A Bit Overrated To Be Honest (Backed by Reasons)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining just to complain here but these are some legit dislikes I have with this movie.
While I love the concept of Deadpool this movie just kind of wasn't for me. I'm not saying I hate Deadpool as I thoroughly loved his 2014 game but I don't exactly think this movie deserves all of its praise.
I don't outright hate the movie, there are things I loved such as the performances of everyone. Ryan Reynolds knocks it out of the park as Deadpool and T.J. Miller as Weasel is great to watch. There's also a lot of unique sequences and I love how the movie takes shots at modern superhero films.
However I have 2 major problems with this movie. The first being its status as a comedy. The movie just didn't really make me laugh, maybe three times. I think this is because many of the references and jokes in this movie are either really, really, really obscure or outdated by this point.
My second big problem is that nothing really happens in this film. I saw a bunch of posts on Facebook around the time this movie came out that said 'The reason there's no spoilers is because little kids aren't allowed to see the movie.' And I think the reason there weren't any spoilers about the movie is because nothing really groundbreaking or interesting happens! There's barely any action in this film, just 2 rather small sequences: highway and junkyard battle at the end. Both sequences which were replayed over and over again in the trailers.
Sure you can argue that the movie being so small makes it more unique and special, fine. But you've got to admit that nothing happens at all. The movie progresses rather slowly when the entire plot could've been resolved in 25 minutes. Seriously, this movie is 75% flashback and 25% modern day.
Anyways those are my thoughts on Deadpool. Any responses? Let's have an organized discussion.