

This episode explains the origin of Bob and Laura and the black lodge and EVERYTHING!
I'd type more but my hands are too tired from jerking off.
but seriously this was the best episode ever of any show that ever existed.



Mister babadook, i simply couldn't agree with you more. Episode 7 brought me the twin peaks i was craving....but now this? I feel like calling this return series twin peaks, is complete false advertising. Think about it, had you never watched the original series would you give a fuck about any of the characters in "the return"? No way. As you mentioned, the love for the original series was because of the beautiful scenery and quirky characters. There is no heart in the return. It feels really empty and some parts just seem amateur (that stupid talking tree that's supposed to be the arm?) Also, if that was the real roadhouse they would've never allowed nine inch nails there, that was fucking stupid. The song was fine, but why introduce the band. I honestly feel ripped off. To me it seems like lynch used the twin peaks name to start a new project. Calling it twin peaks ensures he'll get the viewers, but he's dirtying up the best thing he ever put his name to.



I wish i would've skipped through most of it, id be less pissed. Have you read the mark frost book yet? Im getting a lot more pleasure from reading that than the series so far. I am a diehard fan so of course i'll continue to watch. Here's to hoping they bring it home sooner than later.



If you don't want to watch the art or the music, I guess I am not sure why you even watch the show. It's not meant to just be expository scenes and standard plot development. That was never what Twin Peaks or any other Lynch project was about.
There was exposition in the stuff you fast forwarded through, it just was not spelled out. It was shown in visuals.



You didn't see Laura's face in the golden bubble that the giant spawned from his head?


At least you are honest enough to admit you (like most of the odd weirdo loners that blindly worship Lynch) jerk off to the same self indulgent retread images that Lynch has been pooping out for too many decades now. I doubt anyone is surprised that half frog half insect mutations covered in disgusting goo is what makes Lynch sycophants cream their soiled panties.

As long as insecure morons desperate to appear clever to strangers keep sucking Lynch's nuts when he poops out nonsensical garbage he will continue to be a lazy hack.


LOL no, I was making fun of the OP by saying my hands were too tired from jerking off.
Sorry if the joke was too subtle.


Are the nuts salty, like popcorn?


I've never sucked Lynch's nuts so I wouldn't know. There are several people in this thread who can probably tell you though.


OMFG, stop the complaining. It is so tiresome. The show is what the show is and all this bitching isn't going to change what the show is and continues to be. This last episode was the best, most amazing episode of any television program ever and for you to continue to whine about it is really a shame. Maybe you should just stop watching. Case closed.


Look toots, i grew up with twin peaks. I have paid my dues to this show and i will complain about it all i want. The case isn't closed just because your opinion differs from others. Grow up.


Don't be too hard on poor insecure modica. It's obvious she hasn't seen many tv episodes if that pretentious nonsense from episode 8 impressed her. I'm thinking until she watched TP Redux her tv viewing was limited to Tyler Perry shows and The Kardashians.


Oh pankoeken, i don't think modica has ever had an original thought in her head. She's just regurgitating other people's opinions.


Yeah, OK.


Yeah, I'm sure lots of Tyler Perry and Kardashian fans watched episode 8 of Twin Peaks. That is hilarious.


You did so why couldn't other Tyler Perry and Kardashian fans?


You are so right! You got me! lol


Who cares what you grew up with. I don't care and Lynch and Frost don't care. They gave you something different and if you don't like it, stop watching. Your impatience with the show shows your lack of maturity.


And your response shows your ignorance. I have been a fan of the show presumably longer than you've been alive. Are you really gonna tell me to stop watching? That's just ludicrous little girl.
Remember, you brought this on yourself by attacking people who had a different opinion than your own. Your need for everyone to share your opinion shows your lack of individuality. Think for yourself little one, it makes life much more interesting.


I do think for myself. Stop telling others how to think. You should stop acting up and just enjoy the ride. It seems like you like to whine about a show that isn't even halfway through. Finally, I've brought nothing on myself. I honestly just want to show how ridiculous it is to question the people behind this show. It is their show and you either enjoy it or you don't. I don't think other artists think about whether the public is going to accept their vision. They create and hope for the best.


Im not sure where the disconnect is here. You do understand this is a twin peaks forum right? This is where people come to discuss their opinions of the show. I am not questioning the artists, i am voicing my opinion of their work. Is that not the point of a discussion?


I don't know. You gave your opinion and I gave mine. You have no idea how you will feel about the show once it is over. Yes, you don't like it now, but have no idea where the story is going, so to just let Lynch do what he does and then determine what your final assessment will be. Yes, I understand that it is frustrating, but I feel like Twin Peaks was always more than about a small town in the northwest and that is what we are seeing now. This isn't a nostalgic trip down memory lane, it is answering a lot of questions we've all had for the last 25 years. People bitched about how Lost left so much in the air, and now people are bitching about Lynch and Frost actually giving us answers to what Twin Peaks is all about. Who knows, you may like how it all turns out. And you may not.


"the most amazing episode of any television program ever [sic]." Please tell us how long you've been watching TV shows, and from which nations. The word "ever" covers a lot of time. Do you, by any chance, write some of those Recommended For You click bait thingies?

In case it's not obvious, this
is addressed to modica.


In my experience it is. For you, it might not be. Thanks for sharing.


Can we have one week without having to hear Babadook bellyache about how Twin Peaks isn't living up to his lofty standards?!

(Truth be told, I hope you don't stop bellyaching. Part of the enjoyment of following a Lynch project for me is watching all the peabrains have their delicate preconceptions offended.)



Can we have one week without having to hear Babadook bellyache about how Twin Peaks isn't living up to his lofty standards?!

I'm glad he did so I didn't have to start my own post about it. I watched the episode twice because I was multi tasking a bit the first time and thought it deserved my full attention, so I rewatched. It was an interesting episode and I didn't hate it. It was visually stunning and weird, but I too am really wanting to see some Twin Peaks. I want to see the town and the people that had me so enthralled all these years.

I know that there is nothing that my complaining will do in regards to any future episodes. I also know that I can stop watching at anytime, but this show, these characters, and this town have been in my life for 27 years. I am going to finish it. I also might complain about things I'm not liking and saying WTF about things I don't get, just like we did in the early 90's. Only it was around the water cooler not on a message board.


Mister Babadook, I feel ya! However now that we have FINALLY got the origin story of mythology (and of the sorrow and pain) behind us thanks to Episode 8, I'm sure that it won't be too long now for the old Twin Peaks feel again. Episode 9 will mark halfway of the series, and I'm sure important developments in the plot will happen, like Dale Cooper recuperating his memory. I got the old Twin Peaks feeling with Becky (this season's Laura Palmer), and she'll probably be in it much more from now on, now that the 'origin's story has been told.
