kuatorises's Posts

This effin guy Why is Laurel Hubbard a woman, but Zuby isn't? So if they are all Nicki Minaj, who sings about her vagina is offended by the name of a brand of alcohol Man to compete against woman in Olympic power lifting What a shit show of a show Why does Juneteenth bother some people soooo much? The Rule of the Sith didn't exist This has been popping up all over my social media Just WTF is going on with Naomi Osaka? Argument for reparations makes no sense whatsoever Lin-Manuel Miranda apologizes for not casting enouugh dark Latinos Why are "progressives" so all or nothing about this issue? The dude who hosts The Bachelor lot his job Was it true this wasn't the Old Man as a kid? Black actress (Issa Rae) cast to voice Spider Woman (a white character) Why is this franchise so insistent about redeeming awful people? Marlene actress matches character's race Demi Lovato asks fans to stop complimenting their weight loss