MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > My friend tries to say I’m gay because I...

My friend tries to say I’m gay because I don’t like strip clubs or porn lol!

What an idiot, obviously he’s insecure about his trashy interests or he wouldn’t feel the need to project. I haven’t been able to get into porn or strippers since I was 18, and even then I really wasn’t. I can’t get into fake stuff, I don’t know how he still gets turned on by cheesy ass trashy porn and strippers, absolutely disgusting. Not only is it not real but the people participating are usually pretty disgusting.


You seem to have so many life problems. The more you vent here, the more dysfunctional you sound.


My friend tries to say I’m gay because I don’t like strip clubs or porn lol, what an idiot, obviously he’s insecure about his trashy interests or he wouldn’t feel the need to project.

It's understandable you are friends. Both of you act the same: both of you are extremely quick in labeling the other.


You're gay because you go to girls hotel rooms, and then leave.




So, you don't deny it?


If there's one thing in our culture that I have loathed and despised since the 90s, it's what I like to call, the "Gay Jump;" where idiots jump to conclusions about someone's sexual orientation, based on erroneous pieces of information about someone's behavior or activities regarding the opposite, or even the same sex. I hate it. It's not fair and ruins the reputation of the accused. We shouldn't have to prove ourselves by jumping people's bones all the time. You see the BS that comes out of all this:

- Guy rejects a bitchy, pushy girl who won't leave him alone: oh, he must be gay

- Girl is unlucky in love in jr. high and high school: oh, she must be gay

- Teen goes to an all-boys or all-girls school: 10 bucks says half the student body is sleeping around with each other

- Girl is only seen with other girls: she's gay

- Guy isn't a stupid jock and is into activities that are normally the realm of women: oh, he's probably gay

- Guy likes to act in theater, particularly musical ones: totally gay

- Girl doesn't like to sleep around: she's a lesbo or going to a nunnery

- two women/men live together in an apartment or house: totally a gay couple

- Guy has a distinct lisp in his voice: he must be gay

- kids think kissing is disgusting: they haven't even hit puberty and they're already gay!

- he/she lives a celibate life: they're secretly gay, they must be!

- person is hostile towards gay people: oh they're secretly gay themselves and are self-hating

Like I said, I hate that. Why is it so important to prove if someone's gay or not? Don't you people have anything better to do than to insult otherwise nice people? Is it because all you people think about is who your victim is currently boning? I get sick of it! Mind your own damned business!!!


I'm with you I haven't been able to get into porn or strippers since I was 18 either, it's just been rejection after rejection.




Strippers like M O N E Y. It's like giving a puppy bacon. I'm not kidding.


I always liked nude photographs of attractive women such as in Playboy magazine but I could never get into watching porn flicks with people having sexual intercourse. When I was a kid in the mid 70s one of my neighbors who was my same age would try to show me 8mm porn flicks his dad stashed away when his dad was at work. One of them was of a woman having sex with a large dog. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.




There are lots of people like you, who do NOT watch or appreciate or like or condone porn. There is NOTHING wrong with that. If a person can chemically castrate his son in America and not go to prison you should be fine.

Too much porn can F up your brain. Too much anything(almost) is bad for you.



I agree with all that.


Where did I say anything about not condoning it? There is nothing moral or political about my dislike of porn, I just think it’s trashy and not even remotely stimulating.


You misread my statement. I agree with you.


Oh ok my bad
