DeathbySnuSnu's Replies

The leftists can't help themselves can they. Side note: Who actually watches the academy awards? Ricky Gervais to host and I might tune in. Just don't please. So she is admitting biology is a factor in what a woman is? In clown world this is enough to be called transphobic (made up word). Is she cancelled yet? Who actually cares. They have killed this show. It went from must watch TV to can't imagine watching TV. Not blaming Jodie who is just a pawn. The Doctor was neutered when Capaldi was the doc. Football cannot resist a chance for a nice virtue signal. English players still taking the knee for example. Naturally. White privilege yawn, you actually buying in to this shite? It's a hard c so like Killian He'll probably be gay. - brilliant on Hot Ones. She seems to genuinely not give a flying fuck. Gotta love this bird. Beyonce ahead of Margot Robbie lol. The science has obviously gone wrong. I wish! He was barely in it really. Either Yahoo has it's own agenda or Trump is a delusional twat (both of these may be true) but that twat is just one man and I don't believe for a second Putin has actual support from the right. People thinking Putin has support from conservatives is genuinely mysterious to me. You know Putin has reputation as a bit of a leftie, right? So out of touch with reality. Probably has no idea why people think he's a kunt Simple. Because he's a pretentious cunt. Whites are bad though, right? As a whitey I often look at myself in the mirror and think 'so that is what Satan looks like'. Damn he's handsome though!' Tom Hollander, terrible actor, annoying human. Some replies have been removed I think. Not sure why. Religious nutters.