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peter_t_2k3 (1053)
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An okay episode although Nicola Coughlan didn't seem to get much airtime. I thought the time hotel was an interesting idea but the episode didn't seem to know fully what to do with it and apparently neither did Moffat as he wrote most of the time hotel stuff first and realised there wasn't really a threat.
I love it when the show plays with time so that part was interesting and it always surprises me that as a time travel show that time isn't played around with that much. However as others have later stated, the doctor states he's never done this as in lived a full life in the right order but we know this is a lie as he's done it multiple times and spent most of his 3rd incarnation stuck on Earth.
A YouTube podcast I watch also pointed the issue with having the bigeneration. Why didn't the doctor just go to see 14 and borrow his TARDIS?
I'm sure James Cameron has said that Kyle is always John's father though.
It's a paradox and loop. Reece has to go back to make sure John's born so John can then send Reece back and so on
Maybe we could have a new TV series again. Cruise blocked one a few years back but I feel a modern take on the original series with a crew with different skill sets would work great
I watched the first 3 a year ago with the plan to do a full rewatch.
Weirdly T3 felt dated compared to T2. I think it was a car chase where it felt very special effects heavy, video game like even.
T2s action feels a lot more real, possibly due to a lot more physical effects rather than special effects.
The house thing was odd. It seemed to suggest that Michael was after Laurie then there was a thing about a pattern then a thing about his house yet now he lives in the sewers 😂
Oh and I get it, it's certainly different. I'm personally not keen on the whole power thing as I think I prefer the ambiguity of what Michael is but I can see what they where trying to do.
It does feel like another movie at times with Michael added to make it a Halloween film.
Don't think it's one I'd watch again in a hurry. Also not keen on people who are like if you don't like it your stupid like the title of this post. Like people can understand a film and what it is trying to say and still not enjoy it
Which I already have.
The point is this film ruins Michael Myers. The character doesn't seem the same character as the other films.
I also felt this and kills lack the tension that made the original what it is. Michael didn't just kill back in the original, he stalked as well.
I will grant that this is different but it could have been different without also making Michael a shell of who he was
But Michael Myers isn't supposed to be deep. We aren't supposed to know what motivates him, the scary part was not knowing.
You can try to explore it but we should never know. Is he just a man stronger than your average man or a force of nature, the embodiment of evil?
The film could have been good but it ruined Michael's character. Michael should never work with someone, but seems to work with a random kid and is beat up by the kid. It's a joke.
Season of the witch is actually a great 80s horror
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