MovieChat Forums > FluidEntertainme
FluidEntertainme (11)
Make sure you go. It's a sight to behold and you when you leave, you'll never be the same. At least I wasn't. I felt as though I was in the presence of magnificent artwork.
I'm going to see this today and I'll have my review up as well.
Mount Rushmore was spectacular.
I've done that so many times. Sometimes you have to especially if reading subtitles or something quick happens on the screen too fast for you mind to process what you saw. I also read anything within a video game or while watching a gamer gameplay walkthrough on YouTube.
I saw the poster and thought it interesting. What 's your rating? let me break down my reply in the simplest way possible for you. I'm not the one trashing the movie like they are. I just thought the plot was too simple. All the things that comedian said were dumb jokes anyway. She was really looking for something to joke about. I'm surprised that she even watched the movie because she doesn't look like the type that would be interested in the plot of The Shape of Water anyway.
It's possible the role Octavia Spencer played was created for another type of actress and I think it's great there is more diversity in Hollywood. That's why the character didn't act like a black person from the ghetto.
I applaud Guillermo de Tora even though I didn't like the movie that much at all. I felt the story was too simplistic. I wanted 3 Billboards Outside of Ebbing, Missouri or Phantom Thread to win for Best Picture.
Mission Impossible Fallout 7/10
Sleepy Hollow
True Detective
Ones already mentioned plus,
Ruthless People
The Berlin Syndrome
A Crooked Somebody was released 2018 and has Ed Harris in a supporting role. It's an okay movie if you like stories where the lead character gets himself caught up in his own web of lies because he's trying to manipulate his kidnapping situation as a way to further his career.
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