MovieChat Forums > Icarus > Replies

Icarus's Replies

It would be good to have a like button as I so agree with your post, however it is probably better to actually write that down. As soon as the "all monsters have been killed" and the "wonder weapons of mass monster destruction" were introduced I felt that the show had gone down a route I just can't go with them. The whole premise of the show has changed and I can't see a way back. Well I actually didn't mind this episode, I quite enjoyed it. It helps that I read other people's comments here and at other sites and since the majority didn't like the episode, I am then pleasantly surprised when I do. That is not to say that I think it has anything on past seasons but then again not much has been good about this season. I, again, didn't mind the Sam kill, not sure why it didn't bother me as it is getting a bit ridiculous but Dean was not helpless, he did free himself and was fighting back so that was good enough for me. I zoned out the BMOL stuff, them all over the bunker grrrr but like others the bunker has almost been relegated to just another place now for me. It had such enormous potential and also such a lot of further use could be made of it but I think it is about to become history (like lots of others do). Unfortunately I cannot get excited about future episodes as they seem to involve the BMOL and Mary too much! I am interested in what, where etc is going on with Cas and what happens in the final two episodes, it seems that they are hyping this up i.e. Mark's Lucifer comment and some of the Con comments so I guess we will see, I am enjoying all the speculation though probably more than I will enjoy the actual episodes themselves. Thanks, yes it is interesting BUT can't say I like his comment about deepening his relationship with Mary. For the first time in 10 years I just am not terribly interested as I hate the BMOL, don't like what they have done with Mary and Dean might just as well be off somewhere else. There have been a lot of comments here and on Previously TV that Jensen (and Jared) have been negotiating more time off in their contracts and I certainly see lots more pictures with them at home or out and about with their families but what I don't understand is if they want more time with their families why they do so many cons. Surely it would be better to commit time to the episodes rather than spend so much time going to and from cons? Is it a money thing? I mean there are only a very small proportion of fans that will ever be able to go to a con, so more time given to acting would I would have thought be more of an all round better idea. Sorry this is totally off topic (lucky I am not commenting on PT as I would get a hand slap!). No No No, I am not going to listen to any more Jody might die nonsense!!!! I really like Jody but it is more that I want rid of others so much more than Jody - the whole BMOL need to be wiped out for a start (Mary being killed would not break my heart as I have said before, she is pretty irredeemable for me now). I just hope that whoever they kill (or even if they do) in the final the story is a good one which has its main focus on Dean and Sam as they have been in the background and not in the front all season. 1.63 for me! I absolutely love this picture, really cute. They have very different features so no problems telling them apart! The thing is that we know, least I think we do, that the actress has said we will like Mary again. So presumably she HAS to know about some sort of redemption arc. However the writers are notoriously bad at understanding what the viewers see as I don't believe they wanted Mary to come across quite as unpleasant and horrible as she has done. Some people seem to think that it is possible Mary is spying on the BMOL from the inside and this will show what a goodie she actually is, but that doesn't make sense to me as she would need to be working with someone else for this storyline to work and I can't see who she would be working with. So for Mary to be having sex with Ketch and from this finding out that they are baddies absolutely does not work for me as a redemption arc, she has gone way too far down the path to get back up again IMO. A really good inventive writer might have been able to come up with an idea that would work but I don't think anyone of the current ones would be able to write something like that. Lots of fans though don't want Mary to be killed off as it would be too traumatic for Dean and Sam – me I can't wait to see the back of her! I am okay with him just about, as I absolutely hate hate the BMOL story line he is just about bearable as part of that. It does worry me that both actors are very vocal on twitter etc to the point that I think they are going to be more part of the Supernatural story than just this season, but here I go again ranting about them!! Actually I am British and I don't find his accent (and I am a Londoner) as objectionable as many seem to do - maybe I need hearing aids! What I find I am doing now is watching each episode at some stage after it has been shown and then judging it alone. Therefore the fact that Dean hasn't had a kill or even been part of anything much all season does not come into my view of the episode until I read all the comments. This also of course applies to Sam and the issues with the writing for him and Cas and and and. As I just do not have any coherence in the Season, one episode is not memorable enough to lead into the next and so on. So I quite enjoyed this one because Dean was portrayed as a clever and sassy hunter. Sam not so much but still had some good Sam moments. I actually in the past have agreed with lots of people that the actress that plays Claire, well she just can't act!! However I thought she was not so bad in this episode, I got to believe her more than I have in the past. I am not sure if and even when I bother to rewatch the season as a whole if this will get better and I suspect not as although I have the DVDs for all seasons so far I have not watched the last four more than the gag reels and a few extras and I am invested less in this season than any other. Does everyone now believe that the BMOL is into the next season or is there some other ideas about what they were talking about when mentioning “this would carry on to the next season”? If so I might just stick with fanfic rather than the show!!! One of the biggest problems I see and I know this is something that other just don't bother with is that the big “influences” outside i.e. Fangasm, SuperWiki, podcasts between them etc all are full of praise because, in my opinion they are too invested in the people that are involved e.g. the actress that plays Mary etc and the writers …............ I just can't see how they can be critical of bad writing and bad acting and bad creative choices when they are far too deeply invested and close to the people they are supposedly doing critical evaluation on. Okay that's enough I am on my second and soon to be third glass of wine so best not go on any more!! I like Rowena now, when she was first introduced I found her being written too OTT for me. She now seems to be written much better, in fact probably better than Castiel who they still struggle with. I guess her back story and how she can be inserted/part of the story is much easier than say Castiel who they can't make up their mind on how powerful or not he should be depending on the episode! Lovely pick and lovely name. I also didn't like much about this episode, the way they had Sam be near death but able to kill everything etc it just was so ludicrous that it just took me out of the action totally. It is not that I don't think Sam should get some action it was just that it was IMO way over the top. Great - I'm totally with you - this gets rid of Lucifer, Mary and baby - oh dear just thought - it might mean we had Mary as Lucifer for the next Season as the big bad......... I don't agree with any except Bloodlines and Thinman, I really enjoyed Clap your hands, made me laugh. I think there are far worse episodes, lots of the horrible Sam and vet lady eps - The Purge and although I know lots understood and loved it but I would put Swan Song on my list of least favourites. There have been so many episodes that it is hard to remember ones that have just faded into the background on whether they were any good or not! I don't think Lucifer was ever a child? Presumably he was created as an Angel by God fully formed? Not sure of course don't think that has come up. Well the last one seemed to age normally but don't think this will be possible if they intend to carry on this storyline. Seems that some people think the Lucifer and child is the one that will be carried on to the next Season and can't imagine having a baby for long in what is supposed to be a horror programme. I have reported the person Bella is talking about but the thread is still here (five days later) so not sure why it has not been removed as I am sure others will have reported it as well. It makes me feel bad when these sort of posts come up so I am sure Bella must feel really bad. I can only think Bella is targeted as she is the most even handed poster! The problem is that if they power up Cas again then he would be able to get Dean and Sam out of trouble all the time, they would have to have him off being involved in a separate story line so that he didn't end up a deus ex machina again. Although they really do need to decide what Cas can and can't do as that has been a mess so far this series! Maybe give him back the ability to hop around but not too much else, not sure how it would work to be honest! I have been struggling with this season, I started watching live from Season 3, have all the DVDs etc but I am not sure I will get Season 12 as there are so few episodes that I want to watch again. So it is a bit difficult for me to get up enough enthusiasm to try and work out where we will end up. I hope but don't expect that Mary goes off into the sunset somehow! I was not too sure about her coming in, although the first episode with her in worked for me but it went rapidly downhill so an end to that storyline would suit me, probably the only way would to be go out in a blaze of glory saving everyone from the BMOL. I don't think they will continue the BMOL into the next season, I am hoping that they have had enough negative feedback to realise that won't work so perhaps we end up finding out what the old men are behind the BMOL and Sam, Dean et al have to bring them down. Not sure about the nephilm and Lucifer storyline will be, as with most of you I really can't get myself to care much. I do notice however that Jensen and Jared seem to be in Vancouver an awful lot more than they used to be so I guess they want as many continuing actors as possible to cover the fact that they are not in the episodes so much. This really can only work IMO if you have really really good writers who can make the story so good and intertwining Sam and Dean enough that you don't notice it and we just don't have that quality of writers unfortunately. Sam's bitch face, which by the way I thought he did rather a lot in the last episode but as I have only watched it the one time I might just have been imagining it. Dean with his bacon burgers - not just pie!