MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are Internet Streaming Platforms going t...

Are Internet Streaming Platforms going to change movies and TV shows?

With the advent of the likes of Amazon Prime, CBS All Access, Netflix and the countless other international streaming platforms the true nature of movie and television viewing is changing. Hulu allows me to watch quality shows from all over the world and I like the freedom to binge watch entire seasons. Many shows are adopting serialized seasons instead of the weekly episodic format used before. How else are these platforms changing how or what movies and tv shows we see? The previous model was that the advertisers determined which shows got cancelled based on viewership or subscriptions in the case of HBO, Cinemax etc. However, if the viewership is now measured in terms of total subscribers to what is ultimately an international platform, surely that will mean a different calculation. With 1.4 billion Chinese and 1.3 billion Indians and many, many others how will this affect the movie and tv shows that ultimately get made? I believe China has a 300 million middle class population. If 2% of them become subscribers, that would mean 6 million subscriptions.


More Bollywood ??


To be fair, it's more the other way around currently (Kim Khadashian/Cardi B)...but yes, eventually... more Bollywood. Sooner than that though less obvious changes.


Please no:)


I agree completely.


Stratego might not like this...I'm blaming you😬


Let’s see: TV didn’t change movies. Cable TV didn’t change movies, by which I mean major Hollywood movies and not made-for-cable or -TV movies. DVD changed movies slightly, in terms of making Directors Cuts and Special Editions, with their bladder-bursting running times feasible. There is no reason why streaming is going to change REAL movies at all. TV shows are a different story. Real movies have an established history of being impervious to influence from other media platforms, with one dreadful exception: the acceptance of TV actors like Michael J. Fox and Jennifer Aniston as movie stars. That’s like accepting McFood as haut cuisine, more evidence of the trailer-parking of American culture.


It is undeniable that TV and Cable have changed the type and scope of movies and TV shows made. If nothing else they have increased the type and scope of viewers available to the content makers. There is no doubt the Streaming Platforms will do the same but in much more radical AND subtle ways. What I am asking is in what ways will we see these changes manifest themselves? Anyone doubting this should check out the current content on some of these international streaming platforms. The world is shrinking fast.


TV shows maybe. Movies won't change.


You Don’t Need Netflix’s Budget to Succeed in Streaming, Starz COO Jeffrey Hirsch Says


What do you expect the Starz COO to say now? When Straz gets as big as Netflix and HBO NOW what do you think he will say then? After the national market is completely saturated all these companies will have to look abroad.
