I have repeatedly wrote positive things about him on this board.
I wrote that he’s already working even though he's not president yet. While Trump plays golf and ignores coronavirus, Biden assembled a team last Spring and is consulting with them re: repairing the economy and beating covid. I’m impressed by that.
I like his experience and those of his team which means they will know what to do and how to do it from day one.
I also wrote about his policies and plans in depth and the reason why I was so excited about them. Biden's plans are pro-middle-class, pro-innovation and most importantly, practical and doable.
The main problem I've had with politicians is when they create plans which can’t be fulfilled because they are unrealistic from the beginning like Trump's unbuilt wall that Mexico didn't pay for or Yang's UBI.
Biden's plans are very realistic and detailed which will move America FORWARD and make us stronger and wealthier as a nation.
I also spoke about leadership and responsibility that is needed from a president which Biden accepts.
I also spoke about Biden's compassion which impressed me. And I believe my first post was about his patriotism when he announced his candidacy.
I've been on Biden's website where I read his detailed plans for creating middle-class jobs, innovative technology, expanding ACA, fixing the economy, restoring our leadership role in the world, supporting true democracy in our country, someone who will stand up to Putin and our foreign enemies.
You can go on his website which has his plans.
I searched for Trump’s, but he doesn’t have any plans. Even his MAGA slogan is stale since he ruined America with all the covid deaths, bad economy and bankruptcies, pollution, quality of life. There is nothing great about Trump's America: some of my coworkers are dead, stores around me are closing, etc.