DarkHorse's Replies

To be fair, I don't think that was the first time Charlie had been hit on by a hot shot fighter pilot and she seemed to have the same arrogant streak as the pilots themselves. I know now, women would start twittering #metoo because someone guys sang badly to her but I am sure if she really wanted to put Maverick in his place she could have done so easily. I think it also needs to be said that one of the most popular books for women is 50 Shades of Grey.... They were flying during a Cold War. 2 combat experiences and 3 kills makes him very experienced and he outdoes the Top Gun winner Iceman who only shoots down 1 plane. I think she was telling him that without Mav it would have just been a job to Goose. He would have kept flying because it was a job. Of all the pilots and RIO's in the film, Goose was the least enthused about it all. He was just doing a job and I think Mav made that very difficult for him at a times. He would have made a better radar operator on an AWACs plane. I just watched it again a few days ago and there is a lot of homoerotica, intentional or otherwise. I think back in the 80's we just saw it as male bonding. I know I didn't think about the references back then at all. Regardless of his approach there is a very high chance Mav would have trouble with the ladies based purely on his height (or lack of) alone. Of course being a fighter pilot would probably help. Looking at the movie poster he also looks like a little boy compared to Kelly's more mature look. "No Joy" means no luck or no success. It is used by soldiers, hunters, Police usually. I always saw the hard deck as a border of sorts, in real life, the enemy might retreat back to their own borders. In the game they were playing that border was vertical instead. Jester retreated and Maverick was stupid enough to follow him. What if Jester was leading him into an ambush or a barrage of anti aircraft fire? I doubt they would make someone fly an expensive and dangerous jet when they felt they couldn't handle it anymore. In reality they might have offered him a desk job but I doubt he would have wanted that. I would place the blame on both of them, they were both too aggressive and forgot that ultimately it was just a game and are on the same side. I never really got that either, I know they have rules of engagement etc it is part of the game but in the end they still beat the instructor. Something the instructors even acknowledged after they disciplined Mav and Goose. I guess that might have been the smarter thing to do though. In reality, if Mav had of gone after a retreating target and then killed him, that would not have gone down well, especially in a cold war situation. Bender and Posh chick is highly likely. She likes that it will piss her family off and girls tend to like dickheads. He is also, despite his crudeness genuinely into her. He is also a battered child and she would like taking care of him. Jock and Nerdy chick not so likely. I agree with that and it seemed forced and tacked on. The film is pretty empty but then a lot of those 80's teen films were like extended music videos. There some interesting insights into the characters, Ally's Nerd girl turns up to detention voluntarily to have somewhere to put herself and possibly for some kind of social interaction. The Jock is under a lot of pressure and is cracking up. Nerd guy is trying to fit in and is crossing the line into being a bully. Can't recall why Posh girl was in there. I think so as it usually is combined with not caring or wanting to hear what the other person is wanting or trying to say or the look of boredom in their eyes. I have had people speak at me in this way and even get annoyed when I tried to comment on what they were saying. America. Sure there are good and bad American films but there are lots of choices. Yep and I could deal with the nasty streak. It's the sulking bratty behavior from a woman who looks like she is well into her 40's that is what gets me. I don't know if the character is meant to be younger if so they chose the wrong actress. You're welcome. I love the modern Western setting and scenery as well. It does lack direction and at this point it seems like they are just going to keep upping the ante in terms of violence and craziness. Wait till you see the season finale!! I can't help but think they didn't count on more than 1 or 2 seasons so didn't put a lot of thought into it and now they are kind of lost. I don't think so. She wasn't a great actress and lacked personality. She was also busy banging celebrities, OJ Simpson kept her locked away in an apartment for a while and there were many others. She was in it for the money. Not being delusional. Everyone has a peak of some sort. That peak neither has to be amazing or long lasting. GOT was most likely her peak. A lot of 80's films were vacuous even when dealing with heavier topics. He represented his era well but many of his films just don't stand up. Probably. There seems to be a usual pattern in terms of young actors who peak early. 1/ Peak. 2/ A lead role in a project that fails. 3/ Some kind of weird artsy film. 4/ Something more edgy and B grade. 5/ Long break. I have a constant expression that just lets people know I cannot and will not be bothered by their bullshit. Most people seem to read that well, even when I have a mask on.