MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Great Movies w/ Singular Character in So...

Great Movies w/ Singular Character in Solitary Despair?

Maybe a better question would be, "Is there a movie like 'Hunger'"?
He's in every scene. The people he meets along the way aren't important, and take up no more than a few seconds. He's a writer who can't eat because he can't write. He can't write because he doesn't eat. The little money he makes, he gives away. He's in a battle with himself.

I think because the character from Knut Hamsun's "Sult" is so rare also helps this 10/10.. Per Oscarsson is also one hell of an actor who could be so convincing in Danish or English (Peckinpah's "Wine Noon")


There are quite a lot of scifi movies addressing the topic, can't even remember all the titles.
There's one I remember (someone remind me of the title) where one single man on the moon thinks he's on a temporary mission to run mining operations there for a while before he would return to earth, who then finds out he's just one of a chain of clones of someone who lived on earth long ago, who never goes back to earth, but gets killed and replaced by the next clone.
Another one where I don't remember the title is about a man who figured out how to live indefinitely, where the movie shows how he deals with his existence after he is the only remaining human on earth.
Again I don't remember the title of the movie where a man is on a spaceship on a long one man mission somewhere in space, only very rarely getting visited by some service technician doing repairs on his vessel, where it turns out he's not even in space but in a bunker under ground where they run simulations about how people on such a one man mission would behave long term.
Then there's "Air", a post atomic world war movie where the whole world has become uninhabitable, where a few 100 survivors have been put to sleep under ground while two technicians are woken up every now and then to do maintenance on the system until the earth would recover and become habitable again. In the middle of the movie one of them kills the other and does the rest of the time all by himself.
Then there is "The Factory" a movie where all industry in the world has merged into one gigantic fully automated factory that produces stuff and destroys the environment even though most of the stuff they produce is never sold. In the end it turns out the potential customers the factory has aren't even humans, there are no humans left on earth and the factory has created artificial humans as replacement customers.


Honest answer, First Blood (82)

John Rambo just wants to meet up with a former combat comrade, finds out his buddy has died and runs afoul of local, violent police forces.

His experiences as a POW at the hands of blood thirsty Viet Cong fighters leaves him isolated, unable to fit in and possibly insane.

After he flashbacks to a previous torture session he busts loose and launches a one man war.

He burns down the whole damn town.


The Fanatic (2019) is just the movie you're looking for. Don't be dissuaded by any critical poppycock.
