TheCatman's Replies

The person narrating that video thinks they know about art but they don't. I am a huge movie fan and have watched and learned about films from the silent era until now. I am also an avid reader and have read thousands of books. I love naturalistic stories and purposely artificial ones. I used to be a big fan of the director Hal Harley. Many of his films had the characters speaking in stilted robotic ways but they made the film interesting. You know you were watching a movie, but it was like watching some kind of artwork vs an immersive story. Mega was not exciting because the "Shakespearian" thing is cliched. Making a film that's like a play doesn't work for me when it's supposed to be "science fiction" (this was not). That's because a wild concept must have "suspension of disbelief". Mega did not have that so we got artificial dialogue mixed with crazy ideas. That made the film seem fake and underdeveloped. In the first half of the film, I was astounded by the horrible dialogue and the terrible way it was delivered. I mentioned in another post, that even the body language of the actors looked like they were rehearsing it for the first time. A story like this needs the dialogue to sell the psychology of the characters and it didn't. Further, the "poetic" and "Shakspeanian" tone made me aware that actors, not characters, were speaking. Also, the story was not amazing or anything new philosophically about politics, culture, etc that we haven't heard before. The film was a mess while being boring, and I will give almost any film, including cartoons, a chance because I realized that the creators thought it a good idea and worked hard at it. I have almost never turned a film off in my life, and I am old, lol, but I turned this off. Pattinson is not at fault there. He had the gravity to play the character but should have worked out more as he's too skinny. In the comics, Batman trained since childhood, not just ten years. He's a person dedicated to be a super educated fighting machine. He is a similar character to Doc Savage, who came first, in that his whole life is about improvement so that he can do good things. Anyway, all Batman movies, except the animated ones, miss Batman's character and the science fiction elements that make the character possible. One HUGE thing that annoys me is that Batman cannot have a car in modern times due to traffic, lol. He would have to have a flying car, like Nick Fury has in the movies/comics, because a major city has so much traffic he couldn't escape or get places he needs to go. So, all the "realism" in Batman films is stupid. In films like Blade Runner, the character has a flying car and no one cares or thinks the film is stupid. In some comics, Batman has such a vehicle and it works because everyone knows that superheroes aren't from this reality. I would love to see a properly done Batman film. You are wrong. I read a lot of comics when I was younger and they were intense dramas that stretched over many titles and were engrossing. That's why people love comics. They are not fun and lighthearted but intense dramas with characters who have a lot of personality. Batman is a tortured and intense person who is a genius. If you watch Sherlock Holmes shows/movies the British tend to make them complex because they are a tribute to their culture. They don't make silly Holmes shows. In the comics, Batman is a science fiction ninja, Holmes. Thus far, we have not had a good Batman film because one or more of those elements is always missing. It's a moronic take on Batman. Batman isn't Batman for fun, his motivation is massive trauma. He traded his life of wealth for one of self-sacrifice and extreme danger because he wants to make sure what happened to him never happens to others. Whoever wrote that line doesn't understand the character. Batman should have said something like, "You don't know me and never will". You are lying. My brain isn't "shut down" I am just realistic that no story or production is perfect. I assume you never saw a stage play because the sets wouldn't be 100% accurate to reality, lol. What you are doing is playing "The Critic" to find something to criticize to pump your own ego up. I wish I would have watched it with you. I did a post on here asking if George Lucas wrote the movie. When you were laughing I was cringing at how wooden and fake the dialogue and situations were. I couldn't take it and turned it off. This is why people take drugs. I'm not a Democrat or Republican. Most who say they are know nothing about politics and less about the point of the US government. Democrats are typically teenage level thinkers worried about sexual issues and simplistic ideas like sexism, racism, etc with ever wondering why sexism and racism exist. That's child level thinking of good and bad. Anyway, the democratic process means nothing to most Democrats, they just like that Kamala is "black" and female. There's a singer on video who said she went to the recording studio with Combs, etc and they tried to drug and gang rape her. So, the theme wasn't drug and sex parties but rape and human trafficking parties. Combs was ORGANIZING illegal activities and so he was engaging in organized crime. If you had a party and people brought drugs, someone got raped, someone had sex with a kid, etc that's an accident. However, if it's your goal for those things to happen, it's Organized Crime. I hated it and found nothing funny. People on drugs can thing something is funny, profound, etc but it's just the drugs. Explain what was funny in this, please. I think having Falcon as Cap is racist. A world famous black person would not change his name to that of his dead white friend, in fact, no one would. I've never heard of anyone doing that. Cops get killed all of the time where I live. I have never heard of a cop taking the name, badge number, etc of their dead cop friend. Black Cap wipes out Falcon in order to make Cap black. That's multi-level racism there. I will watch on a streaming site for free. That is incorrect. Some people are "nitpickers" and looking to "notice" things that are trivial to others. I am not a fan of the show but regarding action and dramatic situations, the episode was good due to the variety of things going on. Meanwhile, your comments about the kiss, dwarves, etc mean nothing because you said nothing about them. It was a very good episode of a boring show. If there was more action in the overall series it would be much more popular. You are pointing out things in the episode that were not very noticeable or much of a problem given that this is a TV show. The holy seed will come from my son SCROTUS!! They were all about baby making. If you can't spell out "Sex" you may not be mature enough for your own desires. Jews are a religious group of only 14 million people. They dominate a wide variety of industries in the west and have been kicked out or many countries in the world. In China it's illegal to be a jew. So, put it all together. Jeffery Epstein was likely an Israeli agent whose goal it was to blackmail famous people. [URL][/url] Give that a watch. Religions are automatic conspiracies. Members belong to a fake nonsense story group that promotes they are the ones who know about reality while others don't. That's an automatic conspiracy against others. She's jewish and likely a plant to throw him off. It's the Epstein thing but in a different form. An issue with you is that you don't explain your stance, so what you're saying means nothing. For instance, if you say, "I don't like apples, they are garbage" that is not a critique of apples, it's just a dumb opinion. The film is fairly long with a lot of character development. It also has action that no normal human would want to be involved it and it's based on real life events, gladiators. So, you don't find it dramatic that a top level person has their family murdered, then is turned into a slave, then has to fight others in a perverted cultural ritual, well why not? You can't imagine yourself in a gladiator arena and how insane that would be? Why not? Posting you don't like something because you don't like it is moronic, but is common. Why bother? It's an adult movie. It's about a person losing everything and having to deal with it. If you are young, sheltered, etc you may not get that the drama is about losing everything you earned and having to deal with it. It was a fairly ambitious movie! Many people complain about movies being endless remakes and franchises and this film was trying to create an original adventure series, but people complained. It was also visually interesting with the costumes, a space cult, the main character being an alien, etc. I don't think people enjoy original content as much as they say. I thought she looked jewish from her picture. That means she's not a "white advocate" but is pretending to be one in order to make white people look and act badly. That's a classic tactic.