TheCatman's Replies

Plaza is deadpan when she's doing comedy but she's been in a variety of movies where she is acting like a realistic character and does a good job. In this movie her and Driver sounded like they were reading from a book they just picked up. I work in psychology and have done so for 35 always in socialist funded organizations and charities. I consider myself a Communist. The Democrats are not what they seem and certainly the Republicans aren't either. The Nazis, when they first arrived on the scene were the party of unity, workers, protecting animals, and all kinds of great things. So, a political party who portrays themselves as "heroes" are likely to be hiding a bunch of shit. The dumb thing is that there's some kind of bunker under the Whitehouse, so why wasn't he in there? In a crisis, the president won't be sitting in his office. To back you up, I believe Joel Schumacher purposely ruined the Batman films he made to not have to make them any longer. Tim Burton seemed to also do that with Planet of the Apes. You don't know what "articulate" means which explains your posts. In addition, instead of talking about the show you keep sidetracking because you have nothing to talk about. Wake up about yourself. The film was very poorly written and no one could have delivered the dialogue properly. I like Aubrey Plaza because she is funny and any movie I have seen her in she's very smooth. In this she sounded like Driver, as if they were both reading from cue cards dialogue they had never seen before. Driver would be be good in something like military movies and so on. He has a very dry delivery that's not meant for a variety of films. So, there's that. You are saying "stupid shit" because your comments have no substance. You don't explain anything but just make comments like..."What was that" and so forth, without explaining why what you didn't like was not likeable. Many stupid people such as yourself talk about movies and say something is bad but can't articulate why. I recall the main character using the term in the film. The term is used in the article above, and I believe it was from the film. Here's the twist... I'm NOT REPUBLICAN and predicted the Democrats would rig the election. I predicted that based on the massive anti-Trump propaganda, covid, which was fairly fake, and the lockdown all of which destabilized the country. So, I saw the election being rigged as part of a coup against Trump. It doesn't matter if I'm right, what matters is that I wasn't the only one thinking it. If you look at the history of other countries there have been many issues with rigged elections. In this country, it used to happen a lot where I grew up. In addition, Nixon was in trouble due to Watergate which was not election tampering, but close. So, there is no reason to think that couldn't all happen in the US, because WHY NOT? Then, the Democrats started to stop Trump via criminal charges. These charges were never leveled at him in the past. So, the perfect move would be to prosecute anyone trying to prove the election was a fraud. We had the Floyd riots where people looted, burned cities, murdered people and mass numbers of people were not jailed. We had the Janurary protest by Republicans and many people got jailed. Also, when covid was happened so were the riots. However, the rioters were not chastised for all the crimes they committed while violating covid rules, but the average person was for visiting relatives, having block parties, and going to the beach. There is a pattern of gaslighting and organized Machiavellian plotting since the last election. Thus, I am extremely skeptical about who are the "bad guys" in this case. It's important to remember what just because people call themselves "Democrats" or anything else does not mean they are. So, if you are a Democrat and really love the party, that's great, but it doesn't mean people like you actually run it. That and some help with the writing/plot development. It had a bunch of great ideas that were like an outline of a quality story. Here's astounding that guy whose name is Butt is both gay and has HIV. It's like some kind of juvenile joke. I had to look him up to confirm he was gay. I liked it but it could have been more developed and a huge success. Seeing and attractive woman naked and wiggling around is sexy. However, that is not how rapes tend to play out. I work in psychology and have met many women who have gotten raped. Usually, they get their faces punched in while it's happening and you tend not to see that in movies. I assume that's because the filmmakers have fantasies about rape, but have never met anyone that has happened to, so we get sanitized rape. Another postered mentioned that ten year old girls got raped in the book. That would have been better to sell the point of the movie. A hot girl in sexy clothes getting raped seems like she's a female version of the thugs involved and it's part of her average day. In the movie/book they called women like this Debauchnicks meaning they were involved in "Debauchery" and that would apply to adult women living the crazy lifestyle the guys did. If they were ten year olds that would mean the main character was projecting his values onto innocent people, and that would have sold the theme of the movie. How many movies shoot multiple scenes until they get a good one? Probably, 99.9% of all movies do that. In addition, many movies have dull spots and that's fine, but when a film has nonstop bad acting, a bad plot, and story, it's a bad film. As I noted, the star Wars prequels had some very bad acting, dialogue, and direction, but most of the films had a good story, action, and acting. Metropolis was nonstop bad so it was like Lucas at his worst. If you ever want to see a bad Lucas written film watch Radioland Murders. Lol! It wasn't horrible and I enjoyed it. However, it was like a "TV movie" or something on Netflix. the first film had all kinds of stuff going that was fun and creative. This film looked like it kept some basic sets and actors but didn't put much else in regarding creativity. For instance, Beetlejuice explaining his origin in Italian was very amusing as was the story about his wife, but her character as not developed at all. He gets married to Winona and that could have developed very humorous, but it wasn't. It was "good" but pretty hollow at the same time. There's complete nudity throughout the film. I don't consider it sexual nudity but more like nudity, you would see in a mental or general hospital setting. There's also a lot of gore related to the nudity. It's not something for a child to see or even most adults. Your comments are consistently stupid and hollow. You are talking to an intelligent person and need to step up your game, lol. I am a huge movie lover and have watched all era of cinema from silent films to today. I am also a foreign film fan and so your comments apply to someone else. This film sucks and if a two hour movie has stilted boring dialogue, weirdly out of place fantasy elements, and no clear plot, it is not a good film. Many people are comparing it to some of the worst amateur movies ever made, and that is accurate. On top of all of THAT the trailer sold it as a blockbuster, lol. It's not even a story. The logic is that if you just give her the cloak pin, it looks suspicious. If you give her a kiss then a gift it looks like a keepsake. However, why can't he kiss her because he wants to? Elves are thousands of years old and the activity between when this show takes place is thousands of years apart. So, if some Elves were attracted to each other three thousand years ago does that mean they must be today?