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Vote Yang 2020

He seems to be Smartest out the candidates and his policies are what this countrys needs


I'm leaning towards Tulsi, but I'll vote for whoever the nominee is.


Yang is dopier than Trump.

There are over 300 million American adults. Yang wants each adult to receive $1,000 monthly. Who is paying over $3 trillion each year for this? Keep in mind that the entire Federal budget is $4 trillion.


Cut the department of defense.



North Korea is firing rockets for their nuke program thanks to Trump tearing up the agreement.

Iran is building a nuclear bomb thanks to Trump tearing up the agreement.

Russia is building more nuclear bombs thanks to Trump not renewing the agreement.

Isis is reforming thanks to Trump diminishing troops and support in the region.

Domestic terrorism is increasing thanks to Trump inciting violence with his racist rhetoric and doing nothing to create sensible laws re: firearms which 90% of Americans want.

Now is not the time to cut the department of defense.


Shiiiit... cut that in half and its still $500 a month. Thats a pretty good chunk of change. And $1.5 trillion sounds a lot less scary than $3 trillion.


Wow!! You actually admit that Democrat's free stuff policies are economically impossible? There may be hope for you, yet.


You're conveniently forgetting that Trump and the Republicans gave a way free stuff in the form of a huge tax cut to multi-millionaires, billionaires and large corporations.

The Republicans are presently giving away free stuff in the form of social welfare to large rich farms while smaller farmers struggle because of Trump's tariff war with China.

At least Yang's idea hasn't been implemented unlike the Republicans stupid tax cut and social welfare program for rich farmers which are bankrupting the country.


Lol. The social welfare programs for people who refuse to work and all the "benefits" we give to illegals are what is bankrupting the country.


You're conveniently forgetting that Trump and the Republicans gave a way free stuff in the form of a huge tax cut to multi-millionaires, billionaires and large corporations.

The Republicans are presently giving away free stuff in the form of social welfare to large rich farms while smaller farmers struggle because of Trump's tariff war with China.

At least Yang's idea hasn't been implemented unlike the Republicans stupid tax cut and social welfare program for rich farmers which are bankrupting the country.


I don't know where you get the idea that Trump's tax cuts only help the rich. I'm middle class and they definitely help me.

Meanwhile, you conveniently, completely ignored what I said.


"ignored what I said"
Because what you said is incorrect.

How does a 1% tax cut help you when the 10%+ increase on consumer goods due to Trump's tariff war with China is greater? And that's not counting inflation which has already made any minuscule tax cut useless.

BTW, the tax cut which was supposed to help the economy has done nothing. The corporations used the money for buybacks that temporarily propped up the stock market. The stock market has been flat for over a year!



Total Federal, state and local tax intake for 2019 in the U.S. will be $2.4 trillion. That would have be one very high VAT tax.

Meanwhile, keep in mind that the U.S. is technically bankrupt and we don't have money for infrastructure because of Trump's tax cut for the rich.

Yang's idea is not practical.



Its not about which candidate has the highest IQ. Its about which candidate has the backs of the largest majority. The candidate that puts him or herself in there to fight for the largest demographic should be the candidate that wins. Thats basically how democracy works.


he does back the Largest Majority


I have never seen the largest majority ask for $1,000 a month.


I'll use my free money to buy pot and smoke at Betos house since he out of a job.


HAHAHAHAHAHAA!! liberals arguing about who would give them the most free stuff! hahahahahahahaa!!

get a job losers!


The Racist Trump is not gonna win in 2020


he will, deep down you know he will



Dudes Asian. He’d never get the black vote. No nomination for him.


That's because Democrats are........ wait for it....... RACISTS!!


Democratic party is diversified. The Republicans are not. There are plenty of white supremacists mass shooters who are inspired by the Republican president.


Lol. You need to get out more.


"Democratic party is diversified. The Republicans are not."

Explain this photo re: diversity:

"Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties"

You need to read more.


Translated: Democrats fill quotas. Republicans elect the most qualified.

I suppose you support affirmative action too. If you need life saving surgery, would you prefer a surgeon that excelled and got great grades or one that got into school because they're a minority?


Of course, a Trumpite would say something offensively bigoted. How typical of you!

Everyone is fleeing the Republican Party including Republicans!

Never Trump Republicans, dissatisfied Republicans, Republicans effected by Trump's stupid economic policies and the impending recession, Republican women, college-educated and suburbanites who will likely stay home rather than vote for Trump.


What was offensive and bigoted? Answer? Nothing. You're the bigot. I didn't say what color the high performing student was. Minorities can and do achieve on their own merits too, Joe Biden.


"What was offensive and bigoted?"

"Democrats fill quotas. Republicans elect the most qualified."

You said white men are qualified and women and minorities are not. You're a misogynist and bigot.


I said no such thing and you know it.


Obviously, you're going to double-down on your ignorant racist statement.


Democratic party is diversified. The Republicans are not.

Blacks went majority Democrat in the 1930s and have voted Democrat in every presidential election since. The Democrats were the party of freaking ongoing racial segregation back then.

Meanwhile Republicans were the party opposing racial discrimination, the one crusading against lynching, and the one that in living memory had freed the slaves.

The Democrats were more "diverse" (at least as defined by race obsessed leftists) but they were clearly the racially bigoted party.

Blacks voted Democrat because they liked economic liberalism. It was more important to most of them than ending segregation. If that was true even back when the Jim Crow era was still going on, it's dishonest and despicable to pretend that the mere fact of minorities voting Democrat today somehow proves Republicans are "racist". I have no doubt that Democrats lying and falsely accusing Republicans of "racism" on a daily basis, and even ginning up open anti-white bigotry, keeps a certain percentage of minorities voting Democrat. But the minority groups in question tend to favor left wing policies. Is that just a coincidence, or might that have something to do with them voting for the left wing party?


You're deflecting.

The Democrat Party is diversified and the Republican Party is not.

What is it about the Republican party that is causing most people to flee it?

I don't have a problem addressing your deflection since I like to educate people about history.

Republican Party of 1860 was RINO. If you look at their presidential platform and agenda you would know that they were the party of progressive liberals. The Democrat Party were conservatives and they were actually divided into two parties: northern and southern. The progressive liberal party of Republicans were for equal rights including anti-slavery which explains why most black people were Republican. The conservative party was against equality, anti-immigration and pro-slavery especially the southern faction of the Democratic party.

The parties went through a major switch in platforms during the 1930s. The Republican party became conservative and the democratic party became liberal. Subsequently, voters switched parties en masse. Dixiecrats joined the Republican party during the 1940s.

BTW, conservatives considered FDRs New Deal to be communism and were against it. You would know it as social security, FDIC, Fannie Mae, SEC


It's not "deflection" to annihilate your premise. Republicans are diverse. Democrats being more racially diverse doesn't mean they're not the racially bigoted party. Democrats were more racially diverse back when they supported Jim Crow too. They've always been a party that exploits identity politics to manipulate groups, and for the past century that cynically buys votes with tax payer money. Republicans have always been the relatively color blind party favoring assimilation and treating people as individuals within the American tribe.

You might know even less about history than you do about economics so I'll educate you.

The party "swap" BS is a myth. There was no "left" in the US as we understand it until the late 19th/early 20th Century (Democrat candidate William Jennings Bryan is typically seen as a demarcation), and since then the Democrats have always been the more left party. The Republicans who freed the slaves and fought for civil rights (most recently in the 1990s with the Gingrich pushed bill ending racial obstacles to adoption) were not "liberal". All the major US parties of the 19th Century were what we now call "conservative" ideologically. Their differences were either over now defunct issues (e.g. slavery) or relatively minor ones that today's parties have room for internal disagreement on (e.g. tariffs, bank/currency policy). The common denominator values they shared (libertarianism, limited government, free market, Christian values, constitutionalism, patriotism) are the ones under assault by leftists for the past century and defended by today's "conservatives".


Since the left/right dynamic first arose in US politics in the late 1800s, Democrats have always attacked Republicans from the left as the party of "business" while even in the TR era Republicans were attacking Democrats from the right as the party of "socialism".

1908 GOP platform: “The present tendencies of the two parties are even more marked by inherent differences. The trend of Democracy is toward socialism, while the Republican party stands for a wise and regulated individualism. Socialism would destroy wealth, Republicanism would prevent its abuse. Socialism would give to each an equal right to take; Republicanism would give to each an equal right to earn. Socialism would offer an equality of possession which would soon leave no one anything to possess, Republicanism would give equality of opportunity which would assure to each his share of a constantly increasing sum of possessions. In line with this tendency the Democratic party of to-day believes in Government ownership, while the Republican party believes in Government regulation. Ultimately Democracy would have the nation own the people, while Republicanism would have the people own the nation.”

Republicans didn’t just become conservative in the 1930s. They opposed Woodrow Wilson’s leftist polices too. Wilson was the first modern liberal president and has always been a “progressive” icon. He was also a racial bigot who re-imposed the segregation that the GOP had already ended in the federal government. Republican Harding inherited a major recession from Wilson, and dealt with it by both huge spending cuts and across the board tax cuts, facilitating the boom of the roaring 20s. Calvin Coolidge railed against lynching in the same speeches he extolled the virtues of limited government and the free market. He sounded like a modern TEA party speaker. Hoover was liberal, but so was Nixon. Neither was as liberal as FDR.


The Democrat segregationists were liberals. This academic study analyzed Congressional Democrats’ votes in the early to mid 20th Century and found that segregationist Democrats reliably voted with non-segregationist Democrats on every issue except race and sometimes labor policy. (free full pdf)

Segregationist Democrats supported a big welfare state, tax hikes, and more regulation. They supported FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society. They also routinely blocked GOP civil rights bills, with LBJ himself holding up the Eisenhower era 1957 Civil Rights Act for a while. Democrats made the cynical strategic decision to flip in the 60s, though there were enough holdouts that the CRA of 1964 only passed because an overwhelming majority of Republicans voted for it. The Democrats didn’t stop being racist in the 1960s. They just adjusted which color they attacked and established a machine infrastructure of activist “leaders” (race baiting charlatans) for each racial/ethnic group to help keep the disparate factions in line, eventually deciding they needed to cultivate as much racial strife and hatred as possible to justify the system’s continued existence.

Strom Thurmond was an aberration. Almost all the segregationist Democrats remained Democrats their whole lives, like Al Gore Sr., Clinton’s mentor William Fulbright, Senate majority leader and former KKK member Robert Byrd, etc.. Even Dixiecrat George Wallace rejoined the Democrats after his failed Independent bid, not the Republicans, contrary to your false claim.

Democrats obsessively view everything through a racial prism. Just as they did 100 years ago. Freeing the slaves bought several decades of good will from blacks but eventually they found economic liberal promises appealing. The GOP should appeal to blacks not by handwringing over race (Republicans aren’t racist and never have been the racist party) or with PC claptrap that they’ll never be able to outflank cynical Democrats on, but by directly addressing their daily living quality concerns and persuading them that conservative governance would be better for their lives than liberal governance.

We’re already getting ammo for such arguments with Trump’s policies delivering the lowest black unemployment rate on record.


In 2019, there is lack of diversity within the Republican Party. The majority of most groups (except older whites) vote Democrat: Hispanics, Jews, young people, Native-Americans, blacks, Asians, LGBTQ, Muslims, women and college-educated.

The only black Republican congressman has announced he won't run again.

"Rep. Will Hurd had told the Washington Blade that Republicans should not be "an asshole," arguing that his conservative colleagues shouldn't be homophobic, racist, misogynistic or any other negative stereotypes often associated with the party by left-wing critics."

Trump won by only 70,000 votes. Democrats who stayed home because they thought he couldn't win won't repeat the same mistake. Demographically, an older white population is dying out and being replaced by a more diverse younger population. Also, Democrats move to states like Florida and Texas which turn these states purple. I just read an interesting book "Everything Trump Touches Dies" by a Republican strategist which says Trump and Republican complicity are going to destroy the party for the next couple of generations.

The Obama economic recovery has nothing to do with Trump. Trump's tariff war and reckless spending and borrowing will destroy it.


To simplify, conservatives want to keep the status quo while liberals and progressives want to change it.

The liberals of 1860, the Republican party, were diversified and there are similarities with the liberal party (Democrats) of today.
Equality (conservatives discriminate -see Hurd comment), supporting black rights (anti-slavery, opposed slave fugitive laws, anti-slave trade), living wages for workers and farmers etc. (conservatives against minimum wage), helping poor to own land for a small fee (conservatives call this socialism), protect settlers' lands from big business (conservatives help big business over average joe. Ex. tax cut for rich), protect immigrants and migrants (cons. put them in cages now), support new technologies like the railroad and mail delivery which are equivalent to green energy (conservatives support old obsolete like coal and oil). Most liberals were in the North like today.

When did parties switch platforms:

1860 presidential party platform

No matter the party, segregationist/pro-slavery were mainly in the South even though there are plenty of bigots in other states too ex. republican rep Steve King.

Your definition of liberals is wrong. Liberals are humanists and believe in equality which is why a diversified group is attracted to the Democratic party. An excellent show to watch is "All in the Family" about a conservative father whose son-in-law is a liberal. They fight all the time over issues.


You're just repeating your already debunked talking point. Democrats had more racial diversity from the 1930s-1950s than the Republicans too, when the Democrats were still the party of Jim Crow. Simply being more "diverse" doesn't prove a party is less bigoted or its opponent is more bigoted. You have to look to actual bigotry, and even today there's vastly more documented bigotry by Democrats (of all colors) than Republicans. It stems from the Democrats' daily obsession with race, which conservatives don't share. The Republicans aren't and never have been the racist party. That can actually hurt Republicans with some ethnic groups because a lot of people like to be pandered to that way, but not everyone. Large numbers of every minority vote Republican. Some Hispanic subgroups, like Cubans, vote majority Republican because they know from experience the dangers of the socialist lies Democrats spew.

Hurd was an establishment RINO with a personal grudge against Trump and he's leaving because there's a decent chance he wouldn't have won his primary. Colonel Allen West, Sheriff David Clarke, and Doctor Ben Carson are far more relevant if you're looking for black Republican representatives, and they all disagree with Hurd. What's amazing is that the Democrats only have 2 black Senators to the GOP's 1 (Tim Scott), when 90%+ of blacks are Democrats.

Your demographic segment is hogwash. Trump didn't win by "70,000 votes". He won by 77 electoral college votes, a crushing margin. The "70k" talking point is a comforting if convoluted exercise in Democrat self-delusion. It hinges on a set of a "what if" assumptions that all fall Dems' way that would never happen in real life. It ignores where and how Trump won, namely blasting down the "blue wall" across the Midwest and killing Clinton by almost 10 points in Ohio, one of the most important battleground states that's moving closer to solidly Republican.


Trump won in part because Obama’s 8 year economic stagnation (the worst “recovery” in US history) made people desperate for a breath of fresh air. Now Trump has reversed the Obama decline and has America back on the right track with a strong economic recovery.

If Republicans were just “older white” people then they wouldn’t control the White House, the Senate, and most governor seats and state legislatures. Your claim that Democrats have the majority of almost every group shows your lack of logical training. Anyone can define whatever “groups” one wants to imagine. Some you left out of your list that are majority Republican are men, surgeons, the American Middle Class, military personnel, law enforcement, regular worship service attendees (and not just Christians, but the seriously religious segments of every group but Muslims, including Orthodox Jews), farmers, small business owners, oil workers, and countless others.

Not only do your comments underscore your racial fixation, but your dismissal of “older white” people as those who are “dying off” and therefore helping your quest for power is bigoted and disgusting. That shows a deep inhumanity on your part, something the American middle recognizes and recoils from. Your claims about “young” people being more liberal shows ignorance of the fact that the younger, less experienced generation has almost always been more left wing, and tends to grow more conservative as it gets older and smarter.


To simplify, conservatives want to keep the status quo while liberals and progressives want to change it.

Oversimply is more like it. You’re conflating different definitions. We’re discussing “conservative” and “liberal” as they’re used in modern American discourse, referring to two broad ideological tents. Are Republicans fighting for the “status quo” when they push to reform social security or other mid 20th Century government programs whose anachronistic forms Democrats defend tooth and nail? Both parties have things they want to change, but the GOP has been the bigger reformer party in recent decades. Where the political terms do tie in to a simpler dictionary definition is the big picture. One side wants to wipe away American founding principles and traditional values while the other side wants to "conserve" them, even if that means conservatives are pushing innovative policy reforms to do so.
Your definition of liberals is wrong. Liberals are humanists and believe in equality which is why a diversified group is attracted to the Democratic party.

LOL! What self-serving hogwash. Is that why blacks went Democrat in the 1930s (Jews even earlier)? Because the Jim Crow era, pro-segregation Democrats were “humanists” and believed “in equality”? Your argument has been debunked. You’re wrong.

“Liberal” used to describe people who support individual liberty and limited government (basically what we now call “conservative”). In the early 20th Century US socialists coopted the term “liberal” so real liberals started calling themselves “libertarians”, “conservatives”, or “classical liberals”. In most of the world “liberal” retains its old meaning, basically the opposite of modern US liberalism. Europeans called Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher “neoliberals”.


The liberals of 1860, the Republican party, were diversified and there are similarities with the liberal party (Democrats) of today.

Wrong. Conservative Republicans still oppose slavery, genius. And they’ve always opposed racial discrimination too. Democrats are the more discriminatory party (affirmative action, racial double standards, attacking people for their skin color, using “white” as a knee jerk epithet, attacking black and Hispanic conservatives as “race traitors”, falsely accusing innocent people of “racism”, etc.).
No matter the party, segregationist/pro-slavery were mainly in the South even though there are plenty of bigots in other states too

You’re also an anti-Southern bigot, assuming they must be “racist” simply because….hey, it’s the south, right?

It’s undeniable that Republican strength in the South has always been inversely proportional to the importance of race as an issue. The South is the least bigoted region of 21st Century America, which is why almost all of the race riots the past half century have been in the Northeast or West Coast. So it’s unsurprising that the GOP dominates the South. Democrats only dominated the region in earlier generations when race was a huge issue there.

The Northeast was actually conservative for centuries. New England “conservatism” was still a commonly used phrase into the early 20th Century. It grew rich following libertarian principles and didn’t start going leftist until around the 1970s. It was also the most religious region of the country for most of US history. Remember it was the home of the Puritans. In the 1800s Southerners would sometimes mock New Englanders for being stuffy religious types. Then around the turn of the Century there was a huge Great Awakening in the South that happened to coincide with the start of a secular trend in New England. The South was left as the “Bible Belt” by default.


There was no party swap. Some regions swapped ideologies, while others stayed the same (GOP- the Central Plains, Mountain West; Dems – New York).

Your livescience blog by some chick named Natalie is stupid and wrong. Both she and you are equating apples and oranges. The Republicans weren’t pushing for a government mandated minimum wage in 1860 (they easily could have passed it if they wanted to since they ruled supreme after the war, but didn’t). Republicans supported the Homestead Act, which was a form of privatization, to encourage westward expansion and exploitation of the continent’s resources. And even Natalie accidentally admits that Democrats were attacking them as the party of “business” in the late 1800s just as I said.

Neither you or she addresses any of the salient facts I posted about Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, etc. destroying your position.

PS – All in the Family was lame liberal propaganda, smearing their opponents as dumb racists. That you’d actually cite it as a useful guide in shaping one’s worldview is telling and hilarious.


Your repeating a lie doesn't change it into a truth re: the Party swap.

Don't be surprised when the blue wave hits in 2020 and Trump loses. The Senate will become blue also in either 2020 or 2022.

"Large numbers of every minority vote Republican."
Not the majority except Cubans which is changing with the younger generation who prefer Democrats.

Socialism and communism are not the same thing.

A Democrat will win Hurd's seat.

You're spewing Fox talking points. Total nonsense! Economic recovery began in 2008. Trump's GDP is now only 2.1, the stock market is flat for over a year and wages are stagnant. Everyone is talking impending recession no matter how much a drunken economic advisor Larry Kudlow denies it.

Take it up with Pew Research:

"The most common age among whites in U.S. is 58 – more than double that of racial and ethnic minorities"

Republicans are all talk. They say they want to change things and do nothing. Zip on SS, ACA, gun control. They try to destroy social programs in order for rich people to have more tax cuts though.

I said liberals were humanists - not Democrats - who were the conservative party until the 1930s.

Libertarians are in the Republican camp like Rand Paul, Goldwater, Gary Johnson, Milton Friedman.

White Southerners tried to destroy the U.S. with their secession. Their support of Confederate Generals and flag is anti-American and treasonish. Lynchings and Jim Crow - vile.

"they must be “racist” simply because….hey, it’s the south, right?"
Pres. Jimmy Carter is great! Ditto Billy Ray Cyrus, Senator Doug Jones

All in the Family is an accurate reflection of the 1970s. Queens, N.Y. was notorious for its racism and conservatism. BTW, Trump is from Queens and his father belonged to the KKK.


You must be talking about the multiple white riots throughout the country which created sunset towns.

"As many 300 black people were killed and 10,000 left homeless after whites attacked and destroyed the Greenwood district of Tulsa, known as "Black Wall Street"."

"Ocoee's black community was burned to the ground and nearly all of its 500 residents killed or expelled by whites after black men killed two whites in self defense. At least 56 blacks were killed during the massacre."

"The East St. Louis riots or East St. Louis massacres, of late May and July 1–3, 1917, were an outbreak of labor- and race-related violence by whites that caused the death of 40–250 black people and about $400,000 (over $8 million, in 2017 US dollars) in property damage. An estimated 6,000 black people were left homeless."

"The Red Summer...By the time the riot ended, 23 blacks and 15 whites were dead, 537 injured, and 1,000 black families were left homeless. The Chicago riot was part of a national racial frenzy of clashes, massacres, and lynchings throughout the North and the South. All of the incidents were initiated by whites."

Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism


"Neither you or she addresses any of the salient facts I posted about Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, etc. destroying your position. "

Nah. It's just boring.

The Republican Party knew how important reaching out to nonwhites was for its survival a few years ago. Trump's repeated attacks on the Hispanic community has destroyed their past efforts.

I may be socially liberal, but I'm fiscally conservative and was thinking about supporting some Republican candidates. After Trump's bigotry and cruelty and the Republican politicians complacency and cowardice that will NEVER happen. Republican strategist Rick Wilson is right when he talks about how Trump and the Republicans have lost supporters for generations to come.

You need to get out of your echo chamber and learn about what's really going on. I purposely expose myself to information from different political parties. Not the mindless propaganda that you're repeating. How it's possible for you to look at a Trump rally with little diversity and think there is diversity shows how brainwashed you are. Nobody is going to support a party in which its politicians attack them. Today, Trump just attacked Jews.




Your repeating a lie doesn't change it into a truth re: the Party swap.

You're the one lying about the parties swapping ideologies in the 1930s. I just debunked your lie. You didn't even try to address the facts I posted that blow apart your ignorant timeline, like Woodrow Wilson being a liberal/progressive icon (and racial bigot), the 1908 GOP platform criticizing Democrats from the right for "socialism" while Dems were attacking Republicans as the party of "business" (sound familiar?). Calvin freaking Coolidge of the 1920s is a conservative icon (and anti-lynching crusader).

Like on economics, you have no idea what you're talking about. While you're spamming links to (mostly off topic) books by disgruntled has-beens with personal vendettas trying to make a quick buck, I provided a quality academic study that used objective vote counts to determine that segregationist Democrats were in lock step with other Democrats on the liberal agenda. No party swap.

So why didn't you at least try to engage and at worst maybe learn something? You do answer that...
Nah. It's just boring.

I accept your surrender.
Don't be surprised when the blue wave hits in 2020 and Trump loses.

You mean like you were surprised in 2016, lol? The "blue wave" didn't hit last year, as GOP Senate gains show. For America's sake I hope you're wrong again. We'll see.


Economic recovery began in 2008. Trump's GDP is now only 2.1

LOL! Is that your final answer? You can't even cite the DNC talking point correctly, unless you're trying to credit Bush, who was president in 2008. No, the Obama stagnation began in 2009 and ended with Trump facilitating a strong economy by undoing much of Obama’s damage. I've already schooled you on this on multiple threads. You don't even know what that GDP figure means.
Take it up with Pew Research:"The most common age among whites in U.S. is 58

Does Pew express glee over the fantasy of whites “dying off”, assuming that will enhance their political power, as you did?
White Southerners tried to destroy the U.S. with their secession. Their support of Confederate Generals and flag is anti-American and treasonish. Lynchings and Jim Crow - vile.

Most Americans across the political/racial spectrum oppose tearing down Confederate statues.

And no, you don’t have to support the Confederate cause to see how specious it is to equate Robert E. Lee remaining loyal to his home state (patriotic), even reluctantly turning down Lincoln’s offer to lead the union army, and a traitor like Benedict Arnold who sold out his homeland to a foreign enemy for personal gain. If you can’t your moral compass is broken. Southerners form the backbone of the US military. They’re among the most patriotic people in the country and they’re disproportionately responsible for defending your freedom.

Plus the left is inherently anti-American anyway, so your crocodile tears are laughable.

Lynchings and Jim Crow were imposed by Democrats, not modern Southerners. It’s bigoted of you to blame innocent people for what past generations did just because they occupy nearby real estate. But then liberal Democrat bigotry is something that has remained constant.


I said liberals were humanists - not Democrats - who were the conservative party until the 1930s.

And I proved your ignorance. Do you not even know who Woodrow Wilson and President Coolidge are? How about William Jennings Bryan? Nah, study is “boring” to you.
All in the Family is an accurate reflection of the 1970s. Queens, N.Y. was notorious for its racism and conservatism. BTW, Trump is from Queens and his father belonged to the KKK.

All in the Family was a cheesy sitcom written by a leftist hack. Queens is a liberal Democrat stronghold. And you’re lying again about Trump and his father. What else is new?
You must be talking about the multiple white riots throughout the country which created sunset towns…. July 1–3, 1917

Actually I explicitly said the last half century, and your examples are from outside of the South anyway, showing that you suck at both reading comprehension and math.
You need to get out of your echo chamber and learn about what's really going on. I purposely expose myself to information from different political parties.

No, you consume sources that agree with you and are too cowardly to truly engage with those who don’t, basically the opposite of me. You’re the echo chamber dweller. It’s not even realistic for a conservative to live in an echo chamber due to overwhelming liberal media bias like that which has warped your worldview.
Today, Trump just attacked Jews.

Wrong. He’s been defending Jews and Israel from Democrats’ increasing anti-Semitism.

It must suck to be you, getting up every morning and preparing to lie, while only having a dim understanding at best of the surrounding world.


Actually, I knew Trump had a very good chance of winning in 2016 and I wasn't surprised. Now, he has a very good chance of losing in 2020. Senate will flip in 2020 or 2022.

The strategist's book written before the 2018 midterms predicted a blue wave of 40 congressional seats. He was right! Countrywide districts turned blue also. Red districts in my state became blue for the first time too.

Bull market began March 9,2009 with Obama

Economic recovery began in June 2009 with Obama.
"Employers Added 190,000 Jobs a Month From March 2010 Through December 2017"

"Trump Is Falling Almost 1 Million Jobs Short Vs. Obama"

"The underlying economy is weaker than perceived when you look at March quarter’s GDP numbers and railroad traffic taking a significant downward move over the past month. If the economy continues on this path it could enter a recession when few are forecasting one with one reliable indicator foreshadowing a downturn in the next 6 to 18 months. It could become a self-fulfilling prophecy as almost 70% of CFO’s are predicting a recession by the end of 2020. "

Nothing patriotic about secessionists trying to destroy the United States. Your Confederate "cause" was enslaving human beings. The south lost the war! Statues of losers for losers.


Jim Crow exists in my lifetime as do sundown towns. A white nationalist just murdered 22 people two weeks ago. Another white nationalist walked into a black church and killed nine black church members a few years ago. Yet another white nationalist walked into a Synagogue and killed 11 Jewish worshipers last year.

Here are your colleagues the night before one of them killed a young woman.

Brooklyn Eagle states otherwise re: Trump's bigoted father who was arrested fighting during a KKK rally against Catholics.

You don't know a damn thing about 1970s Queens.

Even Fox state news blared a headline comparing Trump to Nazis today. At least 80% of Jews will vote for the Democrat rather than anti-Semite Trump.


You're just spamming scattershot one liners from propagandists while ignoring everything I've posted debunking your claims. You're probably even lying about predicting Trump's win in 2016. About every leftist apart from Michael Moore assumed Clinton would win. We've already established that you know nothing about economics. You don't even know what the business cycle is or what "GDP" means.

At least you stopped claiming Obama's recovery started in "2008", lol. Obama had the worst recovery in history because he spent his presidency stomping on it.

Educating you on the difference between Obama's fed dumping money into the stock market (even as median income declined) and stocks having a record surge under Trump late in the business cycle (suddenly...after even the Dow had been stagnant for years and the overall economy was tanking under Obama) despite the fed tightening policy, would require weeks and possibly some electroshock therapy to keep your attention.

The rest of your blather was too deranged and stupid to merit a response, though I'll reply to this:

Brooklyn Eagle states otherwise re: Trump's bigoted father who was arrested fighting during a KKK rally against Catholics.

Even leftist Snopes doused water on this. That article doesn't mention why he was arrested or what he was doing. If that brief mention is all the evidence you've got then you're lying by asserting that "he was in the KKK". If he had been there would be more than that. Not that it matters, since only a prejudiced moron would blame Trump for what his father allegedly did anyway.

You really are a loser.


I knew there were stupid people in the country - like yourself - who would easily be fooled by Trump's con. I was right.

Republican elite leaders have begun to turn against Trump. That and the recession, Trump's mental issues and formerly complacent voters who won't stay home this time will doom Trump in 2020.

You stupidly were bragging about how great the stock market was two days ago. Obviously, I know more about economics/markets than you do unless you believe a 2.5 - 3% drop is a good thing.

Dailywire? You're Obama economic lie is biased and based on an extreme right site created by Ben Shapiro. What a dupe, you are!

"Overall, we rate The Daily Wire as a far right biased news source based on story selection that always favors the right and that is Mixed for factual reporting due to a few failed fact checks."

The apple doesn't grow far from the tree.

Snopes has been wrong before especially when their information is incomplete like it is with Fred Trump.

Fred Trump's arrest in Brooklyn Eagle and his address listed.

June 2, 1927, Long Island Daily Press states all the men arrested were wearing KKK robes:*

Fred and Donald Trump were discriminating against Black and Hispanic renters so nobody is surprised. Donald called them "very fine people". Do you call them brethren?


You're Obama economic lie is biased and based on an extreme right site created by Ben Shapiro.

Actually those are publicly verifiable facts. I just posted the source because it conveniently gathered so many into one place. You lack the mental acuity and knowledge base to address the substance, so instead you try to hide behind some low rent leftist blog saying the site is "biased". Sure, moron. Unlike most of your sources it's open about its bias. It also often posts cogent, fact based arguments like it did here.

You're the liar.
You stupidly were bragging about how great the stock market was two days ago. Obviously, I know more about economics/markets than you do unless you believe a 2.5 - 3% drop is a good thing.

We've established that you know even less about economics than you do about history (which is nothing), and I didn't say anything about the stock market except to observe the record setting, positive long term trend after Trump's election. In another thread I even called obsessing over day to day fluctuations "myopic".
Fred and Donald Trump were discriminating against Black and Hispanic renters so nobody is surprised. Donald called them "very fine people".

Trump never said that and the "discrimination" suit, which was really against Fred (who was in charge), was frivolous, driven by activists, and was basically dropped in a settlement with no money because too many witnesses contradicted the plaintiffs.

On the KKK march, your own source says, "While the Times report noted that the charges against Fred Trump were dropped, and it is unclear whether he was a participant or a bystander". If he was in the KKK there would be more evidence than that, and it wouldn't have been Donald Trump's fault anyway. All he's done is condemn people like the Klan and David Duke over the decades.

You're a serial liar with a low IQ.


"Actually those are publicly verifiable."

Credible link?

"Dow plunges more than 600 on worsening US-China trade brawl"
aka: Trump's Tariff War.

"Trump has made over 10,000 false or misleading claims, according to report"

Of course, you would believe a pathological liar! A racist like yourself would believe racial discrimination is frivolous. The settlement included many multiple changes that both Trumps had to follow in order to rectify the situation which is listed in a 31-page consent order. Evidence against them including their own employees who admitted not being allowed to rent to blacks as well as undercover black and white testers who were sent to rent an apartment. Trump discriminated against the black testers.

You can't read. The KKK report is in several newspapers which is excellent and irrefutable evidence. All persons arrested were wearing KKK robes which confirms Fred was a KKK member. His Queens home address is printed which matches his census address.
You don't do real estate deals in NYC without having plenty of political connections and leverage. It just means Fred pulled strings.

These are who Trump called "very fine people".

Your blind loyalty to a sociopath and narcissist is chilling. You lost all ability to analyze a situation objectively. It's sad that you care more about a lying politician than your own country and democracy. Republican elites know he's mentally ill and have begun to turn against him. You need to put down the orange Kool-Aid and open your eyes and your mind to the truth. Multiple people who actually know him or allies who work closely with him say he is crazy.


The settlement included many multiple changes that both Trumps had to follow in order to rectify the situation which is listed in a 31-page consent order.

Nah, it was symbolic. They just said they'd advertise more to minorities. Even big money settlements aren't an admission of guilt, and this one saw no money change hands, which shows how weak the case was. It was essentially a dropped suit.

You haven't posted anything that says Fred Trump or "everyone" arrested was wearing a KKK outfit, and you have no other evidence even potentially placing him in proximity to the KKK, let alone Donald who's done nothing but condemn the KKK and racial bigots over the years (he was clear about whom he called "fine people", and it wasn't them).

You certainly have no basis for calling me a "racist". With every post you reveal yourself to be even more of a lying, stupid joke. Oh and make sure you post a story next time the Dow goes up hundreds of points, lol, you deranged partisan freak.


You worship the flawed Trump as your god who can do no wrong. Trump ordered his brainwashed - like you - to not believe what you see or hear. Obviously, you need to be deprogrammed!

A consent order with 31-pages of instructions directing the Trumps to follow in order to end discrimination in their buildings is anything but "symbolic" especially when it's under threat of charges being refilled if they didn't comply.

Multiple newspapers stating Fred Trump was in the KKK is good enough for anyone not brainwashed.

More obvious anti-Semitism coming from Trump earlier this week with his "disloyal" comment. Typical for an idiot president who believes people shouting "Jews will not replace us!" are "very fine people".


See? Your latest post is even more deranged. I don't worship any mortal human as a "god". That's a leftist thing. I do take exception to lying halfwit bottom feeders like you regurgitating the partisan propaganda they're fed though (and even garbling that). The "consent order" itself emphasizes that there's no admission or finding of guilt (I think I already educated you about this on another thread). I haven't seen any newspaper claim Trump's father was in the KKK. That's loonytoonsville. And Trump is defending Jews, including his own daughter and son in law, along with the nation of Israel, from the growing anti-Semitism in the Democratic party and NY Times.

Everyone knows Omar and her comrades are the anti-Semites. You're spinning your wheels.


Your rant proves that you worship Trump as a god! Good news since he believes he's one, also. At least the both of you are on the same page.


See? Spinning your wheels so hard with that lame BS you're digging a trench. Love the exclamation mark too. It captures your air of desperation.


What's the Yin to his Yang?


I'll vote for him when he gets his head out of his ass and actually does his homework on socialism and its history. Otherwise, I don't vote for idiots with their heads in the clouds.
