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BicD's Replies

Concealment of merchandise carries a misdemeanor charge as well. Once you leave the store / establishment it becomes shoplifting or larceny. From the script... INT. CORRIDOR POLICE BUILDING. DAY COLIN, in his good suit, moves along the hall. He owns the building. He looks into offices. He is looking at his future. From one room BARRIGAN (still working in uniform) gives him the thumbs up. COLIN gets a coffee. He looks at a secretary's ass. Caught at it, he smiles beautifully. She smiles back. BARRIGAN What you got? (with admiration and envy) "Staff Sergeant". In four years you're a sergeant. COLIN SIU. What a country. BARRIGAN (after a beat) Perfect. 13. CONTINUED: (2) SGT. DIGNAM (CONT'D) (CONTINUED) Meaning to some extent "Perfect for a dick like you". This is how friends come apart. BARRIGAN is unable to continue his pose of congratulation. COLIN (close on Colin) is on to him. COLIN I don't mind going it alone. If you could go it alone you might get somewhere yourself. BARRIGAN We're cops. This isn't "somewhere". COLIN I know you're a worker. I might be able to do something for you. You got any suits at home or you like coming to work looking Not sure how Costello EVER trusted Costigan no matter who is uncle was. I believe about the time that Costigan was being asked to go undercover....Barrigan makes a statement at the coffee machine to Sullivan something like...."what you got? Staff Sergeant. 4 years and already a Sergeant" for which Sullivan says "I don't mind doing it alone and if you did too, you would go somewhere" So at least we know the timeline progressed 4 years. Not really, they weren't buying from any college students and I don't believe their cover was being in college at the time. We were located near the I-95 corridor which was and still is a major narcotics pipeline supplying the East Coast with cocaine among other drugs. Our two guys were making controlled buys off of people coming up from the Florida area. Lt. Dan managed the money from Bubba Gump Shrimp and invested in Apple. Soon after, Forrest received a letter in the mail from Apple and proclaimed that he no longer ever had to worry about money again. He said when he got tired, he slept. When he got hungry, he ate and when he had to go, he went. When you don't have to worry about money, you can jog across the Country with no worries about anything including room and board, food, drinks etc... you have no worries, it's a great feeling, trust me. The whole Ping Pong reference was pretty cool. In the spring of 1971, several American ping-pong players traveled to China at the invitation of Chairman Mao. They played games against Chinese players, and were taken to Chinese cultural sites like the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. It was a significant thawing of U.S.-China relations, and led to Nixon visiting mainland China the next year. Pretty sure the NFL was drafting college players in the 1930s HAHAHAHAHAHA SPOILER alert if anyone is watching this crap. Just caught the episode and we got a double whammy of White antagonists this time. You could almost count his fiancee as a triple white antagonist as well. She just finds out that her man really didn't rape a you girl but still leaves him because she doesn't believe in abortion. The writers may be genius as I actually can't wait to see how evil they will portray white people in the next show. HAHAHAHAHA I haven't watched the episode yet, but I'd be willing to put money on it that you're right Yeah, I made a similar post after the 2nd or 3rd episode. I thought the first episode was pretty decent but it went downhill fast after that. It's clear the writers just want to prove a point in each story and use lazy writing to convey that point by allowing the "victim" to make speeches at the end. Here is a fun little fact. Go back through all the episodes and figure out who the "villain" is and what they all have in common lol at "no need for comments" With respect, the fact that you're a Wild West and Earp Historian means very little. Unless you were walking around in the 1880s and saw for yourself the mannerisms etc... of these people, then you are simply relying on 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th hand information from people that may or may not be accurate. In 2018 I was on the very small Island of Ocracoke in North Carolina at a Pirate Festival celebration. It was the anniversary of the death of Edward Teach (Blackbeard) who met his demise on the inner side of Ocracoke. During the celebration I listened to two different "historians". Both gave the same account with respect to the final battle ultimately leading to the beheading of Blackbeard however both gave an almost exact opposite account of the journey leading to the final battle. I spoke with the 2nd "historian" when he finished and shared what the 1st "historian" said for which #2 gave his reasons for how and why he was right. I ran into #1 and shared what #2 said and he immediately gave his reasons he was for how and why he was right. Both "Historians" gave compelling arguments as to how and why each one was right however one of them was exactly wrong. To make matters even more confusing...if you read a couple of books on the subject or read Wiki, you will get a 3rd account of what was believed to have taken place leading to journey before the final battle. The Wire okay, thank you Not sure I remembered him from Gunsmoke until I went back and looked at the photos from that time and then it came back to me. Great scene Prediction At some point, Jamie's nuts will finally drop and eventually beat the shit out of Beth for whatever reason (maybe his child). Rip will go after Jamie at which point Beth stops him, because she now finally respects him....a little. At some point, something is going to happen to bring the two of them together. When he was younger and hanging around with Will and Chuckie, I think I could have taken him then. His plea bargain was originally 7 years and in his effort to presumably save Kim from a civil suit... he took the bargain off the board which got him 86 years He was the only President that was acquitted twice as well.