jimmyjuliano's Replies

i saw something on youtube once "gays for palestine" hahahahaha these little queens would be decapitated before you you say "whos got the sex and the city boxset?" "but but but but but trump is racist! and the russians!" he will, deep down you know he will HAHAHAHAHAHAA!! liberals arguing about who would give them the most free stuff! hahahahahahahaa!! get a job losers! what about barry giving billions to people who chant "death to america" ?? what about barry passing laws that make it legal for the government to detain you without due process? what about the debt he got us into? are you complaining about that? and theres a million more things that i can't be bothered writing, if thats what america stood for, then no thanks, cucks like you love things like that interesting, a time traveller from 2022 came to me! he said they need 2019 to send them toilet paper that in bernies america there isn't any "at least i will go down as a president" - barack/bathhouse barry obama/soetoro barr might be ignorant, he might be complict, but who generally wants this shut down? if you really really really don't see that it's liberals who generally are shutting down any talk of this being a murder and not a suicide, then you've gone beyond bias, it's now ignorance and stupidity. the biggest leftist on this board doogieboy took delight in announcing it was confirmed a suicide. if generally one side wants it looked at, and one side doesn't (and yeah there are exeptions) what conclusion can we come to on who the guilty party is? and no i don't have the "proof" to put someone in jail, look thru my comments, i've never said "bill clinton did it!" i've simply questioned why the left is so eager for it to go way, thats all... if theres proof that errors in this administration led to him dying, then yeah, lets get rid. lets get rid of the morons, i agree. let them face justice. but theres no evidence, and rather ironically you need evidence to condemn a democrat, but have no problem in throwing accusations around about republicans, at times in the same sentence. that you can't prove either, but you think it's ok to plant the seed of doubt if you put a little disclaimer in there about nothing being proven hahahaha this is what made people vote for trump, this is what made moderate democrats vote for trump. theres no justice with you people anymore, just political bias. and yeah it boosts the AOC base. but the JFK democrats are fleeing. time to wake up i put the blame on liberals, because if it's on this board, twitter, the mainstream media or politicans, it's generally liberals who call any questioning of this "suicide" as "nutjob conspiracy theories" of course i could give you some well written articule from a liberal newspaper who also wants to question it, and i could give you examples of conservatives who think it's a "whackjob conspiracy theory" too, but in general? it's pretty obvious it's the left who wants it to go away, the president called it.... to answer your question, do you really think at a local level the staff, ways of doing things would change in this jail from the obama administration to the trump one? are there different guards? different camaras? different ways of doing suicide watch? of course not. this is at a local level, trump isn't gonna go personally to this jail and keep watch over epstein, it's all on a local level. it's no even a democrat or republican issue, these things are taken care of at a local level. blaming the republicans for this, or even if it would have happened on obamas watch is insane! it's like saying "my kids grades are bad now that trump is president, it was on his watch..." not me! let the truth come out, i don't care who it affects, dems, reps... who cares (in 3,2,1..... trump trump trump trump trump trump trump trump! but trump!") hahahahahahahahahahaha i love how your obsessed with him, and how you're so angry and deranged that no matter what was the theme of the day, you'd say "but trump" i really really hope you're still around here next year! i'd prefer to start with someone who went to lolita island "27 times" instead of "throw enough shit and some will stick" rumours. but that would affect the democrat brand right? another liberal complict in pedophilia. i hope you don't have kids!! change the subject because you don't want pedophiles to be investigated, tell me something paesano, you're getting close to the 10000 post mark, have you ever posted something that doesn't have "t-rump" in it? legit question... you must be happy eh?! it all gets put to bed and none of your friends get investigated. what was your little face like in 2016?! between 1 and 10, how retarded are you? not the old dementia one again!? you tried that with reagan. hahahahahaha my "whole pathetic life" doesn't depend on government handouts and making me feel good about myself calling people "racist" like a little girl, notice how i never use the names of politicans? you're obssessed. and it's sad. but i like uit.