agentalbert's Replies

I found it very disappointing. Given how highly I think of Justin Benson and Aaron Moorehead from Spring, The Endless and Resolution. I guess they just felt like knocking off something entirely different, and that's okay. But I was hoping for much more from them. I agree this was by far the best segment here. The only one worth a damn, imo. I like stories that hint at a larger mythology without really explaining too much. They just show enough to give you a sense of the bizarro world, but not too much. What if Lina Romay wore a mask during said analingus? Are there any pictures of Dyanne Thorne before breast implants? Haven't you noticed a pattern with all the live action Disney remakes lately? There is no such thing as a woman who is just evil. They all have to have been hurt by someone (usually a man) in the past. Charlize Theron's evil queen in the updated Snow White movies. Angelina Jolie's character in Maleficent. I think they even did something similar with the Cinderella wicked stepmother where she is bitter because of some man who wronger her. So I'm not surprised at all that they are trying to provide a backstory for Cruella. She was cute. Would have liked to see more of her crawling half naked before getting dusted. Though those scenes were so dark, it very well may not have even been the actress. Puritans always overstate nudity/sex in movies. I agree. The main actress was cute, but those awful implants just ruined her look and really took me out of it every time she got naked. Which is a shame, cause the women in prison getting naked is what these movies exist for. At least not everyone had a fake rack. And that's why its so hard to re-create the 70's exploitation vibe. The modern actresses you get for these things just look fake. Give me saggy, real, uneven boobs every time. They could have done more with this one. What if future Leah had a family that was going to be obliterated by what current Leah was about to do? Then what? Maybe future Leah was even trying to explain that but she was muted, so we don't know. You should try again. I thought this one had by far the most emotional impact. Whatever the opening line, this is NOT "The Vagina Monologues". This is the only episode that I'll likely remember in a month. Probably when Jay Baruchel plays Shaka Zulu. I was hoping for that too. They certainly seemed to act the parts like there was an attraction. I wonder if there was something else in the script that didn't get filmed or got cut. But as for sexiest blind woman - I'll call your Dunaway and raise you a Madeleine Stowe in "Blink". I would have liked them to have something more romantic/sexual and show it. They certainly had chemistry. But they just show them on the boat together at the end. She used to have an affair with his father. That's no reason she can't with him too, but I wish they would have shown something physical between the two of them. Would have helped spice up an otherwise dull movie. I don't see what makes this movie "sleazy" at all. It wasn't very good, but she was fine. If you think this was sleazy, what do you think of your sainted Ms. Dunaway regarding "Wicked Lady"? I'm with you. She's absolute tops for me. I LOVE the bad Bond girls. My favorite part is when Bond comes in on her in the shower, she asks him to give her something to wear and he hands her...a pair of high heels! I love the look on her face! Oh, and can you imagine how well it would be going over when there is this successful, wealthy non-black country in the middle of Africa with poor black Africans all around? Yeah, Wouldn't fly. And there is a reason Jews congregated to Israel. It wasn't like it was a random location. Nice! It's a shame she didn't show her body more, and that she used a body double in season 2. I thought she looks super sexy in S2 with her more pronounced curves. Would have really liked to see more of her figure. The obvious cutaway editing it just lame and takes me out of the show. Nah, what killed it was the procurers over and over saying "this isn't Battlestar Galactica. If you're looking for BSG, don't watch" and people didn't. So they didn't give it a chance, and didn't see how good it was, particularly by the end of the season. I wish it had been given at least one more season.