Two Police Officers Shot in Kentucky!
Savage Beasts!
shareAh, I get it--when they attack the cops you guys immediately call them savage beasts but when cops murder citizens--like Floyd--or permanently disable an innocent elderly Indian man who was just taking a walk or knocking an old man to the ground, making him bleed from the head, you guys are suddenly all about "wait for the full story" and "it's a hoax article!" and "those poor, misunderstood boys in blue!".
I'm not defending the shooter in this story or any other assault story--I'm merely pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of you bozos.
I'm all for the full story. The more information the better.
Cops aren't going out murdering people, black or otherwise. They're doing a tough job and deal with criminals every day. Floyd resisted arrest like just about every other case we've seen this year. Have you seen those long videos from his arrest till the COP was administering CPR to Floyd in the ambulance? Did you know he was overdosing on some heavy drugs during the time of his arrest?
How about the fool in the Wendy's drive through? Everything was all good until that fool resisted arrest. But nah, the news just says the cops killed an innocent black man sleeping in the Wendy's parking lot. They also claimed Floyd never resisted arrest! What a joke! He resisted for a very long time.
This doesn't mean there aren't bad cops; there's bad people in every occupation (doctors, teachers, priests, etc.) but this idea that "white cops are just out there killing 'innocent' black people" is complete nonsense.
Police have to make split second decisions. They have every right to protect themselves.
Cops are being slaughtered for NO REASON other than the fact they're a cop! They're being shot at just sitting in their police cars and while working at these riots.
The cops continue to be villainized daily while claiming that the criminals were innocent heroes! 🤢
I'm against violence of any kind on anyone 100%!
You are picking and choosing the stories you're upset over. There's a boat load of other stories that do not fit your narrative that does not get the same attention.
Your side does not want all of the facts, but you go by a snippet of a viral video that does not tell the whole story.
Even after facts come out, your side digs your heels in even deeper. Talk about hypocrisy!!
I am pleasantly surprised that you said you aren't defending the shooter in this story. That's a start.