MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you watch Youtube? If so why?

Do you watch Youtube? If so why?

I like watching all the varied content on it. It seems to have a pretty good assortment of movies as well, some current, and some classic. I recently watched the 1980 classic "My Bodyguard", and still love that movie! Have you ever downloaded a self made video on youtube? And was it broadcast?


I sometimes watch movies on YouTube. For example, Mosfilm has its own official channel. It's also pretty good for finding films no distributors care about any more, so they don't chase up the copyright infringements.

I don't watch much user-generated content on YouTube (or anywhere else for that matter), because... well... I just don't enjoy that kind of thing very much. Social media isn't really my world.

But I occasionally watch movie-related channels such as Red Letter Media (I enjoy their Best of the Worst videos from time to time. Because I like bad movies.)


I tried looking for Mosfilm movies, but so many didn't have subtitles, and the default subtitles are horrible.


For me YT is a source of information and light weight entertainment.
I watch a lot of news channels there as a counter weight to mainstream news, where I try to find the truth somewhere in between, usually I tend to believe the part where all of them say about the same and I disregard the parts that only some of them say.
The entertainment part is mostly shorts, the latest dad jokes, extracts from shows of some comedians and things like that.
Then there are a few channels that produce webseries where I like a small handful of them.
Then there are channels that take long running series, extract scenes that all belong to the same side story, i.e. a romance or an affair that develops as a side story within a series like Greys Anatomy and upload them to YT as a playlist, where I like to follow a few of these stories without the hospital drama around it.
Last but not least YT is a source that maintains things that have long disappeared everywhere else, i.e. YT has all 4,664 episodes of the German TV series "Verbotene Liebe" (which translates to "forbidden love") in full length available that were shown in German public TV between 1995 and 2015.

Complete movies I very rarely watch on YT, because they are too often cut and censored (unless there's nothing in them YT sees as inappropriate for children).



Thanks for the link, unfortunately I knew it already.
I've been trying to piece together the extracted story of "Keriette" from Marienhof, but ready made extracts exist only incomplete and in extremely low quality, while I can't figure out during which episodes of the series this story took place.
You wouldn't by any chance know?


Oh man, I can't help you with that. I just posted the link for a bit of nostalgia because you mentioned Verbotene Liebe and I used to watch both shows for a while somewhere between 1995-1997. I'm not even German, so probably even less helpful.😬


Ah well, thanks anyway for the reply, I've been asking around for this for a loooooong time and I keep thinking, can't hurt to ask.


Yeah, I get it. We all have at least one movie/tv thing we're just not able to find. Good luck, though!


I do, a lot, (I'm going through videos as I type this) and its vast variety of content you mentioned is one reason. It requires some discrimination though. I think there's way too much sensationalism, fear mongering and deceitful clickbaiting going on in order to get viewers.

Coincidentally, I recently started getting some clips in my recommendations from the movie My Bodyguard also and watched several. Yeah, good flick. Matt Dillon was so good at portraying a punk. 😁


I’ve never downloaded anything on YouTube.
I mostly watch MMA fights, boxing highlights, stand up comedians and music videos. You CAN find some obscure horror movies sometimes.

My Bodyguard was a terrific movie!
You may enjoy 3 o’Clock High as well👍


Mostly music videos or maybe a cute animal video (there are too many of those, to be honest). Sometimes a movie or tv show when it isn't available anywhere else.


I can easily get hooked on something on YouTube and binge watch the hell out if it, like Gilbert Gottfried's appearances on Howard Stern. Great stuff. Lots of great history related stuff, science related stuff. I also like the animal videos, like on The Dodo. Also pretty addicted to Sovereign Citizen fails.


Yeah, Gilbert and Norm,
Two HUGE losses, they were giants of comedy, nothing polite or restrained about them. You gotta love that!

RIP Boys.


👍 (scroll down list for Norm & Gilbert)


I mostly use it for music videos. When I hear a new song I like, I add it to my music playlist. I also make an effort to go through singers you may not have heard and add them to my playlist.


I think YouTube is especially cool for discovering behind the scenes footage from great movies, and seeing directors that you've only heard about in action.

The Goonies


E.T scene


