AbrahamLinkedIn's Replies

I completely agree. Great match. She was great in this! He had some good moments. It would have been fun to see either Hudson or Jen Lopez in this role, but Anna Farris did do a great job. Yes, I don't think the link is working anymore unfortunately. The show was entertaining enough. A reboot would be nice though. I enjoyed the show. I am hoping somehow they bring it back for a new season! maybe, not totally seeing it though. Maybe try YouTube? I am not sure one exists, but it would be very spicy to see! haha! he was great in this. I think this was sort of the point of the show. Agreed, that makes sense. I thought she was pretty good. This was a classic moment! One that really stands out. agreed. sort of entertaining Looks like the site is still down. It would be cool however to find out what he is up to after all these years. At least Chris Rock did not get punched by Will Smith at this Oscar ceremony. Since he hosted twice, I wonder if he will host again. they could have made a great couple.