I will say I haven't seen it much here on our board her much - if at all - but whenever a Juneteenth story is posted on FB or Twitter, the responses are littered with people who clearly don't respect the holiday.
Why? It's a commemoration of the end of slavery, which was unquestionably a GOOD thing. There is literally nothing bad about paying respect to those who were victims of slavery and the fact that the government at the time ended it.
Yeah, I'm out on calling people racist based on disagreement. It's the single-most overused "argument" and arguably the biggest issue in our society right now. It's lazy and an ad hominem attack.
Well said. It's as if certain people conveniently forget that nearly all situations are riddled with nuance, and to pretend over and over that the ONLY conclusion is the other party is racist, it seems impossible to the point of insincere.
Show me a quote from Barack Obama, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris about the important of June 19th prior to 2020. Why didn't the Obama administration push to make that a holiday?
My problem with it is that it wasn't til the 1960s that Black people were given equal rights to whites and that if you know the events that happened after the Civil War with black people, there's not really much worth celebrating there. General Sherman had given property to the freed black slaves. But it was taken away from them when Andrew Johnson became president. Johnson didn't care at all about black people or giving them equal rights. He sent troops to force the freed blacks back to their former masters and all he did for them was tell their masters that their slaves had to be paid money for their work. But there wasn't much for the black people to buy since the people of the south made it illegal for them to own their own property or to buy weapons.
Sure the 13th Amendment that was passed just before Lincoln died got rid of slavery but it didn't really help the blacks become equal to the whites because the people in the south were all a bunch of bigots who hated the idea of teaching blacks to live on their own or how to read. And that bigotry was still around even when they passed the Civil Rights Act.
I guess if black people have to have their own holiday marking their freedom it should be July 2nd which is when the Civil Rights Act was passed and not something that really didn't do anything for the majority of black people.
In 1860, only 6% of all Southerners (white & black) owned slaves, while 94% didn’t. In 1830, African Louisiana native, Nicolas Metoyer and his family, owned 215-African slaves. 3,000-African slaves were owned by African households alone in New Orleans LA by 1860, white European slaves were also bought/sold at this time by both white and black owners in the U.S. American Indians also owned slaves of all races as well.
The Confederate Constitution was adopted on 11 March 1861, in Article 1, Section 9 (1) and (4), formally banning all overseas African slave trade & allowed for any individual Confederate state to abolish slavery within its borders which it was attempting to do when Lincoln invaded the South by force.
Black Confederate soldiers received equal pay, equal weapons, & were treated as equals fighting alongside their white counterparts. Black Yankee soldiers did not receive equal pay, did not receive equal weapons, and were segregated in Yankee military units.
"only 6% of all Southerners owned slaves, while 94% didn’t."
Why did Southerners seek to secede and destroy the United States as well as fight a civil war?
Your statistic makes zero sense!
Almost one-third of all Southern families owned slaves. In Mississippi and South Carolina it approached one half.
My accurate information makes more sense and explains the reason for Southerners fighting to keep slavery since so many whites were involved in it.
Damn I didnt know Andrew Johnson was so based. He should get a holiday. Is it too late to impeach Lincoln, and LBJ? The country has been tearing itself apart trying to deal with the black situation. It needs a final solution and a leader willing to separate the men from the children and trannies.
The only criticism I've heard that has some merit, is that the holiday actually hurts race relations in America.
I don't fully buy the argument that by focusing on the sins of the past we become a stronger nation. I think it can be more like tearing open a old wound. It can foster resentment from both races that has no living memory of slavery.
If dividing Americans is a definition of "harm" than your OP title "Why does Juneteenth bother some people soooo much?", answers your question.
Look it's new....so there is a adjustment period..for now it's seems to be a more a divisive holiday than a uniting one, maybe that will change in the future, maybe not.
"Interested in hearing how many shootings there will be."
"All media does is make people racist that weren’t before "
I count at least two people who posted monkey gifs.
"Thank god they past this holiday now all the innocent children won’t get killed in their neighborhoods "
Clear objection to it. And that's just one FB post from one station. This shit was all over social media. Stop pretending it doesn't have people who are against it.
Because it didn’t exist before last year. It’s like kwanza.
It won’t be used to celebrate people’s freedom and individual ability to choose what they do with their lives. It’ll be used to whine some more about atrocity that was ended by Republicans 150 years ago. An atrocity committed by no alive for 100 years. To no one alive for 100 years. And then the gas lighters in the Democrat media/party at ABCNNBCBS will talk about unicorns and systematic this and that that don’t exist and try to exploit blacks for more votes like they have for the last 100 years.
Democrats dividing the country by race and gender helps no one. Juneteenth is nothing more than another tool for them to express their obsessive hatred and divisive tactics.
"An atrocity committed by no alive for 100 years. To no one alive for 100 years."
And? It's not old, so what? This is irrelevant. Every holiday we celebrate is celebrating something from the past.
"It won’t be used to celebrate people’s freedom and individual ability to choose what they do with their lives. It’ll be used to whine some more about atrocity that was ended by Republicans 150 years ago."
Have you seen Juneteenth be used as an anti-white or Republican platform? I hate woke, racis hypocritical liberals, but has that happened? Juneteenth is about that
I posted ONE article and it's about REPUBLICAN OPPOSITION to Juneteenth, as are the quotes and link from Facebook I copy and pasted too. Leftwing trash, LOL! You illiterate moron.