Episode "Jenny"

Fantastic performance by Contance Wu. Did she gain weight for this, or was there just some padding under the dress and other trickery? Not that I thought she looked bad at all, I thought she looked great. But I didn't know it was Constance Wu until I saw the credits.


Worst of all: Thankfully only 22 minutes but I only lasted 4 minutes and 44 seconds.
In that time I was treated to such gems as:
"Can you smell my vagina" - opening line by the way
"He's ejaculating inside of me constantly."
"Lopsided penis."
"I wanted his dad to sit on my face."

I am not a prude, but this dialogue is atrocious.
Solos is an epic fail by Amazon.


You should try again. I thought this one had by far the most emotional impact. Whatever the opening line, this is NOT "The Vagina Monologues". This is the only episode that I'll likely remember in a month.


The only one I enjoyed was "Stuart." Morgan Freeman was excellent, and I love Dan Stevens. Very touching story.


I really liked this one too. Definitely my favourite. It kind of felt like a Neil LaBlute story.
