MovieChat Forums > Heartland (2007) Discussion > It's all about Georgie...

It's all about Georgie...

Tell me I'm the only one annoyed with the fact that they are basically replacing Amy with her ? I wasn't a big fan of hers to begin with (I got nothing against her either) but now that she's everywhere...I find her a bit annoying :(
It is just my opinion but I feel like they ended Heartland at the last episode of the season 8 (that was SO perfect and would have been awesome as the end), and started a new show that is a sequel, they should have called it "Georgie's life on Heartland". Not hatin', just sayin'.


I'm three episodes into season 9 and Mary Sue, er, Georgie is ruining it. She's involved in every aspect of the show. She's the Heartland version of Roman Reigns.


She is ruining it more with each episode. There are few things worse on television shows than a child who knows more than adults about everything.

A couple lessons and she's got a horse trained to be a rodeo horse? Give me a break. She is more of a Mary Sue than Rey from Star Wars and she's a female Roman Reigns.


Why is Georgie's surname now "Fleming-Morris" instead of "Morris" or better yet, retaining the name she was given at birth before her parents died?


Good question. I've wondered that too.


The “Fleming-Morris” thing shows up all over the place in season 12. Really annoying. It should be just “Morris” or whatever her birth name was.


They have been setting Georgie up as an Amy replacement from day one, the "natural" horse abilities the rivalry with Olivia which mirrors the one Amy had with Ashley. So I am really not surprised.

The thing is they can't just repeat the same storylines Amy had, we have seen them already played out by Amy.


Georgie has gone full Rey at this point.


Not just her either that other chick the one who decided to do bronc riding. It's like she nailed it first ride. It can't possibly be that easy.


They tend to repeat storylines so it seems they always need to have a troubled kid.


I'm sick of Georgie too. She seems to run the household and there's too much teen drama. It's also unrealistic in that she's never ridden a horse until she goes to Heartland at 12 or 13, then becomes a good enough trick rider to be in trick riding exhibitions. Then she rides hunt seat for a couple years and does well at local shows, but now she's Olympic material!!! It takes years to get good enough for the Olympics and I don't think she looks that great on a horse anyway. And she seems to have the same abilities as Amy!!! So now she can help train client's horses. Barf. She's not a compelling character and I don't know why they centered the show around her. I would like it if she was off the show, or more in the background. I wish Mallory hadn't left the show - she was kind of cute in an annoying way. I just started watching the show a couple months ago so I watch it on the BYU channel at night where they show 3 in a row, then catch up on the early shows on Youtube.


She was annoying to begin with but she grew into a hottie later on and more interesting than Amy.
