test him for COVID! WTF for???!!!!! As if I don't know. 🙄

Open your eyes!
Wake up!!


The overwhelming majority of marches are peaceful. Three have literally passed in front of my home. One passed a few blocks away. At least a dozen demonstrations and marches have happened on the block were I work. All very peaceful. No rioting, nor stealing. I thought it was interesting to watch two young white teens drawing BLM on the sidewalk in chalk as I went to lunch. What a beautiful thing when young people want to support justice and each other! I'm very hopeful and proud of Generation Z.

Your propaganda news shows have to create fear by pretending there are riots everywhere because Trump has not achieved anything. No wall, bad economy, and a pandemic, failed tariff war. Stores are closing all around me because of Trump's mismanagement of Covid.
No school, no work = idleness = Trumps America!

I'm offended by your denial of covid the same way I take offense at people who deny the Holocaust or 9/11. You're repeating Russian propaganda!!

I wasn't paying attention to this virus until someone I knew started telling me how scared the doctors she personally knew were in March. That finally got my attention because I know doctors don't scare easily.

Since then, There have been at least four deaths in the building where I work. Many others became sick and some were hospitalized close to death. People I deal with on the phone are sick or have been sick with this fighting for months to regain their health. Parks in my area have memorials of relatives who died and I can't talk to anyone without their mentioning dead relatives or friends. My friend lost her child to this.

Covid is not confused with other illnesses because of the symptoms and the ways it attacks the body. Autopsies clearly show the destruction it leaves on the heart, brain and other organs. You sound ignorant because you don't know this. I suggest you watch less propaganda news and lying politicians like Trump who believes injecting disinfectant is a good idea.


"The virus is over-hyped..."

The families and friends of the 200,000 Americans who died from COVID 19 would most likely disagree with you.


You added 191,000 too many. 😉


So only 9,000 died to coronavirus?

Sounds like something only the qAnon cult would say.


Ha! If you blinked you missed the super quick whisper that the CDC finally admitted the true COVID numbers. 😉


you're saying that the entire planet shutdown their economies because nobody died. You're a fool!


You said that. Not me.


You're a fool! I said it, too.


Agreed, you and Keelai are both fools!


Too? So you admit that you're a fool.

Snepts, you and I all agree that you are a fool!


No, you and snepts! 🙄


Don't waste time arguing with pedo defenders... just remind them of what they are.


You're right. It's sickening that they defend such evil filth.


President Donald Trump endorses accused child molester Roy Moore

Jeffrey Epstein showed off 14-year-old victim to Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago



"Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants

"“Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half naked changing into our bikinis,”

“He just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Other girls were naked.”

Some of the girls were as young as 15.

Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here."

Three other girls chose to remain anonymous, but told the publication it was "creepy" and "shocking".

Mr Trump said on the Howard Stern radio show in 2005 that he was “allowed”, as the owner of the pageant, to go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed."


Yeah, no cares what pedos and their apologists have to say. Your post is irrelevant.


"Your post is irrelevant."

Obviously not since you replied.


Maybe if we're lucky, that plan will backfire on his own skin. After all, he's what?? 75 years old, tans too much, and is severly getting out of shape.


Matilda- "tans too much"? LOL What is tanning enough?

THINK before you post your dreary nonsense.


What is tanning enough? WOW!

Let's just say when your skin is leathery and orange like Trump's, you've tanned too much.


Funny you should say that M&M! I do know what 'tanning enough' is. I have a cousin who was a sun worshipper in her younger days and for years now her complexion has looked like old leather.

I haven't done that whole "lying out in the sun" thing since I was a teen-ager. I think it's stupid. lol And it's not good for your skin.

I just don't see "tanning" equating with being a bad President. Surely you can see that. Matilda , however, is too juvenile to get it!


Trump cares more about his tan, golfing, watching TV and tweeting than he does running the country.


Keelai- You're still alive, so what are you b#tching about? LOL


Because the Trump Coivd-19 plan for herd immunity in which 7/10 Americans are infected will kill millions in the next four years. Perhaps you will die.

The truth is powerful:


If I die then I won't be bombarded with your nonsensical sh$t anymore. A mixed blessing at the very least! lol


Or you could simply put me on ignore.


Aww come on, why would I do that? I've had people suggest that to me before. But I think it is childish in the extreme to just ignore people with whom I disagree.

I just put people like you in the category of "political blister". I've had blisters from tight shoes. The blister just taught me a lesson. Put a band-aid on it or wear different shoes.

It's all a learning experience. LOL


"why would I do that?"

Because death is an extreme solution while clicking the ignore button isn't. You won't because you'd miss me.


Death is an extreme solution? Did you JUST figure that out today? LOLOL

I didn't SAY that it was my "solution" as in committing suicide!

You suggested I click ignore and I said that I wouldn't because, in so many words, I said I'd miss your comments.

Why tell me that I'd miss you? I just SAID it!

Have you been reading the posts of MatildaWormwood and trying to imitate her incoherent gibberish? One dope around here like that is enough. I was giving you credit for being much more intelligent.


"If I die then I won't be bombarded with your nonsensical sh$t anymore. A mixed blessing at the very least!"

Nevertheless, you brought up your own covid death as a semi-positive thing.


Oh gosh, don't you know exaggeration when you hear it?

Despite what I wrote or what you may think, I don't view my OWN death as a "mixed blessing". lol Don't you liberals have ANY sense of humor? Don't be so gloomy!!


"Despite what I wrote or what you may think, I don't view my OWN death as a "mixed blessing"

Apparently you do and now you're backtracking


Well the more you post, the more I realize that death has its good points! LOL Aint NO politics in heaven, in fact, there probably aint no leftwingers there at all.

What's wrong with 'backtracking"? Politicians do it all the time. They often say they "misspoke".

In any case, I will always admit to changing my mind, but lefties will never admit that they are a grim humorless bunch.


My criticism was your denial.

"Aint NO politics in heaven"

You know this how?

"lefties will never admit that they are a grim humorless bunch."

More likely that your jokes are not funny.


Nah, lefties are just a grim, humorless bunch.

You ask how I "know" that there are no politics in heaven? DUH? I realize that as a leftard you're not too bright.
But I didn't figure you for a downright asshat! LOL

I thought that statement would be perfectly clear to anyone with a room temperature I.Q. But I guess lefties like you don't even have I.Q.'s THAT high!

Politics in Heaven? Who runs for office? And how COULD anyone run for office when most politics is based on lies? There's no lying in heaven!

I can't believe that I am even replying to such a stupid question!


"Politics in Heaven?"
Taking from your original premise, it's heaven, therefore the politicians would be honest and good.


So far his achievement is 200K. He needs 4 more years to reach his goal of 3M.


I've heard of voter suppression, but this is ridiculous.


And he audaciously gave himself an A+ on his handling of the virus!
This asshole has to go!


are a liar and a propaganda peddler

also a piece of shit for spreading propaganda, while trying to scare the ignorant masses.

You are absolute shit.


"...trying to scare the ignorant masses."

I'm assuming you're a part of "the ignorant masses" and your reaction tells me you are scared as you should be in regard to the Trump Plan which infects 7/10 Americans and kills at least 3 million.


I guess you haven't heard about Operation Warp Speed, the massive effort to develop a vaccine to the virus in record time. Considering that the virus seems to spread whenever people get together indoors for significant amounts of time, a vaccine is our best chance out of this miserable situation.


"a vaccine is our best chance out of this miserable situation. "

No, it's not. Wearing masks are.

BTW, it normally takes about 10 years to make a vaccine.


"No, it's not. Wearing masks are."

That is incorrect.


Wearing mask, social distancing and washing your hands for 20 seconds.


People need to do all those things, but without a vaccine, we will be doing them until we get to herd immunity. So, actually, the massive financial government investment in a vaccine is precisely because Trump is trying to avoid having to go the herd immunity route.


The vaccine will likely be only 70% effective at most which means an unknown 30% can still become sick. Another 35% of Americans said they won't take the vaccine. Vaccines usually take 10 years to develop. If we're lucky, this one may be out in late 2021 and that's only if the virus doesn't mutate. Obviously, the vaccine won't be a cure-all.

Herd immunity isn't practical. Too many Americans who are overweight or with medical problems like diabetes, cancer, asthma, etc. which makes the illness deadly for them. Millions would die. That's not acceptable.

If everyone in this country wore the masks and social distanced, it would put a huge dent in the virus transmission like it did in New York and New Zealand. In New Zealand, life is practically normal.

Trump said he's doing "herd mentality", but I believe he wanted to pretend everything was fine and nobody would notice thousands dying.

Anyway, the prediction is 410,000+ Americans dead by January.


Vaccines usually take 10 years to develop. If we're lucky, this one may be out in late 2021 and that's only if the virus doesn't mutate.

You mean Trump won't pull the vaccine out of his ass before Election Day like he's promised his herd ?


Maybe it'll be the Russian vaccine that Trumps BFF Putin will allow him to have.


New Zealand has been able to get to this position because they are an island country with two main landmasses surrounded by water. This allows them to limit traffic in and out in an effective manner. The USA, by contrast, is a large country that contains multiple worldwide large travel hubs and that has land borders with other countries. It was seeded in multiple places across the country before it was even known that a new virus had jumped from animals to humans. It was never going to be possible for the USA to be in the same position as New Zealand.

As to getting back to normal, social distancing is the opposite of normal. To say that we will get back to normal by social distancing is a contradiction. As soon as people go back to normal, ie having weddings, going to Church, having parties with their families, the virus spreads exponentially. Cloth masks do help, and we should certainly all be wearing one when we leave our homes, but they do not help as much as you think they do. They are not magical protection and people who are wearing cloth masks do still get the virus. That is, masks do not prevent the need to do social distancing. As long as we have to do social distancing, life is not normal.

I am not really sure what is the point of your claim that the vaccine will only be 70% effective. That is speculation. If 35% of Americans decline to take the vaccine, that is largely due to hysteria being whipped up by the media. The solution is that the media should stop whipping up hysteria over the supposed dangers of any vaccine developed during the Trump administration.

Trump has done a good thing by putting so much funding into development of a vaccine for the virus. I am really disappointed that people are so blinded by their political dislike of him.


Trump is an idiot who refuses to join with other nations to come up with a vaccine quicker. He refused to join other nations re: tests and because of that, we still don't have enough tests for everyone. The vaccine will be a disaster, too.

New Zealand is an island nonsense doesn't fly. Even poor countries in sub-Saharan Africa have been doing much better than the U.S. at controlling the virus because they followed health guidelines created during the outbreaks of ebola and sars and applied them to covid. They took it seriously. Trump didn't follow theh pandemic handbook left to him by two former presidents.

Covid vaccines will be closer to a flu vaccine which is never 100% effective, but around 50-70%.

Normal is not happening for a long time even with a vaccine. Masks exist now so wear one. Vaccines are a long way off.

It's not hysteria. Many people don't trust vaccines. I never take the flu vaccine.


You don't take the flu vaccine? Why not? The flu is a dangerous disease. If you are allergic to the vaccine, that is a valid reason not to get vaccinated, but just not trusting vaccines does not make sense, in my opinion.

Your reasoning pathway on Trump's response to the virus is incoherent, I'm sorry to tell you. The vaccine effort that Trump instigated is going as fast as a vaccine effort can go. It is being done well and, so far, properly. Regarding tests, the main cause of the initial failure of testing was the initial primers were bad. This caused delay. That has nothing to do with cooperating with other countries. It was a technical fault by scientists. These things happen.

To say that Trump didn't take the pandemic seriously is just silly. Fauci has been advising him from the beginning and Fauci is the gold standard. Fauci himself said that Trump follows his advice. Even the initial decision not to recommend masks had good reasoning behind it, including the need to preserve N95 masks for medical professionals, and the fact that many people adopt a false sense of security when wearing masks. For example, I see people all the time in stores with their masks pulled down under their noses, thus defeating the purpose of the mask. These people think they are protected although they are not.

Although there are no guarantees, there is a really good chance that an initial vaccine will be ready for initial use by early 2021. If none of the vaccine candidates work, then the country (and world) as a whole will have to re-evaluate the best strategy going forward.


Goals are met faster working as a team. Going it alone for the first time especially during this pandemic is dumb. If Europe comes up with a vaccine first, then we won't get it and more people die.

Trump refused the tests and the U.S. tests were flawed. More stupidity from Trump. And he mismanaged covid.

"To say that Trump didn't take the pandemic seriously is just silly."
You're in denial or blind. Trump is holding rallies and telling people not to wear masks and to liberate.

I social distance and wear a mask. Unlikely to get the flu anytime soon. Most Americans don't get a flu shot. It contains mercury and formaldehyde. No thanks. Someone in my old building died after she took the shot, too.

"re-evaluate the best strategy going forward. "
That's my point. Stop wasting time and do it now. It will save lives now.


Sorry, your whole post is incoherent here.


You mean your reading comprehension is low.
This should help you:


You routinely make broad claims without evidence and then sneer at people who point this out. Does this work for you? As an example, you claim that goals are met faster working as a team. In this case, actually, it is better to have multiple groups independently working on the vaccine. Trump has spearheaded the investment of billions into the vaccine effort. It's very strange to be so worried that we'll be left behind other countries. Also, the US is participating in the Astra Zeneca vaccine effort, as is the EU. So the claim that we are not cooperating is invalid.

If this wasn't an area I know, I probably wouldn't realise that your points are incoherent. If you want to rant on the internet, that's fine. We all like to do that sometimes. I try not to get into the politics section but you are promoting hysteria and I don't think that is a good idea. Just my opinion.


multiple groups = team

"AstraZeneca's vaccine trial still on pause in US"

"World leaders came together in a virtual summit Monday to pledge billions of dollars to quickly develop vaccines and drugs to fight the coronavirus. Missing from the roster was the Trump administration, which declined to participate "

200,000 Americans are dead now. 400,000 will be dead by January 1. Realistically, 3-4 million dead under Trump's plan.

Only a sociopath wants to remain calm as so many fellow Americans are needlessly dying around him.


Your links don't back up your statements. Your claim that 3-4 million will be dead under Trump's plan is also not backed up. Do you understand how vaccines work? The entire point of vaccines is to prevent death. Trump's administration has spearheaded something unprecedented. Pushing hard to get a vaccine is the right thing to do. They have even made plans to ensure there are sufficient materials to distribute the vaccines: syringes, vials, reagents, freezers. I am not a Trump fan but when people fail to give credit where it's due then I stop taking them seriously.


FUCK Donald Trump
