MovieChat Forums > Politics > NY Medical Examiner: Epstein's death was...

NY Medical Examiner: Epstein's death was 'suicide by hanging'

The NY Medical Examiner released the official report on Epstein today, and concluded the official cause of death was 'suicide by hanging'. Dr. Barbara Sampson said her ruling came following a "careful review of all investigative information, including complete autopsy findings."


The conspiracy theories were fun though.


Ha, ha..."If you knew theorists, like I knew theorists." Sounds like an old song from the 40s.


I'm sure there will be more.

I'm sure T-rumpTV hosts Sean Hannity, Pirro, Tucker - they will all be saying the Medical Examiner is in on the 'conspiracy' ! Wait and see...


you must be happy eh?! it all gets put to bed and none of your friends get investigated.


T-rump, Barr and Acosta are not my friends. Each should be investigated- don’t you agree?


change the subject because you don't want pedophiles to be investigated, tell me something paesano, you're getting close to the 10000 post mark, have you ever posted something that doesn't have "t-rump" in it? legit question...


I do want pedophiles investigated: T-rump, Acosta and Barr are a good place to start. Don’t you agree?


i'd prefer to start with someone who went to lolita island "27 times" instead of "throw enough shit and some will stick" rumours.

but that would affect the democrat brand right? another liberal complict in pedophilia. i hope you don't have kids!!


I want to start with someone who called Epstein a “ real terrific guy who likes beautiful women as much as I do though on the younger side”. The same guy who walked in on naked young girls in their dressing rooms at the Miss Teen pageant. The same guy accused of raping a 13 year old girl. The same guy who supports fellow pedophile Roy Moore.

You guessed right: T-rump!


hahahahahahahahahahaha i love how your obsessed with him, and how you're so angry and deranged that no matter what was the theme of the day, you'd say "but trump"

i really really hope you're still around here next year!


You don't think the current leader of America should take precedence over all others? Seriously?

You're so unpatriotic. You really hate America, and all that it once stood for, before T-rump killed it.


what about barry giving billions to people who chant "death to america" ??

what about barry passing laws that make it legal for the government to detain you without due process?

what about the debt he got us into? are you complaining about that?

and theres a million more things that i can't be bothered writing, if thats what america stood for, then no thanks, cucks like you love things like that


More 'what aboutisms' from the T-rumptards?

Barry isn't president, Drumpf is. And T-rump's as unpatriotic and un-American as you are.


I don't see how it could've been anything else. The guy tried to kill himself and was put on suicide watch.

I think some people were thinking in their heads that if he killed himself then that would mean there was no conspiracy. But if you had a guy that already tried to off himself, and you wanted him dead, the easiest way to do it would be to get out of his way. There's plenty room for conspiracy here. But murder by choking shouldn't have been the go to.
