MovieChat Forums > Painekiller > Replies
Painekiller's Replies
[quote]You're lost, buddy. You really are. You think everything "right" is right, and everything left is wrong.[[/quote]
I don't do absolutes but preponderantly the left has gone full bore fascism, this much we all know.
You simply revel in having the mob affirmation to hide gutlessly behind as your antifa brown shirts relive days of the Reich long gone, but not forgotten.
I do as well, but as a grievance-addicted demographic they have to create new outrages to joust at after dispensing with all the old bogeymen.
Turns out they're genius at monsters from the Id.
[quote]I'm glad to see you're finally showing some gratitude and humility when confronted with empirical truth. [/quote]
There can be some "empirical truth" in a user-edited wiki, but the odds it survives a full-on editorial slant is minimal, as the citation I provided unambiguously proved.
Alas the left largely owns the online encyclopedia idiom so it's merely a choice-free genuflection to their monolithic control to deploy it.
I bet you call yourself anti-life, yes?
[quote]Of course Newsweek is "fake news." All news is fake, unless it's right-wing. [/quote]
Perplexingly (to me as well) this has now become a basic truth tpday.
I frankly don't think that bodes well for the future, but mainly because it is possible at some point the right will tire of the hateful attacks, stoop to adopt your fascistic tendencies and overtly lie as easily the left does.
I'll be watching for that - pendulum swings can be brutal.
Of course I'll pray that the swinging will be in public hangings of the treasonous left first, after all one must have some upside before the overcorrection.
"Disreputable rag"?
Heh, I didn't cite Newsweek in this one...
Pleased to know my scholarship has grated on you though, lol...
She's of the serpent race, any depravity and evil is OK.
[quote]So you want the wall to be deadly, that fits in with your bloodlusting persona you've chosen for this pathetic piece of shit trolling account.[/quote]
A wall in and of itself can't be deadly without machine gun towers, which would be a wonderful disincentive to the illegal hordes invading America.
You do realize that 1,000 illegals just waltzed into El Paso, TX. with no impediment, yes?
Why do YOU want our nation to FAIL?
Who paid you off for your inexplicable treason?
[quote]That's not Trumps wall and it hasn't even been started according to US Customs and Border Protection.Anything that has been built is basically just replacement of old wall, which was authorized under the Obama Administration. "
Authorized but as per the Trojan Horse's agenda unfinished.
Still it worked - bravo!
[quote]just a few days ago, a Federal Judge blocked him from using Defense Department funds to build it.[/quote]
9th District treason aside, it WILL be built, oh yes it will!
[quote].I also can't wait for the "we told you so" moment the day a democrat wins with a lesser popular vote.[/quote]
That's that sleazy dog in the manger anti-American libitardia for you, always about payback, never what's good for the republic.
[quote]But you non sequitured to whether it had an impact on the election. Having an impact on an election should not be the determining factor on whether the recipient should go to jail or not. [/quote]
Because committing a crime doesn't mean you need to be prosecuted with actual "evidence" of said, lol!
2018 byline has been erased by Mueller's copious "non-findings", and frankly Newsweek is well known as "fake news":
This looks like the beginning of the end for Newsweek. The only thing that has sustained them this long has been their once powerful brand. It certainly hasn’t been their content.
Their entire business model has centered around publishing the most retarded click-bait garbage imaginable.
Mark Dice did a video covering just a small portion of the fake news that Newsweek has published. They’re an embarrassment to journalism.
Newsweek's political editor, Matthew Cooper, looked as though he'd had a rough month when he appeared on the Tucker Carlson show last night to discuss the "Madam President" debacle. While the printing and distribution of the erroneous "commemorative edition" magazine was embarrassing enough, Cooper also revealed that no one at Newsweek wrote the Hillary article or even bothered to proofread it before it was shipped off to stores around the country.
[quote]Zerohedge is an investment blog. The only "journalism" they do (if you can call it that) is related to investments. [/quote]
Investors Business Daily, The Wall St. Journal and CNBC are also primarily investment sites - but it does not preclude their offering non-investment journalism.
But it seems you need a bit more educating, so:
Zero Hedge or ZeroHedge[b] is described as a "markets-focused" blog,[4] that presents both in-house analysis, and analysis from investment banks, hedge funds, and other investment writers and analysts. Zero Hedge, per its motto,[a] is bearish in its investment outlook and analysis, often deriving from its adherence to the Austrian School of economics and credit cycles.[5] While often labeled as a financial permabear,[6][7] Zero Hedge is also seen as a source of "cutting-edge news, rumors and gossip about the financial industry".[8] Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial analysis,[c] where its editorial has been labelled by The New Yorker as being associated with the alt-right...
Iow he has an MO here, hardly a shocker...
Given he had NOTHING to do with them or any of their alleged electoral machinations you have your answer, now don't you dearie?
[quote]Sheldon Adelson is the defender of all that is righteous and holy because he donates to repubs.[/quote]
Maybe not "all", but certainly a lot!