MovieChat Forums > Harvey Weinstein Discussion > Harvey accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord ...

Harvey accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour

Sources have told us that Harvey Weinstein met a very pious black Christian man in prison who told him about the wonderful teachings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Weinstein, a lapsed secular Jew, had never heard the wonderful message of Jesus Christ. Weinstein is studying the New Testament 5 hours a day and immerses himself in prayer. We as Christians believe the foulest sinner can be forgiven of his sins. Our brothers from the Unchained Ministry have met with Harvey many times. We have prayed with him and studied Scripture together. We are prepared to be character witnesses in any upcoming trials. We know his repentance to be genuine.


Is he still a DemocRAT, though?


A lot of people on here saying they are praying for their sisters and brothers here. Why don't you speak directly to your siblings and stay off here you mugs.


I dont understand


Some replies have been removed I think. Not sure why. Religious nutters.


Only because Weinstein's condemned to death and wanting to avoid the mythical place known as "Hell".

You hear this a lot from serial killers and murderers in US jails, they become "born-again Christians". Guess somehow incarceration for life or a death sentence is enough to flip that switch in their brains.


Only because Weinstein's condemned to death and wanting to avoid the mythical place known as "Hell

The OP said that he met a very pious black man in prison prior to converting to Christianity. It's fair to infer that "pious" in this case means "Towering in stature and 'roided out physically, so much so that he makes The Rock look like Rick Moranis". And that "convert" in this case means "Harvey's the one getting his pants torn off and being pinned to the bed for a change. Only this time around, no publisher on Earth is going to cut the victim a multi-million dollar check, in exchange for a tell all book which reveals very little"


Aw, isn't that nice.


Yes it is nice when a soul is saved.


Keep drinking the Kool-aid. I don't believe 1 oz. of that Bullshit. All the vile shit he did, Fuck Him!


He had sex with women who consented to give their bodies to.him then groused later about "rape" when sleeping with Weinstein didn't lead to the career advancement they hoped.


And you support pedophiles.


I'm sorry. My mother doesn't allow me to consort with Nazi pigs and poor white trash.


I guess she keeps you away from her property then doesn't she?


I know Met is trolling but this actually describe a lot of cases in the Weinstein case

Of all the acusations I thing are two legimate rapes the others were women willing to do anything to advance in their careers like Asia Argento for example who say he offer to finance his movie if she sleep with and she did it.

A Bunch of salty bitches upset because they lick this fat fuck ass believing that would open the doors of heaven of rich and fame but the only thing they get was a cronic case of bad breath.


Awesome, so you have no problem if one of Harvey's victims pays someone to shank him in prison and then repents and asks for forgiveness afterward?


Does he have a parole hearing coming up? A lot of criminals pull that BS (suddenly finding God). Its usually criminals that are about to be executed, not ones that are already in jail. Weinstein already is in the can. This is probably a combo of a potential parole hearing and the fact that he is awful old and looking at dying in prison. But a righteous conversion? HA! Not a chance.
