This is the issue with this type of episode - Take series 3's finale with the master - Earth was close to being destroyed, and in the end the whole thing was reversed and only those on the ship thing remembered the year that never was. Felt like ending with, and they woke and it was just a dream.
The problem with doing something big like this is the consequences - Doctor who often lacks consequences. I don't hate The Rings of Akhaten as much as some, but the doctor basically destroys the peoples religion and then leaves. The Monk trilogy thing ends with Lie of the Land, with everything basically sorted and everyone forgetting, which kind of makes it feel pointless. I get that you can't destroy something like the Earth, Universe or so on properly. Earth being properly destroyed doesn't work as it's what keeps the show grounded - but I don't think the show should attempt it then - why destroy something if it is only going to be fixed later, as it then has no real impact.
While it wasn't explored as much as it should, in the 4th doctors last serial Logopolis, the master actually destroys a galaxy, and one of the people from that galaxy managed to escape and becomes one of the 5th doctors companion, Nyssa. It is explored a bit more in the Big Finish audio ranges - this actually works well because we see their are consequences. While Nyssa does end up visiting her planets past in one audio, she knows she can never really go home, but it makes her who she is.