DarkHorse's Replies

They tend to repeat storylines so it seems they always need to have a troubled kid. One of the dumbest story lines on the show. Followed by the family going over to save him. It started looking like an old western. I don't like her either. Kind of but she is a little more restrained in other roles. I noticed all the female characters get around in skimpy shorts. It did seem off given it never looked warm. Yes Canberra is like a big country town with lots of free museums and attractions. And then when people click on your thread you hurl abuse at them. Except it flopped. What I'm picking up on is they mostly like traditional style storytelling. Mostly male centric casts and stories. They like action and aren't big on PC propaganda. I don't think they could remake this film faithfully. It's about a white man who is breaking down and how he sees decay all around him. He is the victim in this. Modern Hollywood won't stand for that. I just read some more articles about her and still no rape. Given her position she would have received minor star treatment from the Nazis and I didn't read anything about her even being a darling of Goebells. Chances are she may have only ever seen him from afar at best. Overall the film sounds like a case of "men are bad, Nazis are evil and women are victims". I'm wondering how Pacino got roped into it! Slavery has existed in every culture. Never ended because it never existed. Recipe for disaster on many levels. Never heard of her before either. I read her Wikipedia page and she sounds more like someone who took their chances travelling and getting any kind of work they could finally ending up in Germany. I can imagine they would try and make her appear a victim or sympathetic. I would have been more interested in seeing her whole life more than the court case against.her. I really hate it when they bring in completely unrelated celebs for these things. Beckham's a soccer player and Gaga tried to present herself as edgy. Friends was always very mainstream. I was never a huge fan of the show but I'd be more interested in seeing what the characters amounted to rather than the actors. Which film was it where they talk about how you too some service staff but not others like at mcdonalds? I Can't recall if it was reservoir dogs or pulp fiction? I'm in Australia, we don't tip. Another factor would be adult characters. Not just age wide but in terms of maturity. Now most films and tv shows revolve around younger characters who never really grow up. Stains is a fun film and Diane Lane is serious cute in it. Looks terrible and unfinished to me. The old set up was neater and and easier to use.Makes me wonder why companies do that. Did anyone complain or care? Or did some manager figure he had to justify his job and so comes up with a revamp to add to a list of achievements?