neptunewaves's Replies

1) Dude. His life literally depended on Jay buying into the existence of the world's bonkers STD. Scaring her straight was his best shot at improving their odds of survival. And even THEN it takes for It to start chasing her around campus for Jay to take Jeff's words as more than the ramblings of a raging lunatic! 2) You seem to have forgotten they filed a police report, Jay was examined for STDs (which the curse is NOT), etc. By the time they actually run into him, it's clear at least Greg wanted to tear him out a new one, but they had more pressing issues at hand, namely, learning the most they can about It to save Jay. 3) Because they ARE her friends and whether they believe her or not (they don't till It pulled up Jay's hair and hurts Paul) it's irrelevant when Jay is so obviously terrified and desperate. First, you comfort and try your darndest to help, then you start judging the traumatized assault victim. 4) Jeff was clearly not thinking straight by that point. He probably rented the place while he pondered his options and deal with the very real possibility he wouldn't ever be free of It, as to not endanger his family and friends. 5) Plot armor. 6) False. 7) Because she finally realizes she cares for him just as much as he does and decides to fight It together. 6) Greg didn't really believe in Ir. Paul valued Jay's life just as much as his. But Andrew WAS sick AND infected Travis. He was already dead (if anything, I'd argue it was an accidental mercy killing on Paul's part). I too entertained the idea of Travis being the first to catch the sickness (remember his recurring insomnia? Maybe HE did the sleepwalking and found Stanley before waking up and stumbling upon Andrew.), but it makes no sense Andrew's manifested symptoms before him. TL;DR Andrew was sick, that much we know. That's why both his parents keep blocking him out of view and were so eager to leave. Exactly. It was all set as a big red herring to convince you it couldn't possibly be that simple. The "untwist" wasn't the focus of the film either, but rather how Will deal being confronted again with his many losses and the cult gaslighting. Simon is not just a bully but a sociopath. Sociopaths are known for pulling off this charming persona and trick even their loved one for years on end. Robyn had just realized thanks to Gordon that she didn't really know anything about Simon and this stranger she married wasn't exactly someone she wanted near her child. Maybe she would have been willing to try working things out had they been just the two of them, but being a mother usually changes priorities. I don't think we are supposed to empathize with Simon at all. Even before we know just what kind of sociopath he is, we are privy to his disdain and cruel mocking of a fellow whom worse offence seems to be being a bit socially awkward. Furthermore, if Gordon's revenge accomplishes something is to bring out Simon's true colours to light. He is still a morally bankrupt bully, out to ruin people's lives. He never once shows true remorse for utterly ruining Gordon's life, and that's why the wife dumps his sorry arse. The awesome thing about it is we have no reason to believe Gordon was lying about "let bygones be bygones". Even after everything Simon put him through, he was still willing to give him a chance to show he had changed and was a better person. Alas, sociopaths don't change. Simon got his just desserts and I actually cheered at the conclusion. It is heavily implied (if not outright stated) that Sam is a recovering drug addict and that put a lot of strain on her relationship with her mother. She may have all the maternal instincts of a wet blanket but there is a reason her first thought is drugs. I am willing to cut Samantha some slack since her judgment is clearly being compromised by the fact she is literally rotting alive. By the time she tries to register her plant, she's obviously no longer thinking straight. The good doctor was criminally negligent and should have his license removed, at the very least. Sam has every reason to lash out at Riley and his creepy stalker ways but there's more: in that single moment, she learns he was privy to BJ taking her to his car. REMEMBER SHE WAS RAPED. That means Riley was either too busy jacking off to what he was seeing to notice or care Samantha was out of it. And that actually says a lot about his character. As does the fact he jumps at the opportunity to have sex with her knowing full well she's not fine, and then his reaction upon finding just how sick she is. He is not only (justifiably) disgusted but mad at her for ALLOWING HIS ADVANCES and not once shows worry about her state. What a POS. Nikki is a sociopath looking for a way to ditch Sam through the film. The "you sleep (uh oh no she didn't, she was RAPED by a man, big f*cking difference) it's just the BS excuse she finds. The police obviously are on the known and try to avoid social panic by accusing BJ of child molestation instead of, you know, being the patient zero of the zombie disease. She was both. Also, just to add an extra layer to the character, in the article shown at the very beginning it is mentioned she had struggled with eating disorders for most of her life. Then there was the very obvious implication of her uncle abusing her... It makes Blaire (who had known her since they were kids)'s actions all the more horrific. Did you somehow blacked out during Blaire's attempts to unfriend Laura from Facebook? It seems to work for about five seconds - and then she's on her list again. None of them were innocent. Mitch kissed Laura behind Blaire's back and sold his best friend Adam out to save his own skin when they were caught selling weed. And he most definitely uploaded the video. Laura would have called Blaire on her BS if she was lying. The "least" guilty parties here (Ken and Adam - who did nothing too egregious to Laura but was a rapist and betrayed his best friend with Blaire) are still responsible for harassing Laura online under anonymous accounts. What webpage are you talking about? The video was posted on Youtube and linked to Facebook. Ken had nothing to with it. Mitch accuses Adam of roofing some classmate named "Ashley", not Laura. And it was Jess who desecrate her grave. Val told Laura to go kill herself after the latter plead with her to take the video down. I appreciate the Jen as a Decoy Protagonist twist. She was marked as the Final Girl from the very first shoot (to the point I was more surprised by her being infected than the actual beaver's tail), then his f*cked up boyfriend killed the dog and Zoe got promoted. Neat. A nearly literal use of the Kick The Dog trope. Everyone with a half-functioning brain should be able to recognize it as the writers telegraphing what-his-name will be toast and deservedly so. We as the audience are asked to empathize with Zoe here (in fact, this sole scene cemented her status as the Final Girl over Jen) - and everyone who is not a total psycho would do without having to be asked twice. Dogs are basically baby place-holders in the genre. I very much appreciate the creators including the BTS with the dog - surely to placate the expected outrage over his demise. Smart move. They only survived because the old lady everyone was so worried about was a hardcore survivalist. I still don't get the reasoning for taking the hybrid with them, though. All the crazy scientists who could have actually have an interest in such a creature were going by that point, and that bloody thing was responsible for Tinnie's death, bloody hell. What an unnecessarily vicious way to kill off a harmless character we would have all forgotten about otherwise. I was a bit weirded out by how much time they spent on her death, honestly- even the bad guy gets less screentime. Right there with you, buddy. People sh*tting on this one don't know how lucky they are if they truly believe this is a worse as it gets! I personally could have done without the political subplot and I believe not knowing whether it was the drugs or the "happy juice" what did them it would have made for some good drama had they slowed down the apparition of the side-effects a bit and, fine, the acting wasn't exactly stellar, but the idea of the infected becoming themselves again after the effects of the drug pass was both genius and terrifying. I honestly felt for the patient zero Highlander there at the end. Final Girl and the BF were nice enough, and I almost lose it when I thought Bash was going to bring the dog without a leg to Carnage Island- I was so happy he left him home I developed an instant liking to the guy. More character development would have been nice, sure, but I have seen so much worse from films with a budget, I am willing to give them a pass. Colin Egglesfield and Alison Lohman for me. It was actually quite distracting! Then again, we don't actually see Maggie dying- for all we know, the memories of her mom were the last conscious thoughts she had as an infected human before completely turning, getting up and going for daddy dearest. Oh boy... You know it's bad when you can't tell whether people are trolling or being spectacularly dense. This movie female characters sliding scale of goodliness isn't the issue at hand, but just how poorly written every single one of them was - which I guess was what the OP was trying to get at. They're barely people, so they ended up being defined by the one ugliest trait Ig's horns expose - and the heavy focus on the virgin/wh*re dichotomy certainly doesn't help. Yes, men weren't exactly portrayed in holy light either, but the core male cast gets something the deadliest of the species doesn't - development. Lee saved Ig and was able to maintain the charade for years before going full psycho - the viewer is forced to assume he wasn't one from the very beginning; the tragedy here is not only Merrin's death but Lee's descent into madness and his betrayal of their friendship. Terry might have grown up to be a mess of a druggie, but he gets his act together to help his brother. By contrast, Merrin is treated merely as a plot point, solely existing for further advancing other's character journeys and never given one ounce of personality so as to avoid tainting what she represents. Even the way other characters refer to her is sh*tty - she's either Ig's soulmate or Mr. Williams daughter of Lee's object of desire; she's never her own person. THAT'S what troubles most women viewers. Of course, it would barely register on any male viewer because 99% of media - even supposedly innocuous one like family movies - is manufactured specifically appeal to your demographic, so could you possibly see anything wrong on it? I enjoyed the movie, but I would have LOVED it has Merrin (or ANY other prominent female, really) been an actual character I could feel for. You creep. Emmet died because John Goodman's character shot him, end of the story. Both Emmet and Michelle assessed their situation after finding out Howard had kidnapped and killed an underage girl before the world went to hell in a handbasket and decided they would rather face the apocalypse than spent more time than absolutely necessary with him. What does that tell you? Furthermore, it was heavily implied Howard ran Michelle off the road on purpose. Right after killing Emmet, he tells Michelle something along the line that this was how it was supposed to be, the two of them alone. Listen carefully to his tone and body language- the creep intended for Michelle to fulfill "Megan's" role all along. He deserved everything he got and then some. Yeah... no. She lost her brothers and grandmother but not her boyfriend. He was alive and willing to work around the curse by the end of the movie, Red just decided her life as a human was more valuable than his.