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BillHicksFan (10661)


Favorite Movies of the 1960s and 1970s? RIP David Lynch Favorite Movies of 1952? Directors Who's First Movies Were Their Best? Favorite Movies on Criterion? Does Anyone Know Nino Ferrer? IMDB and Letterbox Great Movies w/ Singular Character in Solitary Despair? Liberals/Conservatives China Fucks Russia = Mongolia View all posts >


Red Beard is also one of my favorite Kurosawa movies.. It's too bad of the falling out between Mifune and Kurosawa (over the beard!) I liked "I Am Cuba" but the shaky cam made me a bit dizzy. I looked up a movie I didn't see, and noticed "Adauchi" was on my watch-list. I'll definitely expedite this. Thanks! Mort Sahl. But exceeded the average age for a man. If only I could own a theater. I think when the people are given a chance, they'll warm up to it.. You can bring an audience down, or up. But this "Well yeah, me and you know movies, but it's the OTHERS" Shadows In Paradise The Elephant Man La Terrazza Simply because of the acting, writing, and themes. And the feeling. James Brown doing a song that sounds eerily like "Fame" :) P.S. - Just realized it said "James Bond" -- my glasses are old I have this song :) 6.5/10 And won't help those who are not established. If I watch a video (counting audio), there's a 90% chance it's from YouTube because if there's a place that has what I want, it will be there. I tried looking for Mosfilm movies, but so many didn't have subtitles, and the default subtitles are horrible. View all replies >