pankoeken's Replies

Even worse it's the same short experimental movie he's been trotting out for half a century. The sad truth is because black folks don't give a shit when each other disappear. Any other race or community of people would search for a missing member but black folks are only concerned with their own self unless they can cash in due to some tragedy happening to another black person. The evil hypnotist could grab up any black person they wanted with little to no fear of anyone searching for them. That's why the only black guy actually concerned was played for laughs. It's a fact the director knows all too well and it's something rarely discussed. Don't be too hard on poor insecure modica. It's obvious she hasn't seen many tv episodes if that pretentious nonsense from episode 8 impressed her. I'm thinking until she watched TP Redux her tv viewing was limited to Tyler Perry shows and The Kardashians. I've never sucked Lynch's nuts so I wouldn't know. There are several people in this thread who can probably tell you though. At least you are honest enough to admit you (like most of the odd weirdo loners that blindly worship Lynch) jerk off to the same self indulgent retread images that Lynch has been pooping out for too many decades now. I doubt anyone is surprised that half frog half insect mutations covered in disgusting goo is what makes Lynch sycophants cream their soiled panties. As long as insecure morons desperate to appear clever to strangers keep sucking Lynch's nuts when he poops out nonsensical garbage he will continue to be a lazy hack. Awww poor little angry bigot sleepytigger is tossing the race card again. It doesn't matter that I NEVER said anything about wanting the character to be white. That doesn't slow down an angry hate filled dirt stupid bigot like sleepytigger. Her fat ass grabs her well worn greasy race card and throws it as hard as she can. It's the go to move for the truly stupid and truly lazy. Gee what a surprise. Keep on perpetuating girlfriend. You changed your name but you still have the same tired "everyones be a raycis lawdy mercy" act you always had. Closeted gays, pseudo intellectual douchebags and anglophiles adore it for some odd reason. People that are not desperate to appear "clever" to strangers are not as impressed. You were unable to come up with your own smug comments so you copy and pasted from the no longer relevant ny times? That's just sad. It would depend on if Chuck left a will which he most likely did. Being the colossal douchebag that he was, Chuck probably left his estate to some pompous asshat organization. He definitely did not leave Jimmy anything unless it's something condescending and insulting. In the good old days this thread would have been busy. Too bad liberals have to destroy everything they can't control. The finale was weak and disappointing. The ambiguous non ending is tired and cliche. It seems to appeal to insecure pseudo intellectuals though. Yes I con't believe no one else sees the painfully obvious similarity to The Stepford Wives as well. If you need to watch a video to explain what you saw then the show is a failure. We seem to feel very similar down to the disdain for Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive. Why were you disagreeing with me in your first reply? Perhaps I'm a bit too vitriolic towards the Lynch lovers that blindly worship him no matter what? However, look how eagerly someone like modica is to prove my point. You know he/she rushed to buy a golden shit shovel. It also pisses me off that Lynch can make a creepy thoughtful unique movie that is COHERENT but he won't. Also why is he so hung up on the body/mind transference thing? He's been beating that theme like a dead horse for decades now. Regardless I will watch Redux and hope Lynch can pull it all together. At least he's giving us some eye candy along with all the static and black lodge brain tree silliness. No I really enjoyed the original show. Well the first season and about half the second at least. It just sucks that Lynch MIGHT still have some great art left in him but as long as morons desperate to appear clever praise the half assed nonsense Lynch poops out these days we will never see it. That should frustrate anyone who loved The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, the original Twin Peaks, The Straight Story etc... I don't despise him. I'm disappointed in him. He's not doing anything he hasn't done ad nauseam. He's lazy and even worse he's contemptuous toward the same sycophants that adore him so blindly and they are too stupid to see it. Are you actually enjoying the new season so far? No. It's not very satisfying compared to all the pointless meandering. Did you see the hookers perfect tits? Also show me the best looking woman in the world and I'll show you a guy tired of having sex with her. But strand ISN'T dead. Did I miss a post credit scene or something? Exactly. She's not even an actress which explains why she's so awful. Lynch is definitely tapping that ass. Guy is like 70 and all those young cuties are all over him. That's a lot more impressive than his same old cut and paste weirdness. He's not dead unless I missed something. He's alone but alive.