MovieChat Forums > MrRipEager > Replies
MrRipEager's Replies
For me it's Stallone for all three topics you've mentioned. Although if there was a 4th category for which would win in a pie eating contest I would have to vote for Seagal, I am not sure why though, he just seems like the type of person who would win since he is circumferentially challenged.
You can learn everything you need to know without doing a course, just read the right books.
You should just take solace in the fact that he probably has an std.
Literally about 95% of the movies Jackie Chan has starred in! (Great stunts also)
They needed to be the way they were, as it was merely a means to an end for them. Its not that I don't agree with you, as I firmly believe in the old saying that those who talk just repeat what they already know, whereas those who listen learn things they don't. The only problem is that you also have to listen to a lot of nonsense along the way.
Now that's ironic, since I was actually the quiet one that people needed to watch out for growing up, as I used to do some quite terrible things to some people, who viewed me as being harmless at the time.
Well they do say that it's always the quiet ones you've got to watch out for.
Try getting a new Job, 1 where you work in the afternoon so you can have a lie in.
Some people like to complain because they have nothing better to do, yet view themselves to be important enough to have an opinion about everything. I always say that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, but they never like to face the realisation, which is that they are all full of shit.
The 2nd season was OK, I much more preferred the 1st season though, I just felt that the detective characters had a better chemistry in the first one, and Rust Cohle's character just seemed to have a philosophy and world view that you don't tend to see in many other series.
I would consider myself a TV Junkie. Here is a list of every TV series I have watched through from start to finish on a number of occassions:
Game Of Thrones
Family Guy
South Park
Brooklyn Nine Nine
A Touch Of Frost
Heroes and Heroes Reborn
Person Of Interest
Ripper Street
The Blacklist
The Tunnel (UK and American Version)
The Flash (1990s and 2014 Version)
True Detective
X Files
Better Call Saul
Breaking Bad
I would go on listing them but there are literally about another 150-300 shows that I have watched through from start to finish more than once. I probably should have thought about that before starting to list them :)
I have to disagree with you here, the 2 movies which made Statham famous are Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch both came out years before the 1st Transporter film.
Last Action Hero didn't bomb since it took $137.3 million at the box office on an $85 Million Budget. Also Jaws: the Revenge made $28.9 Million more than its budget.
For me it would entirely depend on both how far past the date it's been and what type of food or drink it is. I wouldn't want to eat something that would make me sick like beef or fish, but if its canned goods or something like (bread, which you can just toast) I wouldn't tend to think twice about it.
You should check it out if you get the opportunity to, It isn't by any means the funniest film out there but it is a good story.
I believe it was an underrated classic also, There seem to be fewer and fewer decent mini series getting made these days.
The Thing is an epic movie, I must have seen that film 40-50 times and never second guessed why I have continued to watch it over again. Probably the best body snatcher movie ever made.
I'm with you I haven't been able to get into porn or strippers since I was 18 either, it's just been rejection after rejection.
I like paying for things with bags of change, but I have to make sure I count it all before paying for anything.