MovieChat Forums > Heartland (2007) Discussion > It's all about Georgie...

It's all about Georgie...

Tell me I'm the only one annoyed with the fact that they are basically replacing Amy with her ? I wasn't a big fan of hers to begin with (I got nothing against her either) but now that she's everywhere...I find her a bit annoying :(
It is just my opinion but I feel like they ended Heartland at the last episode of the season 8 (that was SO perfect and would have been awesome as the end), and started a new show that is a sequel, they should have called it "Georgie's life on Heartland". Not hatin', just sayin'.


I have to mostly agree. They've run the gamut with Amy and Ty, so I don't expect much more drama there. Continuing with the story of Amy and Ty as the focal characters would leave the series as mostly an adult series. I suppose the producers feel a need to draw the younger audience back in. The younger audience they had when the program first started. I expect to see them try to rehash old storylines now with Georgie.



They need to realize they've run out of steam and END the freaking show.



It's gotta end eventually, you know.


As much as I love this show, it should have ended on the last episode of season 8 :(


I hope the show doesn't end for a long time yet. - loving it

I don't mind Georgie, but, - having watched them grow up essentially. - I'd rather Try and Amy continue to be the focal point of the show


Agree because until now the next season is better then the previous in terms of ratings.


I believe that most TV shows only have around 5-7 good seasons in them before they end up jumping the shark, and some shows should really only be 2-3 seasons max. The problem is that executives only care about the ad revenue, which is the only reason we have TV shows in the first place, and will milk a show for as long as possible before cancelling it. This leads to many shows dropping off drastically in quality over time. I'll continue watching Heartland until it ends simply because I've been watching the show for so long now, but in my opinion the show started going down the drain several seasons back. Now, it's just a ghost of its former greatness. But then again, I consider myself to be a more sophisticated viewer, and tend to have higher standards for the shows that I watch. However, the people who think Hallmark movies are great television probably don't have any issues with Heartland.



Good one iama.. I am sophisticated viewer too having watched every top show and for me heartland is something special.


It started midway through the series. I noticed Amy, who is supposedly madly in love with Ty, acting more like he's her BFF instead of the love of her life. I found out that Amber Marshall got married off screen around that time so it made sense (unfortunately she wasn't a good enough actress).


I know I'm in the minority, but Georgie doesn't bother me that much. An opportunity that I think they miss is having Georgie have friends. When Amy had Ashley as a nemesis and then a friend, it was fun and compelling. Without Georgie having friends from school they miss an opportunity for extra story lines and drama.

What ever happened to Georgie's frienemy from riding competitions? If she became more involved in Georgie's stories or became an actual friend for Georgie that would open up more possibilities. As it stands, all the drama is coming from within the family and you get story lines like Lou and Peter fighting and separating. With family-only drama, the stories become too insulated from the rest of their world.



I love Georgie dream too infact that episode in which Georgie runs away to Vancouver. I like that very much. Keeping in mind her whole runaway attitude.


I think Georgie is supposed to be the replacement for Mallory and the anti-Amy. When Amy was a teenager, she was the good girl and even felt intimidated that she didn't take huge risks. Georgie on the other hand does everything to the extreme, like trick riding instead of show jumping and being rebellious/contentious about everything. Except there's nothing really interesting about Georgie - she does interesting things, but she's not an interesting character.



I know right, I've found her interesting right from when she joined the show in Season 6.


She's interesting if you enjoy watching the antics of a whiny brat kid who continually does what she's told or should know not to do. At least with Mallory her annoying behavior was balanced with some humor. There's no such balance with Georgie and she's becoming increasingly a pain to watch. I'm tired of hearing her say she's sorry only to do something else she's sorry for.


She's getting on my last nerve. Never suffers any consequences for her actions. I just hope Phoenix doesn't die. She's a brat!


its just a passing of the torch the amy and ty triangle starting to age a little too much of course they are gonna try and pass the torch to a new character for a bit.


I skip through ALL of Georgie's scenes. I think they still have a lot to write with Ty,Amy and the other adult characters to keep the show going. Hopefully they will. Aty least it is now LESS of THE LOU SHOW!

By solesister - "Get thee to a nunnery!"


You really need to catch up on the last few seasons (from reading the other posts).

This show isn't the Ty and Amy show, or the Lou show, or even the Georgie's called "Heartland" for a's about everyone in Heartland, not just select individuals.

The big reason why there has been a focus on Georgie lately is because she is entering the same age bracket Amy was in when the show first started, she is having to navigate some of the same issues as well. This show has a target audience, guess what age they are? Guess what issues they deal with on a regular basis? Starting to see why Georgie is becoming a primary focus yet?


Amy is still the main character, the protagonist of the show, but it's true that Georgie is now hogging alot of the attention and screentime from the other characters, she's now become like the second main female character of the show, maybe even replacing Lou in that role. I heard Georgie became a popular character with the Canadian audiences, so that's probably why her character has been promoted to such a big main is rather annoying to me considering I don't like Georgie, I find her equally as annoying as Mallory was sometimes, so I don't understand why she's so popular with audiences there.



Well that had to do something because now Amy and ty happily married. They writers cannot expect to follow that whole break up and rekindle storyline of Tamy. That worked perfectly until they were married and I enjoyed it. Actually I wanted to know the viewers opinion on that. Do you think ty and Amy would separate like they have done in every previous season. Or they will have at happy married life and leave it younger Georgie to follow on Amy's footsteps.


I don't think they have to have relationship drama between Ty and Amy to have a successful show. They can go around helping people and continue to make it interesting. Touched by an Angel made it ten seasons with no relationships, just helping people. Plenty of other shows like that. It doesn't have to be only helping horses either with Ty being a vet.
