MovieChat Forums > San Andreas (2015) Discussion > The flag at the end...

The flag at the end...

why was it shown with such dramatic effect? American propaganda?


To make America haters could get their panties in a bunch. 


It's perfectly clear why the flag was used, but in my opinion a better ending would have been an image of ordinary citizens helping each other out: People on other boats helping survivors out of collapsed buildings and out of the water, tents and signs being erected to help look for lost loved ones, something like that. The image of people helping each other would have been much more powerful than the ridiculously cheesy image of the United States flag.

Just because you are too stupid to understand it, it does not mean that it is a plot hole


I've noticed you spend a lot of time talking about the American flag. If you like I could make one of my American flag suits for you. Just need your size. I also make hats.


LOL, that would be a lame and very long ending. The ending was perfect for what the movie was. It's a disaster flick. Nobody cares about what happens after.


How would it be long? It would be the same length as the flag shot, but instead of the flag, you see people helping others. That would be a better image with the line "We rebuild" because it will show that the rebuilding process has already begun.

Just because you are too stupid to understand it, it does not mean that it is a plot hole


That's another movie... San Andreas 2: The Rebuild LOL. The flag is straight to the point. I don't know about you but it gave me chills. Seeing people help each other is nice and all but it wouldn't have the same effect.



It warms my heart when I hear REAL stories about REAL people lending a hand to others. But this is a movie! Who cares? Don't lie, you don't care about any of that rebuilding crap. You just wanted to see death and destruction. You America haters fantasize about this stuff happening in real life.

There were a lot of cheesy moments in the movie but you're fixated on the flag. Why is that? You just have to accept the movie for what it is.


So thinking it's cheesy automatically means the poster hates America? Because that's logic.

You're completely missing the point here. We're talking about symbolism and the symbolism that the flag was supposed to represent would have been better represented by people helping each other.

But it's clear you know nothing about film or symbolism. You're probably just some Fox News sheep that goes "Yeah 'murica number 1" despite the fact that the only thing we're even close to the number one spot in is the number of people in prison.

and for the record, everything the flag is supposed to represent is a lie. I wish I could love my country, but it's a country that has not had a single moment in its history where people aren't persecuted or having freedoms taken away. It took almost a hundred years after the Revolution to abolish slavery, another fifty years after that to give women the right to vote. And right now, we're starting to get closer to 250 years as a country and we still have people that are fighting for basic rights, we're owned by corporations, the top .1% own more than the bottom 90%, yet people act like we're the greatest *beep* thing since sliced bread.

Just because you are too stupid to understand it, it does not mean that it is a plot hole


You and BetterLikeThis have already outed yourselves as America haters with your incessant ranting. I'm not missing the point. You're using your criticism of the movie as an excuse to bash America. Like I said, it's a popcorn movie. You can forgive the movie for all its faults and cheesiness but the flag is the thing that gets your panties in a bunch.

Yeah, I'm a Fox News "sheep". Real clever, pal. Where you do get your news from? MSNBC and Comedy Central?

You're acting like a typical whiny Millennial. Fighting for "basic rights" today is an insane MAN fighting to use the women's locker room because he was wears high heels. Liberals always complain about the gap between the rich and the poor but what they fail to mention is poor people in America have it much better than people elsewhere. They have decent homes, cars, smartphones, cable TV, medical care and a pretty good life. They also have access to many social programs and government entitlement programs that are mostly paid for by the so-called "super-rich" elite. In addition, any poor person has the ability to work their way out of poverty. The problem is a growing portion of the population thinks they are entitled to everything. Guess what? Life is unfair. You're not entitled to a good life. You have to work for it.


Hear, hear Brother


Actually, fighting for equal rights today is being able to be confident in one's sexual identity without fear of persecution, ridicule, or discrimination. A lot of it is people wanting to marry those they love but being told they can't because of religious beliefs (despite the fact that we're supposed to be a free religion nation). We've definitely improved. Members of the LGBT community used to be openly murdered in the street and nobody gave two *beep* but great men like Harvey Milk helped put an end to that.

And no, not every poor person has the ability to work their way out of poverty, not when companies continue to fight to pay less for longer hours. Right now, minimum wage with 40 hours a week doesn't cover basic needs. We've gone from regular people being able to afford college easily on part time work, we have students struggling to pay the interest on their student loans working full time and going to school full time. When the nation's super rich are working their asses off to make sure they have everything and everyone else has nothing, that's when there's a problem. When oil companies are allowed to control how much oil they produce and how much gasoline actually gets to the nation's gas stations so they can hike up gas prices, there's a major problem. ?When corporations are consistently given hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks while taxes on the middle and lower classes increase, and those same corporations are allowed to hide exorbitant amounts of money in offshore accounts to further avoid taxes, there is a major issue.

But no, anyone who doesn't just blindly say "'murica's number 1" is just an America hater, right? Anyone who actually exhibits critical thinking skills and points out when there are problems is just an America hater. It's clear you reside in a "Murica's number 1" bubble and blind yourself to the real issues of this country.

Just because you are too stupid to understand it, it does not mean that it is a plot hole


I liked it It was like when they flew the American flag at the World Trade center. It gives people hope. I am sure it would happen If there was a natural disaster.


Not nearly that fast, though. And they wouldn't just put it in some random partially collapsed building that's probably extremely dangerous to climb up

Just because you are too stupid to understand it, it does not mean that it is a plot hole


I think it was a homage to the lyrics in our National Anthem, 'The Star Spangled Banner':

"Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?"

The music they were playing in the movie even kinda sounded similar, unless that was just me tricking my brain.


It wasn't the actual flag I didn't like, it just seemed contrived. Given the movie had a lot of action in it, I felt a more subtle approach with the flag would have had far more impact.

I know most probably won't agree and I'll get called a troll etc. (very patriotic by the way), but I respect your opinions. This was just mine.

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It was just a bit too perfect. Flying from what remained of the Golden Gate Bridge, my first thought was CGI. Had to be.

It don't matter who you hear it from. It's the same story.



Propaganda is a controversial political statement. This is not propaganda. You want propaganda - watch a political film with cultural or international debates at the forefront. Often, here, people tie the Red, White & Blue to hope. This is one of those times.

Just like Emma asked Ray, "What are we going to do?"
Ray: "Rebuild."

In other words, try again. That's what the flag's all about. Coming together to learn from our mistakes, learn how to be better, and be more prepared for the unthinkable. Not an easy task when it comes to earthquakes considering how difficult and expensive it is to avoid the devastation these things cost. It's always going to be a battle when it comes to natural disasters. There's not a lot the STEM field can do about what nature provides. But we can't quit trying to survive what cards we are dealt. That's hope. Pushing forward when you knocked on your ass.


American here.
As a matter of taste, I felt the flag display did not ring true, and was cheezy.

And why on earth would you rebuild on a fault line?

It would have been much more effective to show people being rescued from the rubble of demolished buildings and getting medical care. However, to be fair to the filmmakers, that kind of scene would be more expensive to shoot and take longer to show.

As has been pointed out repeatedly, there are a lot of things America is not number one at.

The lack of universal health care in this country is a total disgrace.
We are number one, however, in per capita dollars spent on health care. That was true even before obamacare, which seems to be mainly designed to give more money to health insurance companies.

While very poor people see America as the land of opportunity, the working poor here cannot afford medical care for injuries, let alone sicknesses and preventative care, because it costs hundreds of dollars to see a doctor and get a few x-rays, money they don't have. This is not propaganda. This is a fact that I see verified almost on a daily basis among my family, friends and acquaintances.

The middle class is pretty much gone now, but even those who are and think they have medical coverage often have a rude awakening when they find out that their insurance company can opt out of paying for anything very expensive that they might need by calling it "experimental." A middle class person who is very ill, of course, doesn't have the health and strength to fight their own insurance company, or the money to hire high-powered lawyers. All the insurance company has to do is stall until they die, and then they are no longer on the hook for those expensive surgeries or treatments that would have saved the life of the person who spent years making payments to them for mostly unused medical insurance.

And no, the super rich are not paying for anyone's social services -- they have lawyers to make sure that they don't pay even their fair share of taxes, let alone more. It's what's left of the middle class that is paying for everything.

America has made our share or more of major mistakes, but we have also made many major contributions to the world. As far as our national debt, maybe if we stopped handing out foreign aide as if it were candy bars, we could get some traction on that. There are also plenty of Americans who are always making personal contributions to the needy in other countries, most recently the victims in Nepal.

As far as having our flag be displayed in a certain way, that is true in our country and at our embassies. In other countries, they of course would give their own flag precedence.

I'm sure there have been lots of "rich, stupid Americans" who have not behaved well abroad. That's probably because, in the land of opportunity (that we previously were), even people who were not terribly bright or educated were able to make enough money to travel abroad.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


In real life disasters, I'm sure a flag wave is SOP - it stands for hope to me - keep trying. Regardless, point taken both politically & systematically - no difference amongst us regarding rest of statement - no need for addition - find myself getting in trouble when I talk politics so I don't. ACA's working for my healthcare, $103 per month, turning 28 end of this month, good health - $2,472 to invest before I have to change plans. As long as I never need to get a minor procedure that doesn't count into my $6,350 deductible (nonpreventative), I'll be fine.

As far as the rebuild, even when I was writing my own comment a couple hours ago, the same thought about the fault line popped into my head, but depends on the space. The open clearing is dangerous but at least there isn't much debris there. Definitely it would be crazy to attempt to live there again without assuming the same thing would happen again.

The whole movie I was thinking thank God I'm an Eastern Coaster living in the Keystone state, not moving west any time soon. God damn right.
