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TheCatman (335)


Did George Lucas Write This? Dumb Opening Premise. Dumb Opening Premise. The Cat Story is Somewhat True. View all posts >


That's a good question. I looked up the wiki article the other poster cited and it now makes sense. For me, the fat guy represents sloth, which to me means laziness. However, the classical definition is apathy towards duty to others. So, religious leaders who stopped caring about the community exhibited sloth. So, a drug dealer and pedo is not practicing "civic duty" because they are okay spreading addiction and trauma. But, that's more than sloth because sloth meant not caring or helping whereas actively hurting people is more sinister. The writers were doing the best they could, I guess. Do you have any clue what had to be reshot? The film could have been super woke and they decided to get rid of those ideas because it's now hated by many people. Other than that, having an action film with superbeings ought to be pretty easy to make. I have wondered about this for years. All they need is like a "logic checker" for scripts and many movies would be hits. The Joker films were obviously made by a guy who wanted to make a movie about a guy who is not Joker in this situation. But, he made a "comic book" film that was designed to destroy the character and protest against making such movies. So, he tanked the Joker films while wasting all of the money put into it. How is that allowed? I have heard that many movies are made to launder illegal money and I think that's a good explanation. Instead of making a high quality film you set it in an average city, have dance numbers, have actors saying lines in a room, and there's your money and where did the money go? Then, the film doesn't do well and the study writes off the loss, but it was never intended to succeed. All of the above has to be happening or else movie studios would have "logic checkers" or whatever you want to call them. I have to agree. There was a lot of action but I wasn't clear on the plot. I guess if the point of the story was that the action IS the plot, then okay. There are survival stories and the plot is about the characters surviving some horrible situation. If that was the point then it achieved it. Meanwhile, I didn't learn much about characters and so it was kind of dull while being full of action, so that's odd. Yeah, he was natural and appeared into the part, but in other things, he's super flat, which is odd. He was pretty good in the Charles Manson show which was similar to X-Files, so maybe that's his thing. We assume. Like I said, she was the kind of girl who would be fun to know if that was her real personality. I always thought David Letterman liked her. I said on talkshows. Everything she says is massively sarcastic so it's difficult to know if she was serious, which I doubt. Cute, living, and wacky, that was her personality on talkshows. At the time, she was the kind of girl you'd want to know in real life as she seemed fun. I have larger buns than her and I'm a man. She needs a workout plan. View all replies >