MovieChat Forums > Politics > Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has died at ...

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has died at 87

MSNBC, CNN and PBS are confirming that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg - a hero on the Supreme Court - has died at age 87. A very sad day in America.


Just heard. May she Rest In Peace.


Let us all remember the Obama Rule instituted by Mitch McConnell - a President can not fill an open seat within ten months of an election. Let us all remember that !


Wow! this got political real fast. A very sad day in America.


This got political a long time ago when McConnell said if she passed away he would ignore the 'Obama Rule'.


The Congress can't even get together to vote on a COVID-19 stimulus bill, so there's little chance there are going to be any confirmation hearings until after the election. Leaving it up to the voters is probably not only advisable but practical.




Then again this is 2020... who cares about "advisable" or "practical". "Forget it, Jake, it's 2020town."


It's the Politics board. Have you been following how absolutely disgusting the rump crowd acts here? Kamalatoe, anyone?
We were respectful when McCain and Bush Sr passed, but Mitch McConnell plays loathsome politics with SC appointments.
I'm sick of pubs crying the victim when they and their leaders are scum pirates, laughing in private as they hood-wink and plunder the US citizens.


Did you see what that disgusting person KriSPyKrAP posted on the other thread about Ginsburg?

"Good Riddance you old witch!!

She's such a disgraceful human being, even for a Trumptard. She's one of the lowest of the low to post something like that about an 87 year old woman who made Judicial history.


No I didn't see this but I've always been very disappointed someone here who presents herself as being an elder can speak in such a vile manner. Things are complicated and biased, but I try to be open-minded if someone has an honest argument. All I see here are rumps who think winning the World Series/presidency one year is like making the world better for our children, and it's much worse.


She’s a vile human being. She really is.


That was a rule because Obama was leaving office after 8 years. Donald has another term.But he will need to get reelected to name again.They won't till he does give him another pick.


Lady Graham has a different view. Go back and replay his words from 2016.


Donald can talk about this in ra;;ies. But he needs to get airlines money first before messing with this.


There was no rule. Graham just wants to pack the courts with Federalist judges.


He's already said he and Trump will ramrod Ted Cruz through confirmation. However RBG's last words were “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new President is installed,” Even if they wanted to the Reptiles couldn't get Ted Cruz through Congress in time to beat the election of Biden. But guess what? The new Democratic majority in the Senate will impeach Kavanaugh for lying under oath and install Garland in his place. Then Biden will pick a replacement for RBG & it's within his power to add more justices. There is no rule that says 9 is the limit! How do you like them apples Reptiles!


But guess what? The new Democratic majority in the Senate will impeach Kavanaugh for lying under oath and install Garland in his place. Then Biden will pick a replacement for RBG & it's within his power to add more justices. There is no rule that says 9 is the limit!

Yes, this has been said many times this weekend. Especially about adding more justices to the SC - this will drive the Republicans nutz ! And the fact that they will impeach Kavanaugh has come up a number of times.


That is not what was said, or done, at all. The law, and historical precedent, are firmly on the side of Trump nominating a judge, and the Senate confirming him or her. What McConnell and the Senate did when Obama nominated Garland was the same thing that has always been done.

Here's an article that explains it well:


Sorry to hear this but Trump.


'but Trump'....what ?


But Trump will replace her.


Damn, she didn't make it until after the election. Looks like a +1 to Trump for Supreme Court justice selection. He's pretty much now cemented the legacy with mostly conservative judges now. Probably won't see any more tie breakers.


Nope - remember the 'Obama Rule' put in place by McConnell. I'm sure all republicans up for election this year will continue to honor this if they want to have a chance to be re-elected in November. Democrats will take every legal maneuver to make sure Trump can not move forward with this.


After everything this evil, orange, corrupt son of bitch has gotten away with, nothing would surprise me at this point. NOTHING.


And you can be sure that whatever Trump does, illegal or otherwise, his soulless cult members will nod along as usual.


I don't think Mitt Romney, Sue Collins, or even McSally will be agreeing with Trump - especially if McSally and Collins want to salvage their failing re-election.

It seems like Dems were prepared for this worst-case scenario (we all know RBG wasn't in the best of health that past two sessions of the SC). One plan they have is to legally tie this up in court till after the election, should Trump try to move forward.

The other plan floating around (according to some insiders on different news shows tonight) is IF Trump and the GOP get away with this, and Biden gets in for November, there will be a move to add more seats to the SC - and Biden will have his picks. This will work if the Dems take over the Senate (and they have a great chance to do this).


Biden should do the latter if Republicans hypocritically appoint a judge in an election year.

The Supreme Court will decide ACA, abortion rights and perhaps this election if Trump fights the outcome.


Of course Donald will fight the outcome. That son of a bitch knows one thing and one thing only: chaos.


Doug Jones has already lost his job.


Garland should fill the vacancy on the SC. He deserves it.


A black male would be better now days.


Your video is a perfect example of the militarization of police departments in this country. Eleven cops with a police dog to arrest a passive and unarmed shoplifter. Sheesh!


We don't know how he stoled the suv though,it could be a carjacking. It looks like he is living in it. So all his stuff will go to the pound and mostly likely in the dumpster after that with he can't get a stolen suv back. He will be out Monday and just go back to making his way through crime. He is getting old and now looks like a guy so I'm sure working the streets hooking doesn't give him any money.


Everything you wrote after "don't know" is your overactive imagination.


53% Trump


And what did I teach you last week about rasmussen polls? Go ahead - put your thinking cap on while I wait.


Major deflection!

What does that have to do with the shoplifter, eleven cops and the police dog?


I'm sure this isn't his first time getting arrested. Do we know how the suv was stolen?


I agree. But, that' s not going to happen.


Maybe Kanye?


Kanye has severe mental health issues.

Don't you believe the presidency should be taken seriously? It wasn't which is why there are 200,000+ dead Americans and a wrecked economy.


Okay fine, Vanilla Ice.


Kanye has severe mental health issues.

So does Trump.


True. Kanye is likely saner.


Senator Lisa Murkowski said tonight she will not vote if the Senate puts up a nomination- she thinks it’s wrong and hypocritical. One good republican. Let’s see what Romney and Collins do.


Obama rule was because he couldn't run again. Donald has another term.


Doubt it.


Not the point. "Let the people decide."
When I see pubs call out Hypocrisy, I want to scream.


Nonsense! McConnell said he wasn't going to allow Hillary to pick a Supreme Court Justice if she won. He also blocked Obama from picking lower court judges for years. McConnell is anti-democracy which is why he needs to be voted out or at least lose his Republican Senate majority.


I didn't agree with her politics, but I respect her work and dedication. May she rest in peace and condolences to her family,


May she R.I.P.


The hard question.

Does this help Trump or Biden more in the election?

Part of President Trump's 2016 platform was wooing conservatives that thought the Supreme Court was leaning too far left. A re-election for Trump could cement his credentials as a conservative leader with another like-minded judge.

I am of the opinion that it helps Trump more, but it won't be enough to stop a Biden victory.


I don't think it will have an effect. I mean most people know that when Biden is elected Ruth would have stepped down anyway. Of course it's the few voters in the few swing states that will determine it.


Good question. It appears to be helping Biden. $91 million raised since Friday night. Democrats have become more energized.

I'm not sure about the other side yet.


"$91 million raised since Friday night."

I saw this on the news this weekend. Can you believe it ?

I don't think Trump even has $91M in his campaign account this weekend, never mind being raised in a few days.


I plan to donate a few bucks again, too. I may donate some time to volunteer if I can find some.

Hopefully, this has scared enough democrats to be active and at least vote.


Trump will say Lagoa and the energy in democrats will go away.


Nominations don't come from Trump. They come from the Heritage Foundation, Einstein.

Trump and Barr will be going away for a very long time.


No matter this Tuesday when Lagoa's name is said. Only a few people will still try and hype what maybe RBG said.


Pirro has been auditioning for the job. She’s going full batshit crazy on Fox the past few nights.


I say he messes up saying 'Lagoa'. Now taking bets...


Not really mattering but Lagoa's father inlaw was made a judge by Clinton.Paul Huck


It doesn't matter. Paul Huck is not being considered for the SC, and Clinton has been out of Office since January 2001.


But it is unlikely the democrats will try some Kavangh thing on her. Donald will have her in before Nov.3rd.


And then we will see what happens after January 20.


Lagoa is a Federalist if she gets chosen.
The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians interested in the current state of the legal order. It is founded on the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be. The Society seeks both to promote an awareness of these principles and to further their application through its activities.


The poor woman isn't even cold, and it's already turned into a political fight.
Here we go again..... 🙄


I know. I can’t believe what Republican Doug Collins said about RBG just hours after she passed. As Trump calls his supporters: “ Disgusting people!”
