MovieChat Forums > soo54 > Replies

soo54's Replies

I have to apologise in advance for the curry we're having tomorrow night. The thing that annoys me is the hypocrisy. I watched the Unleashed episode following The Giggle and found the lecture about the original incarnation of the Toymaker's costume being Chinese in style very OTT. If we have to accept Sir Isaac Newton, one of the world's greatest ever scientists and English born and bred, being played by a non-white actor, why is a character wearing a costume belonging to a different nationality so wrong? I generally liked it too, a big improvement on the last series. I think if we hadn't had so much wokery rammed down our throats in the last series then Rose being transgender wouldn't really have raised any eyebrows, although I could have done without the pronouns dialogue! I agree with you about Donna's danger being lessened by sharing it with her daughter, that should have been the solution. Apart from that it had a good story and good aliens, but I don't like the new tardis. But at least the Doctor is now the Doctor again! My first thought was "eh?". My second thought was "if it cancels out all that timeless child rubbish and the flux supposedly having destroyed most of the universe it may be a good thing". I would like to see more of Jo Martin though. Sasha Dhawan would have been a brilliant Doctor! As you say he absolutely nailed the Master and it will be good to see him back. Ncuti is apparently about the same age as Matt Smith was, and I agree; for me he absolutely nailed it. I would have preferred someone older again, but I'm prepared to give it a chance as RTD is back at the helm. We will see! Sandi Toksvig would be good, but I quite fancy Rebecca Front for the part. I'd also love to see more of Ruth Doctor, Jo Martin was excellent. Most of the flux had already been neutralised by the destruction of the Daleks, Cybermen and Sontarans. The Passenger sucked up the leftovers. I do kind of agree with you AMJF, I want to see how Chibbers gets out of the mess he's got into; and if RTD can rescue anything afterwards. It seems that Chibbers has painted himself into a corner with this. If we're getting Daleks in the New Year episode where are they going to come from? We've just seen them all destroyed. As you say most of the universe has been destroyed, so where (literally) can anyone go now? Where are the enemies going to come from? Where are Vinder, Bel and Karvanista going to explore? The alternatives are some kind of reversal, timey wimey Bobby Ewing in the shower style, or going on with a very limited box of toys to play with. Yes, excellent! More of JM and less of JW please! I was really pleased to see Ruth again too. A proper Doctor! I agree about Matt Smith. I was a bit dubious about him at first, but as soon as I saw him in the part he really was the Doctor. JW never has been for me, Jo Martin was though. Shame they didn't cast her instead of JW! I'm still hoping for Kris Marshall, but if it's going to be another woman then, as someone else says, it should be someone with more gravitas or presence, Rebecca Front maybe? Tilda Swinton would also be good. Not seeing the Doctor so much was a bonus in my opinion! But putting that aside one question came to mind. If the Lupari are supposed to be the protectors of the Human race, how come they never showed up before when we had all the invasions by Daleks, Cybermen and so on? Although I suppose with the current team in charge having already destroyed Whovian past history this is only a minor quibble!