Two Police Officers Shot in Kentucky!
Savage Beasts!
shareWont be on the woke news.
shareOr they'll gloss over it like it's no big deal.
shareIt won't be on the news because the killers have no chance of being found innocent. What would there be to report? That justice is being handled the way it's supposed to be?
sharePolice officers being shot should be on the National news. It doesn’t have to be some “social justice” parade for it to be a news story.
The mainstream media is a joke at this point, and they’ve earned that reputation.
Not good news. I hope they're ok.
shareI hope so too, tim.
This violence solves absolutely nothing.
I heard that at least one of the officers were only a block away from the hospital upon being shot. Not sure about the other one because I've been busy so I haven't been able to hear all of the updates.
You might be surprised to hear that I completely agree with you. I'm totally against violence as a form of protest and think the rule of law should be respected, even if some enforcing that law are overstepping their positions and making matters worse.
Would be a nice time for everyone to lay down their guns and start working through all these issues like reasonable, intelligent people. I know it's infinitely more complex than just talking things over, but there has to be someone at the top who calls for peace while acknowledging the systemic problems that are dividing the country. At the moment all I see are two sides demonizing each other and a leader at the top who encourages those divisions rather than doing anything to heal them. Trump wants Republicans and Democrats to hate each other and war it out. He calls himself the president of law and order while in reality his rhetoric just causes more chaos. At least that's the way it looks.
Sort it out America. I want to visit soon and it would be nice if I could do so without worrying about being shot or catching the rona.
These are Democrat party voters shooting cops encouraged by Democrat party leadership and Democrat party media.
These things happened under Obama, a Democrat, as well. He also encouraged the violence.
These cases are looked at in depth by gran juries made up of black and white men and women.
The problem is the Democrat media/leadership incite violence based on a few seconds of video or sometimes even less, that doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s done on purpose because they are trying to tear down the US. They’ve been at it since the 1960s.
Oh gosh, Gd! You just said pretty much what I did but without the need to create 3 separate posts! 😂😅
I guess I could have kept it more brief but tim is at least fair in conversations so I do go the extra mile for him.
No worries I usually run on aimlessly and make no sense and then have to edit it. My brains faster than my fingers.
And I agree with your below post. It’s all about due process. Something the Communist Democrat Media/Party despises. Like freedom.
Yep. They jump to conclusions and are empty of facts but quick to judge.
But like we know, the media aides in this.
They know what's going on but if they dare said it, they'd lose their job.
I don't know how they sleep at night.
People who aren't even political are being taken along for the ride and they don't even know that's why.
Thank you, tim. I appreciate that.
We have something called Due Process. The court of public opinion has gotten completely out of hand especially in the past decade, (which I'm sure social media has a lot to do with it).
The media itself is highly to blame for this because they're notorious for omitting critical information in reporting &/or inserting their own opinion, and they do this on purpose in order to advance an agenda, one that always leans left.
They've been doing this for a long time. I started noticing it 30 years ago but it's been going on longer than that.
We are able to peacefully assemble. Anything beyond that, like what we've been seeing over the past 4 months is criminal and those people should be arrested and kept in jail. But we now have politicians who bail out prisoners so they can continue to cause more unrest and of course, so they can vote (Democrat)!
As far as people getting hurt or killed during these "protests," there have been many objects used as weapons so this really isn't about guns as it is about violence and destruction in general.
Trump DOES call for peace! The media portrays him as if he is the one dividing everyone but that is simply not true! I hate to bring up Obama but I have to because I believe HE restarted much of the division. Not that there wasn't any before he came along but he certainly fanned the flames and encouraged violence against cops. What Obama actually did (fanning the flames), they accuse Trump of! Democrats always blame Republicans for what they're guilty of. They also have the media in their back pocket.
Obama did not tell black people to stop and obey police in order to not be put in a position where an officer may have to use deadly force, which would have been so easy for him to get that message across. Instead, he BLAMED the police! He made the criminals seem innocent.
He always was hailed as the black messiah by the media and with his SILENCE about what blacks were and still are doing wrong gave them the go ahead and push it further by taunting and continuing to disobey police.
OBAMA wanted division! Instead of him siding with police and giving them some credit as they sometimes have to make split second decisions, putting their own lives at risk daily, he villainized them and it's been going on ever since. Now they've upped the ante because the Democrats are using this as a way to get rid of Trump.
I understand there are bad cops. There's bad people in every occupation. But cops are not out looking to hunt and kill blacks. This whole thing isn't even about racism. BLM, etc. are the ones making it about race. They're picking and choosing the cases that fit their agenda where an "innocent black" got killed at the hands of a white cop.
Police officers are the ones at a much higher risk of being killed than the other way around. I believe it's by at least 18%!
Trump is on the side of law and order. There is no systemic racism going on here. It's made up. There's an agenda perpetuated by the media and the Democrats to win the election. That's what this is all about. It happens every election, only not to this degree because there's never been a stronger Republican president in office before whom they DESPISE.
Trump absolutely does not want Republicans and Democrats to hate each other. He wants to work with them but they refuse because of their hatred for him.
As far as his "rhetoric," the left-wing news media and the Democrats are filled with hate for him and they do not like that he (especially being an outsider) called them out on fake news and slimy Democrats so this is pure revenge, not only on Trump but Trump supporters as well. Only people see through it and more are waking up to it. They simply can't handle the truth that they label it "rhetoric."
I understand you don't like him and you don't have to. But he is NOT wrong.
When Trump wins reelection, I expect more unrest to continue for a while as they have their meltdowns and then it'll simmer down by December, at least in the cold, Democrat-run states. At that point Democrats will be busy trying to impeach Trump again in hopes to get rid of him. BLM will fade into oblivion until the next election. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I would welcome you to America! Hopefully you'll be able to visit sometime soon. 🙂 Have you ever been here? I have a niece who desperately wants to visit Australia!
Thanks for hearing me out, tim. Sorry for the very long response!
(If this early report is correct), One officer in surgery and the other is alert, sounds like he's ok.
One suspect in custody.
What is going to happen in the future. California has already passed a law about no fuel cars coming up.Do these people think the goverment will let them sit around and buy them everything they won't from now on.
shareWhat does this have to do with 2 innocent police officers getting shot tonight?
I did hear about these no fuel cars but they're talking like 2035ish???
If you defend cops who murder innocent people then that makes you a murderer too.
My biggest wish is for you to be locked up! The world doesn't deserve to have to put up with your ignorant 2-year-old nonsense.
'If you defend cops who murder innocent people, then that makes you a murderer too". What twisted thinking!
By your generalized, sweeping statement that makes defense attorneys criminals and/or murderers too They routinely defend guilty people. Duh!
Is there no limit to your ignorance? It's been said that genius has its limits, but apparently stupidity is infinite.
Your 'biggest wish" is for NAN to be locked up? LOL That's your big wish in life? Even the Scarecrow had a better wish. At least HE wished for a brain!
She's a criminal that's why she should be locked up.
She might be charged with felonies and a aggravated battery in the near future. You defend lunatics like Donald Dumpster and that punk a$$ murduring white trash cop and suddenly turn into one.
Punk a@@? Uh, is THAT "proper English"? You ARE so good at lecturing the rest of us on what is and isn't proper if you'd know...
The ghetto talk just seeps out of you anyway. lol
NAN is a criminal? She might be charged with felonies and aggravated battery in the future? Did you just pull a crystal ball out of your ass to make THAT prediction?
Or are you just confusing her with yourself and your own neighborhood? Dummy!
If someone is constantly defending a murderer or racist, it's fair to think that you yourself is a murderer too.
People who defend police brutality aren't valuable members of society. Valuable members of society treat everyone equally and fairly and don't judge others based on their race, skin color, or where they come from. They demand justice to innocent people whose lives were taken away.
Had Breonna's boyfriend been white, this whole crisis would've never occured and you know it.
So yes! You need to do your @ss a favor,crawl from out of that rock, lay off the cocaine, and quit acting like that bastard cop is a victim. And anyone siding with him deserves the to be labeled as a punk and a murderer.
Uh, it's " yourself ARE a murderer" LOL The only murdering done here is when you murder the English language! Dummy!
To type "you is a murderer", is too funny. I'm guessing that third grade grammar was a big bust for you!
You pathetic loser, you have NO WAY of knowing how I treat people. Your only first hand experience with how I "judge others" is how I judge you. And that judgement is on the basis of how truly ignorant and stupid you are!
If Breonna's boyfriend had been white, he probably would have had a job other than drug dealer and would not have shot at cops!
This "whole crisis" would not have occurred (note the correct spelling of occurred, sorry, I didn't get my education in the 'hood like you apparently did!), if Breonna did not take up with drug dealing scum.
Maybe if she found a law abiding citizen to date, she'd be alive!
"...crawl from out of that rock..."? You mean "out from UNDER that rock", right?
Again with the cocaine? Your insults are SO original! Not! Sorry but I don't have your habits. Dummy!
I'm just worried we won;t have welfare raised large enough for people to buy the new vehicles. I suppose dealers by then will offer a 10 years loan for them.
shareI’m sure they were racist and out actively hunting Black people anyway.
shareWhat they should've done is shoot the cops who killed Breonna. That would be fun to watch.
shareYou are one sick, deranged heifer! Darn it! Why didn’t you visit the World Trade Center on 9/11?
shareWhat's sick is defending cops that MURDER people. God dammit, the job of the police, is to PROTECT the community from REAL criminals not harrass innocent people.
Since your vocabulary is low I'll give you examples of criminals:
-Armed gunman who hold people hostage.
-people who use weapons to kill innocent people.
-sex offenders
-gang bangers
BLM and ANTIFA are now and always have been terrorists organizations.
Absolutely, TimMC!
shareBut they have to be or the goverment will never increase welfare to the amount of cost for things each year.Soon all you can have is electric cars and I doubt dealers will offer 10 year loans for the over 50K cost of them.
shareWhy would you call the 2 police officers shot in KY 'savage beasts' ?
shareYou think you're so slick. 🐍
You know I'm calling the idiot(s) who shot those innocent police officers savage beasts.
You never mentioned the idiot(s) who shot those innocent police officers.
You're thread title is "Two Police Officers Shot in Kentucky!"
and your OP under the thread title is 'Savage Beasts!' - nothing about the shooters.
Logic dictates that you're referring to the subject in your thread as savage beasts. Not my fault you can't communicate properly.
Nobody else is confused, only you.
I posted this thread upon hearing the news. At that point there was no information of their condition, nor was there information about if it was one shooter, two shooters, or if these officers were together or in two in separate areas.
I've since only heard of one arrest (of a black suspect). I don't know if he is the one who shot the cop in the head or shot the other cop in the stomach or if he's responsible for shooting both cops.
Either way, he's a SAVAGE BEAST!
Logic is your weakness. You regularly use a lot of words all over this board to say a whole lot of nothing, much of which no one responds to (except yourself of course). 😆
Correction - nobody else will admit to being confused to spare your feelings, nitwit.
shareIt took you 17 hours to come up with what you think is a clever response to my OP.
You are desperate.
But I appreciate the thread being bumped! 👍🏻
Who said it took 17 hours to truthfully respond to you ? I read your post and responded honestly after I did. It didn't take me 17 hours to read the post (it wasn't that intriguing). Maybe you're confusing me with one of the Trumptards on the forum ?
Larynzo Johnson, 26, was the suspect. 14 counts of wanton endangerment on police officer and two counts of assault on police officer. No prior criminal history besides talking about COD WARZONE.
Thank you, Rori. I saw a little bit about it earlier.
Not long ago it used to be a BIG DEAL to hurt or especially kill a cop! Now there's no fear. The consequences need to be great.