MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you ever feel like there’s always som...

Do you ever feel like there’s always some idiot in front of you in the drive thru/checkout line or driving?

And they slow you down to the point you get violently angry? Always some jerkoff in front of me with some complicated order or trying to use an obscure expired coupon. Or going 5 under in the fast lane when I’m boxed in by trucks.


I drive about 30 minutes to work in the mornings and it’s a curvy 2 lane black top. More often than not, someone is going 40 in a 55 the entire way. I’m always thinking of what their reasoning might be. I pull long trailers often and if I see cars really stacking up behind me because I’m going slower than the speed limit, because of a heavy load, I pull over and let them pass. If I can do it in a truck and trailer then someone in a small car can too.


I think the only explanation is that most people are inconsiderate idiots


I think there should be a rule for Coffe Shops. I go to Tim Horton'S drive thru frequently and there's always that fucking car who ordered 3 different breakfasts while we all just want to pick our coffee quickly. I say, you want to eat a complete meal, go inside and order at the counter.


I know how you feel.


We have a few timmies here with a two lane drive thru.


Got'em too. Still dosen't mean I want to wait 6 minutes for you to get your fucking lunch.


It's not me. I despise both Tim Horton's, and drive thrus.


I wasn’t pointing at you, sorry

reply problem!


One of the biggest fallacies of human behavior is that we judge others for (what we perceive to be) their worst actions, while holding ourselves up by our best. Everyone has an off day sometimes. It's always best to be early, so leave early and allot more time to get things done. :)

(Felt like my first post here should be somewhat thought-provoking.)

Anyway, one thing I love about North Carolina drivers, they drive slow when you're behind them, but go to pass them and they put down the phone and drive. You get behind them again? Back on Facebook or whatever they do that makes them drive 10 below.


One of the biggest fallacies of human behavior is that we judge others for (what we perceive to be) their worst actions, while holding ourselves up by our best. A near perfect sentence.


Quality first post. Welcome!


Yeah, I rate your first post 9/10.

Good job


I like paying for things with bags of change, but I have to make sure I count it all before paying for anything.


I was once at the supermarket checkout with a single item. The woman behind me (yes I know you said in front) says "You should put up the divider to keep track of your order." I replied "Why? I can count to one." The poor checkout girl starting cracking up and the woman stormed away.
