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Thespear (134)
The Republicans are NOT playing the long game here
Are Internet Streaming Platforms going to change movies and TV shows?
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So Equality can't be optional therefore it must be enforced if we are to have a fair society!
So 'Equality' should be optional? A cop can kill a black motorist then hug a white one for the same crime? A shopkeeper can charge you one price and me another? What kind of ass backwards thinking is that?!?! When you don't enforce equality that is exactly what IS HAPPENING!
Let's admit this is from a juror and this was their true feelings. What does this say about justice in America? I think it says that ONLY after months of riots and cities burning can a white policeman be found guilty of murdering a black person. Now I don't agree with this so called juror. I think there was plenty of FACTS to find Chauvin guilty but if what this person says is true it means the justice system is so messed up, this is the ONLY way black people can find justice. Exactly the wrong message is being given to minorities.
There is also a deep seated hatred for anyone who is not like them. That is textbook bigotry! Trump understood this about them better than any other politician. The reason the seem impervious to facts etc is because they just DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!! It is NOT because they can't understand it, they just WON'T!
How can Reps be so stupid? Well unfortunately for you we are going to stuff Democracy down your throats you SC stealing bastards!!! We will add DC and PR as states so we keep the Senate more easily. We will add as many as 9 more liberal judges to the SC and start working on dismantling the Electoral College, it is undemocratic and gives an unfair advantage to the voters in small mostly red states. Then you can voter id and gerrymander yourselves as much as you like it won't matter because the President will be chosen by popular vote and the way I see it, we have about 9 million more voters than you do! Karma is a bitch and Trump is an Arsehole!
Black people were KILLED by police ALL summer or are you effing BLIND!!!!
they weren't looting at all. The rioting was started by white men and yes, desperate people took advantage. Trump's rioter and looters were looting on a LIE the President himself told them!
I'm not sure he'll make it to Jan 20th!
...So says a person whose ancestors probably came from another continent to steal this land from the people who owned it; who also stole millions of people and benefited from stolen free labor of others not to talk about the horrors they perpetrated during slavery. Boy, while you theorize about immigration understand this: neither you nor your offspring will escape the justice of history!
Yes, small Blue states also benefit by the EC but there are more small red ones than blue ones. Also the point is that the large blue states get disenfranchised! AND the large population blue states have large mostly minority populations so it VERY MUCH has to do with RACE! Why are you guys aways SO EAGER to deny RACISM? IT EXISTS! ITS HERE! My point is that when there IS a 2/3rd majority, and with demographics trends it WILL happen eventually, it will be too late to salvage the small red states population and there might not be ANY large red states left!
Not EVERY non white is Liberal, many are conservative BUT Trump did not run on the conservative positions you listed. He barely mentioned them, He ran sayin "darkie is coming to get you" "Our suburbs, our suburbs!" You can't deny THAT!I can tell you this much: MOST non white people don't think like LilWayne or 50 cent EVEN IF they are culturally conservative!
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