MovieChat Forums > pankoeken > Replies
pankoeken's Replies
WOW!!!! Gal Actus reported 2 of my posts because I laughed at her for saying that washed up hack michael cera was brilliant. Ha ha ha. Gal lied and said I was linking to porno.
Apparently if you disagree with her she will run to the admin and lie. PATHETIC!!!!!!!
And there's a perfect example. Thanks movieman
Hell no it's not bad. That said it doesn't make Lynch brilliant. Hell he also has some hot babes doing nude scenes that are pointless other than letting Lynch perv out on some hotties.
Lynch is not the moron. It's the pseudo intellectuals that pretend this nonsense actually means something that are the pathetic fools.
I hope you're joking. Sadly you sound like the typical Lynch fan douche insisting the Emperor's new clothes are AAAAMMMMAAAAAZZZZZZZING.
To answer the OP. Lynch doesn't know what's going on other than he's cashing a fat paycheck and the drooling morons desperate to appear clever are sucking his balls and licking his butthole clean.
It was better than the episodes leading up to it at least.
The hooker with the great tits is the only person that has shown even a semblance of intelligence. She said he may have had a stroke then shoved him towards the casino. It's stupid but then again what isn't about Twin Peaks Redux?
It's hard to tell if you're joking since there are countless idiots that say stuff like that and want it to be taken seriously. One thing is for sure. Anyone who uses the descriptor "person of color" is a goofy white person that NEVER interacts with those "colors" they so desperately want to impress.
Awwww poor little gal actus is projecting. Gal actus isn't the eater of worlds. She's the eater of pies.
I agree. Especially since most of what we do see is Lucy and that other idiot or washed up never was Michael Cera smirking through abysmal Brando nonsense. Countless scenes of Dougie acting mentally challenged while everyone around him are somehow oblivious to it except to shove him along or yell at him grew tiresome after about 5 minutes. Then again even that is better than Lynch trotting out his reshot outtakes from decades old movies. Of course the drooling Lynch sycophants would be happy watching their God David poop on a floor and play with it.
They would insist it was a BRILLIANT "slow burner" and then order a golden shovel to eat it with.
Damn. You're probably close to 50 and creaming in your panties over a talent-less hack like Cera? I'm embarrassed for you.
Even worse, drooling sycophants like you are why Lynch can trot out the same tired shit, the "standard Lynch" instead of putting any effort into his work anymore. When he knows he can poop out anything and insecure twits desperate to appear clever will call it "brilliant"he will keep dropping smelly turds. Get on your belly and gobble it up.
It was such a steaming pile of shit that it effectively assured many of the people associated with it won't make another movie for a while.
A painfully unfunny scene that only idiots would smile at. I can't imagine the level of sycophantic stupidity required to call an unending scene featuring a mediocre actor doing a bad Brando imitation "brilliant". Millennials proving yet again why their entire generation is a laughingstock.
If you think the Emperor has new clothes then give it thumbs up. If you're able to think for yourself and realize he's a nude hack that ran out of ideas decades ago then give it thumbs down. The Emperor is trolling the moronic sycophants and their desperation to appear "clever" is letting him laugh all the way to the bank.
A huge thumbs down from me.
Sheila. I would love to see her get beat to death with baseball bats.
If someone gives you shelter possibly saving you life and you repay them by ignoring everything they say and do the one thing they tell you not to do then you're the real villain. You're also an insanely huge douchebag with a gigantic ego.
Mallrats sucks. Most everyone connected to it including Kevin Smith admits it's a pile of shit.
He was pretty laughable in TFA. It's hard to take the evil empire seriously with Driver looking so goofy AND getting his ass kicked by some homely kid that had known about the force for about 3 days. He was a horrible choice so maybe he will be killed off early in the movie.
The worst part was I along with a lot of other people predicted the ending in season 1. The show had been so good for most of it's run I can't believe they had to retread something from several episodes of The Twilight Zone.
Everything about the BG ending was awful. That robot montage was painfully bad.