MovieChat Forums > Painekiller > Replies
Painekiller's Replies
[quote]Hunter Biden entrapped himself when he laundered money for corrupt Ukrainians and Russian oligarchs. [/quote]
FIFY again, lol...
In the last days of the Obama administration, Vice President Joe Biden took a "swan song" trip to Ukraine, a notoriously corrupt country where he had been the administration's "point person." On the eve of this trip, the country announced it would end a criminal investigation into a company connected to the loss of $1.8 billion in aid funding — a company whose board of directors included Biden's son Hunter.
The Biden family's dealings with this Ukrainian company involved getting one of the country's most notorious mob bankers, Ihor Kolomoisky, off the U.S. government visa ban list. Under Biden's leadership, $3 billion in aid went to Ukraine, and his son's company was implicated in the disappearance of $1.8 billion of that money.
[quote]Ahh yes. Comey the guy Trump praised for investigating Hillary but then fired him when he found out Comey would not go...[/quote]
"indict" is the word you're stumbling for...
We have been aware for some time that Hillary broke the law when she went to extremes to keep her State Department emails secret from the public, flagrantly mishandling classified information, defiantly destroying subpoenaed evidence, and violating the Espionage Act. But we also knew that there would likely be no legal consequences, because her fellow Democrats control the “Justice” Department. That is the kind of country we are letting this become. Sure enough:
FBI Director James B. Comey said Tuesday that his agency will not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server as secretary of state, but called Clinton and her staff “extremely careless” in handling sensitive material.
If the scolding was meant to salvage Comey’s reputation for integrity, it is likely to fall short. Comey takes his orders from Loretta Lynch, who last week got caught evidently negotiating with Bill Clinton on a tarmac in Phoenix on behalf of her own boss, Barack Obama. Shrillary appears to have agreed to Obama’s terms. Don’t be surprised if Sasha and Malia are tapped to fill Supreme Court vacancies.
The case will now be officially spiked by the Injustice Department.
Cynicism corrodes liberty. If we accept this as the way things are done now, we can look forward to an unbroken line of lawless rulers as insolently corrupt as the Clintons stretching into the murk of an unpromising future.
All Russkies are "villains" so to speak...;-)
But you get defector cred on that one.
Sean Connery - Captain Marko Aleksandrovich Ramius, Commanding Officer of Red October.
Oh I dunno...some songs are so annoying they fairly beg for hatred - like:
Baby - Justin Bieber
Who Let the Dogs Out - Baha Men
Stupid Hoe - Nicki Minaj
The Gummy Bear Song - Gummibear
[quote]Exactly what we deal with on this board every day.[/quote]
So why'd [i]you[/i] put it "on this board" then?
[quote]Ahh so now Net Neutrality is a handout to leftists.[/quote]
Don't leftists always want "free" stuff?
Cord cutting, socialism, guaranteed income, it really never stops with you statist slackers, does it?
Trading seemingly loaded demonizations in lieu of facts again - typical treasonous leftard vermin!
Take a seat in Comey's cell for a spell.
Because who doesn't support jackboot gubmint thugs setting up property confiscation entrapments, eh?
Wither Carter Page, eh?
Some joi in that I presume...;-(
[quote]Once again:[/quote]
Because your mind isn't a terrible thing to waste, but it'd be a shame not to try and fix it.
[quote]They call you a traitor for not watching an opinion piece on Youtube.[/quote]
No...I called you a traitor for defending the "shadow government".
Stop the incessant lying, traitorous scum.
[quote]Just please don't reproduce.[/quote]
A most in-keeping Proggie tradition since the 1930s!
Like your factual defense of our need for a "shadow government"?
Oh my - did you find a Constitutional citation to support that yet, traitor?
[quote]Lulz. If you want to be taken seriously I have a suggestion for you:[/quote]
Being taken "seriously" presumes you have the slightest capacity for such mental rigor - clearly a non-falsifiable premise in your instance.
[quote]Barr should be working for America as America's Attorney General - not as a private lawyer for T-rump.[/quote]
He, as does any AG,(even tarmac clown Lowrenta) serves at the whim of the President, cope.