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There is no logical reason to refuse the vaccine

The anti-vax folks are not rational at all and this becomes more and more evident as time goes on. Their reasons for refusing the vax have nothing to do with science or health but ideology and politics. They keep moving the goal posts when it comes to their alleged reasons for not taking the vax. They have now been FDA approved and they have been used for over a year and yet their predicted genocide/apocalypse has yet to occur.

Seriously, get vaxxed. It is the rational thing to do and the only way we get out of this pandemic.


The vaccines don't work against new variants so there isn't any reason to take them. There will probably be more variants since we are in a global society with OPEN borders. The Delta variant has bypassed the vaccine protections and the Mu variant is starting to show up. The main argument for taking the vaccine is the added protection against hospitalization and death but most of the people who end up in the hospital are old/overweight or have other underlying health conditions. *** Israel is the canary in the coal mine ***

There are a lot of immediate side effects like myocarditis, pericarditis and blood clots. There are also other unknown long-term effects. What are lifelong impacts of mRNA booster shots every six months. I keep an eye on the reddit thread /covidvaccinated to see people's symptoms and there are people reporting some weird side effects from the vaccine. There are also people reporting positive experiences so the vaccines affects everyone differently.


That's nonsense, the vaccines prevent a majority of people from getting infects, the vaccines make the disease progression not as bad, and finally the vaccines lower the rate of hospitalization. All down the line vaccines help. They are not perfect, but the average person who's been vaccinated stands a much better chance of getting through a Covid-19 infection and a lesser chance of hospitalization and death than a person who is not vaccinated.

The so-called side-effects are not proven, but they are very rare and not fatal.


I'm glad you are admitting that the vaccines are not perfect. Time will tell which one of us is correct or if we are both right. I contend that there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to healthcare since every person is different. People should not be forced to take the vaccines until they are proven to be near-perfect (90%> efficacy???)

I've seen lots of people discuss side effects on multiple boards so they should not be dismissed. Side effects may not be fatal but they could destroy your quality of life. Is one truly alive when they are stuck in a wheelchair wearing diapers? Keep an eye on the reddit thread /covidvaccinated for people posting on their side effects.

I've pasted a few links below that show breakthrough covid deaths and some deaths from the vaccine.

Fully vaccinated lady dies of covid Sep 2021

Jun 2021 Thirteen-year-old dies two days after pfizer second dose

Jan 2021 man dies shortly after second covid vaccine dose

Aug 2021 New Zealand reports myocarditis death from Pfizer vaccine

Aug 2021 Vaccinated man dies of covid


> I'm glad you are admitting that the vaccines are not perfect.

You really have that condescending asshole style down pat. No one has ever claimed vaccines were perfect - never. In fact it is you Republicans that being dishonest again start out with "aren't vaccines supposed to be perfect" or some variation of that.

You links are also dishonest. The link between the vaccine and death or other conditions has not really been determined yet, but that is all you talk about - again, dishonestly making it seem like there are far more problems with the vaccine, not mentioning these are single digit deaths ... the exact dishonest opposite of what you do with Covid-19.

All the posts from Conservatives these days are from lying misinforming, America attacking jerks like you who twist facts until they are no longer facts. I don't hear any voice of honest Conservatives any more. The Republican party is a danger to the country and the democratic process.


I'm an independent who voted for Biden so you are WRONG again. My links are all from reputable news sources and I believe most of them were reported in other websites. I contend that several mainstream news sources will not go against big pharma since they want advertising dollars. The cable news channels and newspapers need to sell advertising to survive and big pharma pays the bills.

I'm worried about ME and that is why I am not taking the vaccine. The government doesn't care about ME at all. The government officials only care about society, the GDP and their career prospects.

Both political parties in the US are losing members. I think there will be more independents in the coming years since both parties have been hijacked by extremists. Andrew Yang is starting up a political party but he has some crazy ideas.

You're going to need to roll up your sleeve for a booster shot pretty soon. You're playing Russian roulette with that vaccine. You don't have any side effects yet but how many shots can you take before you start to feel the tingling sensation and your limbs go numb? Keep an eye on that reddit thread /covidvaccinated so you can report your symptoms after your next booster shot.

How many shots can you take? You've gotta ask yourself one question. Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, PUNK?


How many cliches can you abuse .... punk .... dips hit?


To brux

Did you miss this OP? Or did you choose to Dismiss, Deny, Deflect and/or be Dumbfounded?

”NIH (England) reports nearly double deaths vaccinated > unvaccinated”

posted 2 days ago by RandallGraves (4879)

But they're making this up too huh Brux, Ultraviolet, KKKeelai?

Or this:

RandallGraves (4879) 2 days ago

”More infections for fully vaccinated in England”

Or better yet from the scientist who developed the mRNA vaccines. But, of course you know more than he does!

”Jimmy Dore interviews Dr Robert Malone”

posted 15 hours ago by RandallGraves (4879)


Get off your high horse. You are a blowhard.


Do you get kickbacks for pushing the vaxx like doctors do?


Do you get paid to spread misinformation? I'm guessing - yes.


Clearly it is a full-time job his BS propagandizing.


Riiiight. These rona vaccines are not actual vaccines. Theyre just another experimental treatment with mixed results. In fact, these rona vaccines are so untypical of vaccines in the past, that the CDC changed the definition of what a vaccine is uhhhh this year. What a coincadink!


That is how science works, things are updated as progress is made.


Maybe would should make a list of the countless medications that science trotted out that were "proven safe", until they were proven to be killing people.


So progress includes regress. Wow wow wowowow


No thanks and gfy


Get vaxxed.






What if someone lives alone and comes into contact with no one. That person is taking all-risk, no reward.


I saw this same script being used on CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, the NY Times, the Huffington Post, The Hill, and every other left-wing news outlet that's doing propaganda for the DemonRat Party. Please find some of your own material before you beg people to put poison in their arms that hasn't even been tested on animals yet.


Except if you have a medical condition where having the vaccine could be detrimental to your health as some have
