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Shut Up, Man!

Definitely a civil (NOT) retort from an ex-vice president of the United States to a current president of the United States. 🙄

Remember Joe Biden’s infamous civil (NOT) retort to another person:

”If you don’t vote for ain’t Black!

This was to a Black man! Way to go Joe!🙄


He is already dumping out t shirts on it. 30 bucks for them,I don't think so. But the money does to to China to make them so that is okay. I have yet to see even a biden sign so I can't even think of the loon that would by those instead.


$30 t-shirts for the less than ten people that show up to hear him speak.


LOL! 😅😂🤣 What gets me riled is the fact he’s hidden all the time...I think in his basement. He won’t answer questions from reporters. He should because they would just be asking softball questions. Maybe something like “Is that really you Joe behind the mask? We never see you Joe without the mask. Are you sure someone is else is pretending to be you? Whatcha know Joe?”
Joe (we think) answers “Not much, but my daddy always told me to take care of my sisters.”


Do you think we can find 60 people to chip in 50 cents each to purchase one? We could take turns wearing it so he’ll think he’s got a big crowd! Of, course after a few wearing may be too ripe!🥴


Just like its "civil" for Trump to interrupt people like small children in a classroom? Not only during this debate but the many press conferences he attended?

Remember earlier this year, an Asian lady asked him about plans to handle the covid-19 pandemic. His response was the ever so classic: "That's a very snarky question! You should ask China!" Then he walked away from the podium without answering the question. Lmfao

Trump was told by that host several times to wait his turn to speak! He couldn't do that, so he deserved to be told to "shut up". If you ask me, "shut up man!" was a much much much much much much much much much nicer version of what Biden, and others at home watching wanted to say.




I don't require a second asshole. I find my own more than sufficient. Besides, Trump's asshole is a particularly malodorous one.


Well Kowalski, does he get your vote or not?





As kids today would say..."same!" 😉


You got it, Kowalski! He is our arsehole! As I’ve wrote many times he makes me cringe! My last words to my daughter before the debate...I hope he doesn’t come out and attack Biden! Well, we saw how that went! He could have gained so much ground if he had just ignored Biden like you would a pesky fly! He should have waited his turn, not interrupted, and countered Biden in a presidential way. He’s too thin skinned, doesn’t like personal attacks against him.

He should have stood his ground when Biden lied about Trump’s handling of Covid-19. Reminded everyone when he closed the borders, he was raked over the coals by the Dems! He could have made known the reason we are in a recession is due to Covid-19. He then could have shot back at Biden’s plan of shutting down the country further could possibly be putting the country in a hole. A hole which would take years to crawl out of if ever! Economists have warned this could happen.

Trump should have denounced white suprematists, neo-nazis, skin heads while taking BLM & Antifa to task for being domestic terrorists. He could have reminded people it isn’t the alt right, Burning, Looting & Murdering, it’s the Black Klan & Anitifa! It isn’t the alt right who are ambushing and murdering police! But, followed with the fact we have to rid our police departments of those who engage in police brutality.

Lastly, Trump should not have sparred with Chris Wallace over the rules of the debate. He should have adhered to the agreement, but have been forceful countering Biden’s lies when it was his turn to speak. Let Biden be remembered for telling the POTUS to ”Shut up, man!” So unpresidential! You don’t like the “man” fine, but respect the office!

No, Trump did not have a good night. Biden did better than most of us thought he would...almost making me think he was privy to the questions as Hillary was. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Kspkap, I agree with you mostly but your comment about "Biden doing better than most of us thought he would" - it depends who you talk to. Someone who follows this on a regular basis (like most of us on the board) might see it that way knowing his track record but someone who doesn't follow it would most likely think the opposite after what they witnessed last night because maybe their expectations were higher.

A friend of mine who doesn't have time to watch/listen to all the political stuff texted me last night and said that she could see through Joe during the debates and could NEVER vote for him. I started to mention all the goofy stuff he says/does and she didn't know he was that bad. Her eyes are open now.

What I'm saying is, our expectations of Joe is so low that if he can even speak a coherent sentence or two, he's doing good so to us it only seemed like he didn't "do that bad." But of course he did and he was lying through his teeth most of the night.

I don't think Trump had a bad night but they both should have honored the agreed to 2 minute rule.
My local news immediately after the debate said they shouldn't debate any more so that to me indicated Trump won and they're scared because if they thought Biden did good, they'd want much more of this, not less. Plus they don't want to gamble any major blunders coming from him.

Trump definitely could have pointed out a lot of what you mentioned though.
I think they tried to cover too much in too little time so the responses didn't get the time needed before moving on to the next subject.


Also, just shoot them in the leg.

-Biden, 2020


I forgot about that one.

How about this one--
"No I haven't taken a test! Why the hell would I take a test? Are you a junkie?!"


Wait--so you're against Biden saying "Shut up, man" but not against Donald constantly interrupting Biden AND the moderator at every turn like a grade schooler? THAT is acceptable to you?


At least Joe proved he could stay awake for 90 minutes. 🙄


That he did! Of course he had been out of sight for a week! Resting I suppose. His team wanted breaks during the debate. No can do!


If dems are going to be uncivil too, then why are they bitching about Trump then? Once again, dem hypocrisy. They sit in their ivory towers looking down their condescending noses and never realizing they are just as uncouth as pillager.

Doesn't matter. Biden got triggered.


They already have t-shirts out if you want to be conned into buying one.
