MovieChat Forums > pankoeken > Replies
pankoeken's Replies
Sorry I tried to spit roast your mom.
He's a fat kid that fists himself thinking about guys jerking off to his lies. He wants to get that fat ass stretched out like the girl he pretends to be. Weirdo loners like that are often sociopaths.
The new Pennywise is wearing a dress. Is "he" transgendered? Maybe "he" should drop the wise part and just go by Penny.
No problem R. Kane. Your earlier post in no way came across as insulting or mean spirited in any way. Definitely not enough to warrant the reaction you received. Also it's not like you were saying you needed Cliffs Notes to understand an episode of The Big Bang Theory. American Gods IS confusing and sloppy and structured very poorly so far. It was obvious (at least to me) you were curious if other viewers were turned off by the fact it's a mess and tuned out because of it. You even said you wanted to know even if you were wrong. Your suspicions were confirmed. You were not insulting at all other than the Cliffs Notes joke which was spot on.
I admit I have a pet peeve about smug pseudo intellectual types. Birdman was a particularly annoying example of that and is too clueless to grasp why he's so embarrassingly laughable. The fact he claims to:
"loved this show from the very first episode because its compelling in its original structure in what its trying to say, I never needed cliff notes either; to me its a timely original piece of art that is looking at our current culture and what its going on from different perspective." and then followed that nonsense by suggesting you watch a youtube video was hilarious. More so because you know he doesn't see the irony.
Even though Henry never was developed much, I liked the Stan Henry relationship. The kid finally has something of a goal and Phil shits on it. Henry is 100% American kid and in the 80's that was REALLY pro America. Like you said, they never gave a shit about him but want to force him to go live in a place he will hate and can never leave. Phil and Liz were always loathsome but that has made them even worse.
One of the best parts of the season was when that little Asian douchebag said he reported them for bungling the mission due to their bourgeois incompetence.
Obviously they don't give a shit about the poor kid. I hope they explore the irony of a Russian kid in America hating it so much he was coerced into attempting suicide while the lowlife spies are doing something much worse to Henry.
Can you be any more smug and condescending while patting yourself on the back for watching a TV show? We're all REALLY impressed that you manage to repeat verbatim what some other pseudo intellectual douche bag told you to think in a youtube video. Sadly you fail to grasp what your dependence on youtube says about you even as you're attempting to appear superior to others.
The worst episodes of The Twilight Zone and Star Trek are so superior to the convoluted pile of shit that is American Gods they can barely be considered products of the same medium.
Except that movie would have been original and all the white critics and silly white kids that NEVER interact with anyone darker than snow wouldn't get to pat themselves on the back like they did for overrating Get Out.
Of course he did. He kidnapped and bullied a woman including mentally abusive, tortured an innocent puppy,was an extortionist and armed robber. The fact he failed at extortion and armed robbery in no way changes the facts. Those are just the crimes we KNOW he was guilty of. It's heavily implied and very obvious he had beaten Nadia and had committed other crimes. When you rob a person or business with a weapon then you deserve whatever happens to you including death.
If you think otherwise you're naive at best to the point of being pathetic. You are most likely a gutless little bitch too. The only other option for thinking Deeds didn't deserve his fate is you're also a sleazy little gutless loser like the character. Either way you're weak and useless.
Too bad this meandering nonsense doesn't have David Lynch as the show runner. The idiot sycophants that worship that hack will gobble up whatever he shits out, claim that it means something and beg for him to fill their mouths with more.
More on topic, it is odd that the first episode showed so much promise and then turned to shit almost as pathetic as Twin Peaks Redux. There I said it. Other than the always brilliant Ian McShane (maybe Crispin Glover) I sort of hate all the characters. Are we supposed to be impressed because they trotted out a bunch of mediocre non American actors? Sorry but only idiot anglophiles fall for that crap. Are even anglophiles clueless enough to fall for the wretched attempts at "American" accents on display here? Gillian Anderson did a better Bowie than any of the non Americans did failing miserably to sound non UK or non Aussie or whatever.
Just a shoddy mess so far that seems to be happy spinning it's wheels.
The Skeleton Key involved voodoo or hoodoo if you prefer and magic. Get Out involved hypnosis and new age psycho babble so if you want to split hairs and be pedantic do so all around.
All 3 movies had the exact same uneasy what the hell is going on "ambiance" In fact Stepford Wives had more in common with Get Out as far as characters suddenly having totally new personalities. Watch more movies. Also accept the FACT your "answer" is far from being the only right one.
If you think the Emperor has new clothes then give it thumbs up. If you're able to think for yourself and realize he's a nude hack that ran out of ideas decades ago then give it thumbs down. The Emperor is trolling the moronic sycophants and their desperation to appear "clever" is letting him laugh all the way to the bank.
A huge thumbs down from me.
And the Stepford Wives and about a dozen other movies. It was well done but amazingly unoriginal for all the praise heaped upon it by idiot white critics.
"That might even excel the some original episodes." With brilliant writing skills like that how could it not be?
Drinking, drugging and all you can eat buffets.
You watch it on TCM last night? The giant monsters marathon with Dennis Miller was cool.
I thought I would see why it has received so much adulation. Sadly it was just a mishmash of the Stepford Wives and any number of voodoo body switch movies. A well done one but nothing new or ground breaking.
It was embarrassingly overrated but silly white folks that NEVER interact with anyone but other silly white folks always do that with these type movies.