Painekiller's Replies

[quote]I'm not here to post links[/quote] Obviously so! That would be far beyond your partisan capacities and wan intellect. [quote]I completely support Trump not serving any time for Russia helping him to win the election.[/quote] Given they had no appreciable impact on the election that's a good thing. [quote]you're not doing yourself any favors with your zerohedge tee-shirt on. [/quote] And you're not providing one factual data point in your endless animus against them, imagine that! [quote]Murdoch doesn't care about ideology. Murdoch cares about making money. If he can monetize the alt-right then he will do so.[/quote] If Murdock Sr, had not cared about ideology he would never have chosen to promote conservatism as it plainly is not the cash cow that libitardia is. His younger son however, for shame! [url][/url] James Murdoch, the son of media mogul and Fox News founder Rupert Murdoch, made the maximum possible donation to Democrat Pete Buttigeig‘s 2020 presidential campaign. Despite his last name, James Murdoch is known as the more liberal of Rupert’s sons. His older and more conservative brother Lachlan took the reins this year of Fox News parent Fox Corporation — the new company left behind after the family’s sale of 21st Century Fox to Disney. James, meanwhile, left the media business in order to manage the family’s growing fortune. [quote]I don't know why you're acting so hostile when all I'm trying to do is advise you not to advertise what a titanic tool you are by citing an alt-reality site like zerohedge. It's important for you to know you got duped.[/quote] Something that you haven't the slightest capacity to prove, ergo your reliance on the trite "shoot the messenger" demonization. Do you have even the slightest conception of how impotent and factually bereft you appear with this facile display of fact-free ad hom? [quote]Fox News is now a full-on haven for the alt-right[/quote] Don't we wish that were so, alas the Murdoch sons are apparently somewhat liberal, a tragedy in the making. Do you have a favorite you'd like to see? [quote]If they exonerated Trump then you wouldn't be here. You are here because Mueller did the opposite. [/quote] Since they did your thesis is rejected. NO Russian collusion or conspiracy was found. Cope. [quote]You didn't cite any sources.[/quote] You didn't bring any "sources". [quote]I've never made a post about Satan or Satan being my master. Trumpers have posted on here either calling Trump their lord or having been elected by god.[/quote] No need to cite your lord Satan his work in you is evident. I do know another one of your traitors George Soros believes he is "God". [quote]Just think how often you call a person a traitor. The FBI has the balls to gather evidence first.[/quote] Before grudgingly exonerating Trump of any Russian collusion. Heh. [quote]Its emblematic of the deep state to watch people who engage in treasonous activity?[/quote] Are you on their watch list? [quote]They will just believe it automatically because he is their god.[/quote] Does your master Satan command you to speak in lies? [quote]People that are willing to look at the dossier and fact-check it. [/quote] If I write a paid partisan hack dossier chronicling your multiple dog poisonings will you fact check it? If I get enough "facts" half right will you run with it? If the ones that are wrong are supremely outlandish will you rationalize them? etc. [quote]Imagine how excited you guys would be if he really won the election without Russia's interference? [/quote] No imagination needed. ;-) "Planned Parenthood" supposedly was a "progressive" concept in those days. Pre-pill, etc... [quote]Page should be allowed to consort with Russian spies all he wants[/quote] Of course it is proved he has not, so there's that. In fact he worked WITH the FBI to catch them: [url][/url] Department of Justice court records from 2015 have provided details about how Carter Page cooperated with FBI agents in exposing Russian spies working inside the United States. The information above formed a part of the DOJ and FBI's basis for charging Sporyshev and Podobnyy with conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act, as the rest of Monaghan's sealed complaint goes on to detail. [quote]You truly are the king of non sequiturial distractions in every conversation you have.[/quote] This "needs to be watched" is wholly emblematic of the deep state id- it seems your allegiance to your previously lauded "shadow government" is monolithic. Now I don't mind illustrating that for readership, but I frankly find your condescending attitude as appalling as any retail politician's. As for Shillary - send her a box of hammers, she knows how to use them.