MovieChat Forums > Deadpool (2016) Discussion > A Bit Overrated To Be Honest (Backed by ...

A Bit Overrated To Be Honest (Backed by Reasons)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining just to complain here but these are some legit dislikes I have with this movie.

While I love the concept of Deadpool this movie just kind of wasn't for me. I'm not saying I hate Deadpool as I thoroughly loved his 2014 game but I don't exactly think this movie deserves all of its praise.

I don't outright hate the movie, there are things I loved such as the performances of everyone. Ryan Reynolds knocks it out of the park as Deadpool and T.J. Miller as Weasel is great to watch. There's also a lot of unique sequences and I love how the movie takes shots at modern superhero films.

However I have 2 major problems with this movie. The first being its status as a comedy. The movie just didn't really make me laugh, maybe three times. I think this is because many of the references and jokes in this movie are either really, really, really obscure or outdated by this point.

My second big problem is that nothing really happens in this film. I saw a bunch of posts on Facebook around the time this movie came out that said 'The reason there's no spoilers is because little kids aren't allowed to see the movie.' And I think the reason there weren't any spoilers about the movie is because nothing really groundbreaking or interesting happens! There's barely any action in this film, just 2 rather small sequences: highway and junkyard battle at the end. Both sequences which were replayed over and over again in the trailers.

Sure you can argue that the movie being so small makes it more unique and special, fine. But you've got to admit that nothing happens at all. The movie progresses rather slowly when the entire plot could've been resolved in 25 minutes. Seriously, this movie is 75% flashback and 25% modern day.

Anyways those are my thoughts on Deadpool. Any responses? Let's have an organized discussion.


This is one of the many reasons IMDB has NO credibility. Whether the fanboys want to admit it or not, this is a 3-4 star movie rating tops. Sure it might be fun and zany, but it's by no means good cinema. It's fan porn.


Why is it wrong for people to rate movies solely according to entertainment level, and not technical quality?

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


someone who gave Deadpool a 1/10, and 2012 a 7/10.... wowzers.... guess we can all take anything this person says and pretty much assume the opposite.



because deadpool had the worst effects... whatever... laughable


made you laugh 2-3 times... ?????????????????

I laughed 23 times at the opening credits. Funniest movie I've seen in years... whether you label it as a comedy or not, it's funnier than 99% of the comedies released since office space.


It's appealing for those who didn't grow up with 80s and 90s action movies that treated the audience like actual adults, with swearing, bad taste, nudity, and graphic violence. People that grew up with the more sanitized 00s and the switch to more PG-13 will get a relatively bigger kick from being exposed to a film of this nature.



You mean plants make movies too? O.o


I agree, there tends to be a huge smarmy following with this movie since it's the "smart" and "culturally correct" choice since most people who watch superhero movies are usually insecure about watching superhero movies, there's always this tendency to create caveats for why they're watching it or preemptively dismissing the film's value simply because it's a Marvel or DC film.

Deadpool seems to have come out based on hype and I have to say I was definitely part of the excited bunch who was looking forward to this film, quite enjoyed all the trailers, but then when I watched it, I too was met with an underwhelming joykill, most of the one-liners are pretty stale, or incredibly lame, and sometimes even nonsensical, like the Kitty-Litter line or the british bad guy's line about "Having to grow back you" and suddenly Deadpool breaks the 4th wall to confirm with us "That was a good one". I hope they were being facetious cause that's one of the more unclever lines in the film and definitely not the time to be patting-themselves on the back.

But like you mentioned with the actions scenes, most of the gags and clever lines that work were already in the trailer, and what's left is pretty mediocre.

And I agree about the lack of action scenes, and to make thing worse the two action sequences are short as all hell, when I think Deadpool I think an extended chaotic dance of gunplay, similar to John Woo, but we only get about halfway there, with nearly 60 million to spend, their budget was way more intensive than films with lesser budgets that had even better action sequences, from John Wick to Shoot Em Up, you have films that utilized their budgets and delivered more with less.

And don't get me started on the "meta" aspect of the film, there's only like 4 or 5 truly meta moments, like the X-men budget line, Green Lantern line, Time-line line. People seem to think him looking at the camera is somehow a supplement for the meta-aspect of the film, when talking to the camera is such a common trope, that it's no more meta than a film with a voice-over narration.

And as another poster said, there's really nothing groundbreaking or new about the presentation of this story, if you take out all the one-liners and the pomp, and just look at the film for what it is bare-bones, it's very mediocre, from the lame jumping back and forth in the timeline (Very insecure writing) to the overly dramatic moments between his gf and the moments he's in the facility being turned into Deadpool, there's just something that takes itself too seriously compared to the rest of the film's middle-finger to other superhero films taking themselves too seriously.

As a fan of these new-age attempts at humorous, less-serious, more-sincere Marvel films, I still think Guardians Of The Galaxy was much better, most of the lines and humor in that was quite surgical, James Gunn's direction was so much more masterful, I kinda wish to see if had directed Deadpool, his style is so much more vivid and synchronized with what Deadpool is about, and the way he can direct a comedic scene, to an action sequence, to an actual emotional moment that's sincere but still doesn't overtly inject itself with a sense of hackneyed importance. But Guardian's Of The Galaxy still managed to work it's magic within the realm of "safe" Marvel template, plus it being very successful with mainstream and younger audiences makes it less "edgy" than Deadpool which has an R-rating that doesn't even warrant it's own R-rating.

I'm done ranting, but I too found Deadpool extremely lackluster and the ensuing overrated shower of praise this film gets for being some sort of meta-savior-holier-than-thou of comic films in general. This film took a giant *beep* on the kitty litter that is my viewing pleasure.


Those who don't like the movie, needing to analyse why others love the movie. It's always entertaining.

...there's only like 4 or 5 truly meta moments, like the X-men budget line, Green Lantern line, Time-line line.
Only 4-5 references to superhero conventions and genre? Not the 'how did I get my own movie?' or the 'superhero landing (hard on the knees)...' I stand corrected.
...there's really nothing groundbreaking or new about the presentation of this story, if you take out all the one-liners and the pomp, and just look at the film for what it is bare-bones
Sounds like the Monty Python sketch. Alright, apart from the one-liners, and the pomp...
I still think Guardians Of The Galaxy was much better, most of the lines and humor in that was quite surgical...
I thought both movies were terrific. Surgical? I'm not sure about that, but certainly entertaining.
This film took a giant *beep* on the kitty litter that is my viewing pleasure.
A movie reference to show you're unimpressed with the movie?


I disagree with you pjmcgill142


That's fine. For me, those who don't like a movie and their desire to deride others who love a movie is always entertaining.


You're right, it was absolutely crazy for me to go onto an IMDB page of a movie and add to a thread that's called "A Bit Overrated" with an opinion that's of a similar persuasion. But people insulting OP, condescendingly acting like this film was too nuanced or they simply didn't "get it" is who I was "deriding". Does criticizing the movie mean I'm implying other people aren't allowed to like it? It's the people who think this film is exalted and above sound-criticism who my cynicism was aimed at.


Now, that was entertaining.


I need cash money, send me some you binch


Ha! I think not.


It's a mouth porn. There are many movies with a lot of dialogue but this movie is a ryan reynolds mouth porn. Just like Liar Liar was Jim Carey's. Wordy movies are not for everyone. Especially from Ryan Reynolds' mouth.


very well put. I agree


You know whats funny, is that there is another Ryan Reynolds movie with WAY less going on, called Buried.

Instead of combatting your issues with the film, I'll just tell you why I liked it.

I like that the stakes of the film were personal. Not just small, but personal. If you can think of any comic movie, they are mainly about protecting a body of people or saving the world (The Avengers, X-Men Apocalypse). It wasn't even about revenge primarily (The Crow, Punisher). It was about Deadpool trying to become 'hot' again.

If you pay attention to the movie, during the action scenes, there occurs several times, a reaction that doesn't fit. Deadpool will kick Ajax and he will fly a slightly different direction or much further than he should have. It never explains why Wade can do multiple backflips or hurricane kicks. He will get shot and his body doesn't react naturally along with the shockwave and such. Its a meta movie. Its self aware and creates unnatural consequences for actions that didn't even make sense to begin with, in order to tell a unique story. This gives the directors and writers full control of the characters.

Think of the film as a teen boy playing with action figures and making up a story as he goes along. The movie reminded me in a few ways of my favorite film of all time, Fight Club.

As far as your quelm about the lack of action scenes, I can assure you that the sequal will not have that problem. The studio didn't provide jack *beep* for money. I mean, Colossus was the only recognizable character of the bunch by an average fan. They had to make do eith what they had, and in my opinion they did really well.

I hope you give the movie a second watch someday with my commentary in mind. Maybe you will learn to like it :)
